Bindplane is an observability pipeline.
Name | Url | |
jsirianni | | |
tbm48813 | |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
affinity | object | {"bindplane":{},"jobs":{},"nats":{},"prometheus":{},"transform_agent":{}} |
Configure the affinity for Bindplane, Bindplane NATS, Bindplane Jobs, and Bindplane Prometheus pods. |
affinity.bindplane | object | {} |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.affinity on the Bindplane deployment pods. | | object | {} |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.affinity on the Bindplane Jobs pod. |
affinity.nats | object | {} |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.affinity on the Bindplane NATS statefulset or deployment pods, if NATS is enabled. |
affinity.prometheus | object | {} |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.affinity on the Bindplane Prometheus pod. |
affinity.transform_agent | object | {} |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.affinity on the Bindplane transform agent pod. |
args | list | [] |
Optional arguments overrides for the Bindplane container in all Bindplane pods. | | string | "" |
Google OAUTH clientid |
auth.ldap.baseDN | string | "" |
Base DN to use when looking up users. Example: ou=users,dc=stage,dc=net . | | string | "" |
Kubernetes secret name that contains the bind username and password. |
auth.ldap.bindCredentialSecret.passwordKey | string | "" |
The secret's subPath which contains the bind password. |
auth.ldap.bindCredentialSecret.usernameKey | string | "" |
The secret's subPath which contains the bind username. |
auth.ldap.bindPassword | string | "" |
Password to use for the bind user. |
auth.ldap.bindUser | string | "" |
User to use when looking up users. Example: cn=admin,dc=stage,dc=net. |
auth.ldap.port | string | nil |
TCP port to use when connecting to the ldap server. Defaults to 1389 (plain text) or 1636 (tls). |
auth.ldap.protocol | string | "ldap" |
Protocol to use. Available options include ldap (plain text) and ldaps (tls). |
auth.ldap.searchFilter | string | "" |
Search filter to use when looking up users. Defaults to (uid=%s) (ldap) and `( |
auth.ldap.server | string | "" |
Hostname or IP address of the ldap server. | | string | "" |
Name of the Kubernetes secret which contains the ldap server's certificate authority public certificate. | | string | "" |
The secret's subPath which contains the certificate. |
auth.ldap.tls.clientKeyPair.crtSubPath | string | "" |
The secret's subPath which contains the client certificate. |
auth.ldap.tls.clientKeyPair.keySubPath | string | "" |
The secret's subPath which contains the client private key. |
auth.ldap.tls.clientKeyPair.secret | string | "" |
Name of the Kubernetes secret which contains the ldap client keypair. This can be the same secret as as long as it has the client certificate and key. |
auth.ldap.tls.insecure | bool | false |
Whether or not to skip verification of the ldap server's certificate. |
auth.oidc | object | {"issuer":"","oauth2ClientID":"","oauth2ClientSecret":"","scopes":[]} |
OpenID user authentication configuration. Available with Bindplane Enterprise. |
auth.oidc.issuer | string | "" |
The URL of the OIDC provider. |
auth.oidc.oauth2ClientID | string | "" |
Client ID to use when authenticating with the OIDC provider. |
auth.oidc.oauth2ClientSecret | string | "" |
Client secret to use when authenticating with the OIDC provider. |
auth.oidc.scopes | list | [] |
List of requested permissions. |
auth.type | string | "system" |
Backend to use for authentication. Available options include system , ldap , active-directory , and google . |
autoscaling.enable | bool | false |
Whether or not autoscaling should be enabled. Requires an eventbus to be configured. |
autoscaling.max | int | 10 |
Maximum number of pods when autoscaling is enabled. |
autoscaling.min | int | 2 |
Minimum number of pods when autoscaling is enabled. |
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 60 |
Autoscaling target CPU usage percentage. |
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | int | 60 |
Autoscaling target Memory usage percentage. |
backend.bbolt.storageClass | string | "" |
The Kubernetes storage class to use for the volumeClaimTemplate. If unset, the volume claim will use the cluster's default storage class. |
backend.bbolt.volumeSize | string | "10Gi" |
Persistent volume size. | | string | "" |
Kubernetes secret name that contains the Postgres username and password. |
backend.postgres.credentialSecret.passwordKey | string | "" |
The secret's subPath which contains the password. |
backend.postgres.credentialSecret.usernameKey | string | "" |
The secret's subPath which contains the username. |
backend.postgres.database | string | "" |
Database to use. | | string | "localhost" |
Hostname or IP address of the Postgres server. |
backend.postgres.maxConnections | int | 100 |
Max number of connections to use when communicating with Postgres. |
backend.postgres.password | string | "" |
Password for the username used to connect to Postgres. |
backend.postgres.port | int | 5432 |
TCP port used to connect to Postgres. |
backend.postgres.sslSource | string | "secret" |
How to read the Postgres TLS certificate(s). Supported options include "secret" and "manual". When "secret" is set, a secret containing the Postgres TLS certificate(s) will be mounted into the Bindplane container. When "manual" is set, it is up to the user to ensure the certificates are mounted into the Bindplane container' emptyDir volume at postgres-tls-dir /postgres-tls. |
backend.postgres.sslmode | string | "disable" |
SSL mode to use when connecting to Postgres over TLS. Supported options include "disable", "require", "verify-ca", "verify-full". See the postgres ssl documentation for more information. | | string | "" |
Name of the secret that contains the Postgres TLS certificate(s). When SSL mode is set to verify-ca or verify-full , this secret will be used to mount certificates into the Bindplane container. Requires Bindplane v1.56.0 or newer. |
backend.postgres.sslsecret.sslcertSubPath | string | "client.crt" |
Path to the client certificate used to authenticate with the Postgres server, when mutual TLS is required. |
backend.postgres.sslsecret.sslkeySubPath | string | "client.key" |
Path to the client private key used to authenticate with the Postgres server, when mutual TLS is required. Required when sslcertSubPath is set. |
backend.postgres.sslsecret.sslrootcertSubPath | string | "ca.crt" |
Path to the CA certificate used to verify the Postgres server's certificate. |
backend.postgres.username | string | "" |
Username to use when connecting to Postgres. |
backend.type | string | "bbolt" |
Backend to use for persistent storage. Available options are bbolt (deprecated), and postgres . |
busybox_image | string | "busybox:latest" |
The container image to use for the busybox init container. |
command | list | [] |
Optional command overrides for the Bindplane container in all Bindplane pods. |
config.accept_eula | bool | true |
Whether or not to accept the EULA. EULA acceptance is required. See | | bool | false |
Whether or not to disable analytics. Disabling analytics is only supported when an enterprise license is used. |
config.license | string | "" |
The license key to use for Bindplane. Overrides config.secret . |
config.licenseUseSecret | bool | false |
When true, the license key will be referenced from the config.secret secret. |
config.password | string | "" |
Password to use. Overrides config.secret . |
config.remote_url | string | "" |
URI used by agents to communicate with Bindplane using OpAMP. NOTE: This value is not used in Bindplane v1.15.0 and newer. It will eventually be removed when support for older versions of Bindplane is removed from this chart. |
config.secret | string | "bindplane" |
Name of the Kubernetes secret which contains the username , password , secret_key , sessions_secret , and license configuration options. |
config.secret_key | string | "" |
DEPRECATED: New deployments should leave this option unset. |
config.server_url | string | "" |
URI used by clients to communicate with Bindplane. |
config.sessions_secret | string | "" |
Sessions Secret to use. Overrides config.secret . |
config.username | string | "" |
Username to use. Overrides config.secret . |
containerSecurityContext | object | {"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65534} |
The Container's securityContext: |
dev.bindplane.auth.auth0.audience | string | "" |
dev.bindplane.auth.auth0.clientID | string | "" |
dev.bindplane.auth.auth0.domain | string | "" |
dev.namespace.create | bool | false |
| | string | "" |
email.sendgrid.token | string | "" |
The sendgrid API token to use when authenticating to Sendgrid. |
email.type | string | "" |
The optional email backend type to use. Valid options include sendgrid . Requires an auth type other than system . |
eventbus.pubsub.credentials.secret | string | "" |
Optional Kubernetes secret which contains Google Cloud JSON service account credentials. Not required when running within Google Cloud with the Pub/Sub scope enabled. |
eventbus.pubsub.credentials.subPath | string | "" |
Sub path for the secret which contains the Google Cloud credential JSON |
eventbus.pubsub.endpoint | string | "" |
For testing against an emulator only. |
eventbus.pubsub.insecure | bool | false |
For testing against an emulator only. |
eventbus.pubsub.projectid | string | "" |
eventbus.pubsub.topic | string | "" |
eventbus.type | string | "" |
extraEnv | list | [] |
Optional arbitrary environment variables to add to the Bindplane pod(s). |
extraInitContainers | object | {"bindplane":[],"jobs":[],"nats":[],"prometheus":[],"transform_agent":[]} |
Optional arbitrary init containers. |
extraPodLabels | object | {} |
Optional arbitrary labels to add to the Bindplane pod(s). |
extraVolumeMounts | list | [] |
Optional arbitrary volume mounts to add to the Bindplane pod(s). |
extraVolumes | list | [] |
Optional arbitrary volumes to add to the Bindplane pod(s). |
health.livenessProbe | object | {"httpGet":{"path":"/health","port":"http"}} |
Full configuration for livenessProbe. Supports all options documented here: |
health.readinessProbe | object | {"httpGet":{"path":"/health","port":"http"}} |
Full configuration for readinessProbe. Supports all options documented here: |
health.startupProbe | object | {"failureThreshold":20,"httpGet":{"path":"/health","port":"http"},"initialDelaySeconds":0,"periodSeconds":5,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":1} |
Full configuration for startupProbe. Supports all options documented here: | | string | "" |
Image name to be used. Defaults to . |
image.tag | string | "" |
Image tag to use. Defaults to the version defined in the Chart's release. |
ingress.annotations | object | {} |
Custom annotations which will be added to the ingress object. Useful for specifying things such as . |
ingress.class | string | nil |
Ingress class to use when ingress is enabled. |
ingress.enable | bool | false |
Whether or not to enable ingress. | | string | nil |
Hostname to use when ingress is enabled. |
ingress.tls.enable | bool | false |
Whether or not to enable ingress transport layer security (TLS). |
ingress.tls.secret | string | "" |
Name of the Kubernetes secret which contains the TLS certificate. This secret must be created and managed outside of the Helm chart. See the ingress TLS documentation for more details. |
jobs.resources.limits.memory | string | "1000Mi" |
Memory limit. |
jobs.resources.requests.cpu | string | "1000m" |
CPU request. |
jobs.resources.requests.memory | string | "1000Mi" |
Memory request. |
metrics.otlp.endpoint | string | "" |
Endpoint of the OTLP gRPC metrics receiver. Should be in the form of ip:port or host:port. |
metrics.otlp.insecure | bool | false |
Set to true to disable TLS. Set to false if TLS is in use by the OTLP metrics receiver. |
metrics.type | string | "" |
Metrics type to use. Valid options include otlp and prometheus . When otlp is enabled, metrics are pushed to the configured OTel receiver. When prometheus is enabled, metrics are exposed in Prometheus format by Bindplane's HTTP server at /metrics . |
multiAccount | bool | false |
Whether or not to enable multi account (tenant). |
nats.deploymentType | string | "StatefulSet" |
Deployment Type for NATs. Valid options include StatefulSet and Deployment , case sensitive. StatefulSet is recommended, and does not consume a volume mount. If your cluster is restricted to using Deployments, you can use that option instead. |
nats.resources | object | {"limits":{"memory":"1000Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"1000m","memory":"1000Mi"}} |
NATs server resources request block, when event bus type is nats . |
nats.resources.limits.memory | string | "1000Mi" |
Memory limit for the NATs server pods, when event bus type is nats . |
nats.resources.requests.cpu | string | "1000m" |
CPU request for the NATs server pods, when event bus type is nats . |
nats.resources.requests.memory | string | "1000Mi" |
Memory request for the NATs server pods, when event bus type is nats . |
nodeSelector | object | {"bindplane":{},"jobs":{},"nats":{},"prometheus":{},"transform_agent":{}} |
Configure the nodeSelector for Bindplane, Bindplane NATS, Bindplane Jobs, and Bindplane Prometheus pods. |
nodeSelector.bindplane | object | {} |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.nodeSelector on the Bindplane deployment pod when using the bbolt backend. | | object | {} |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.nodeSelector on the Bindplane Jobs pod. |
nodeSelector.nats | object | {} |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.nodeSelector on the Bindplane NATS statefulset or deployment pods, if NATS is enabled. |
nodeSelector.prometheus | object | {} |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.nodeSelector on the Bindplane Prometheus pod. |
nodeSelector.transform_agent | object | {} |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.nodeSelector on the Bindplane transform agent pod. |
podSecurityContext | object | {"fsGroup":65534,"runAsGroup":65534,"runAsUser":65534} |
The Pod spec's securityContext: |
priorityClassName | object | {"bindplane":"","jobs":"","nats":"","prometheus":"","transform_agent":""} |
Configure the priorityClassName for Bindplane, Bindplane NATS, Bindplane Jobs, and Bindplane Prometheus pods. |
priorityClassName.bindplane | string | "" |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.priorityClassName on the Bindplane deployment pods. | | string | "" |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.priorityClassName on the Bindplane Jobs pod. |
priorityClassName.nats | string | "" |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.priorityClassName on the Bindplane NATS statefulset or deployment pods, if NATS is enabled. |
priorityClassName.prometheus | string | "" |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.priorityClassName on the Bindplane Prometheus pod. |
priorityClassName.transform_agent | string | "" |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.priorityClassName on the Bindplane transform agent pod. |
prometheus.auth.password | string | "" |
Prometheus basic authentication password. |
prometheus.auth.type | string | "none" |
Prometheus authentication. Supported options include none and basic . |
prometheus.auth.username | string | "" |
Prometheus basic authentication username. |
prometheus.enableSideCar | bool | false |
When enabled, the Prometheus measurements backend will be deployed as a sidecar container. This option is only valid when Bindplane is running as a single node statefulset. |
prometheus.extraPodLabels | object | {} |
Optional arbitrary labels to add to the Prometheus pod. This option is only used when Prometheus is running as a StatefulSet managed by the chart (The default mode). | | string | "" |
The Prometheus hostname or IP address used for querying and writing metrics. Defaults to the service name of the Prometheus StatefulSet deployed by this chart. | | string | "prom/prometheus" |
Image name to be used. |
prometheus.image.tag | string | "v2.54.1" |
Image tag to use. |
prometheus.port | int | 9090 |
The Prometheus TCP port used for querying and writing metrics. |
prometheus.queryPathPrefix | string | "" |
Optional Prometheus query path prefix. Useful when overriding the query endpoints when using systems such as Mimir. |
prometheus.remote | bool | false |
When true, the chart will not deploy Prometheus. Instead, the user should provide a Prometheus instance to use. | | string | "" |
Optional hostname or IP address of the remote write endpoint. This value overrides the for remote write. |
prometheus.remoteWrite.path | string | "/api/v1/write" |
Path of the remote write endpoint. This value should default to /api/v1/write . |
prometheus.remoteWrite.port | int | 9090 |
Optional TCP port of the remote write endpoint. This value overrides the prometheus.port for remote write. |
prometheus.resources.limits.memory | string | "500Mi" |
Memory limit. |
prometheus.resources.requests.cpu | string | "250m" |
CPU request. |
prometheus.resources.requests.memory | string | "500Mi" |
Memory request. | | string | "" |
The Kubernetes storage class to use for the volumeClaimTemplate. If unset, the volume claim will use the cluster's default storage class. | | string | "10Gi" |
Persistent volume size. |
prometheus.tls.enable | bool | false |
Whether or not to use TLS when connecting to Prometheus. |
prometheus.tls.insecure | bool | false |
Whether or not to skip verification of the Prometheus server's certificate. |
prometheus.tls.secret.caSubPath | string | "" |
The secret's subPath which contains the certificate authority. |
prometheus.tls.secret.crtSubPath | string | "" |
The secret's subPath which contains the client certificate, required for mutual TLS. |
prometheus.tls.secret.keySubPath | string | "" |
The secret's subPath which contains the client private key, required for mutual TLS. | | string | "" |
Kubernetes TLS secret name that contains the Prometheus TLS certificate(s). |
prometheus.tolerations | object | {} |
Tolerations for the Prometheus pod. |
replicas | int | 0 |
Number of replicas to use for the Bindplane server. Should not be set if autoscaling.enable is set to true . 0 means this option will not be set. |
resources.limits.memory | string | "1000Mi" |
Memory limit. |
resources.requests.cpu | string | "1000m" |
CPU request. |
resources.requests.memory | string | "1000Mi" |
Memory request. |
service.annotations | object | {} |
Custom annotations which will be added to the service object. Useful for specifying things such as . |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
Optional annotations to add to the service account. |
terminationGracePeriodSeconds | object | {"bindplane":60,"jobs":60,"nats":60,"prometheus":60,"transform_agent":60} |
Configure the terminationGracePeriodSeconds for Bindplane, Bindplane NATS, Bindplane Jobs, and Bindplane Prometheus pods. |
terminationGracePeriodSeconds.bindplane | int | 60 |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.terminationGracePeriodSeconds on the Bindplane deployment pods. | | int | 60 |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.terminationGracePeriodSeconds on the Bindplane Jobs pod. |
terminationGracePeriodSeconds.nats | int | 60 |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.terminationGracePeriodSeconds on the Bindplane NATS statefulset or deployment pods, if NATS is enabled. |
terminationGracePeriodSeconds.prometheus | int | 60 |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.terminationGracePeriodSeconds on the Bindplane Prometheus pod. |
terminationGracePeriodSeconds.transform_agent | int | 60 |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.terminationGracePeriodSeconds on the Bindplane transform agent pod. |
tolerations | object | {} |
The Pod's tolerations |
topologySpreadConstraints.bindplane | list | [] |
spec.template.spec.topologySpreadConstraints on the Bindplane deployment pods. | | list | [] |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.topologySpreadConstraints on the Bindplane Jobs pod. |
topologySpreadConstraints.nats | list | [] |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.topologySpreadConstraints on the Bindplane NATS statefulset or deployment pods, if NATS is enabled. |
topologySpreadConstraints.prometheus | list | [] |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.topologySpreadConstraints on the Bindplane Prometheus pod. |
topologySpreadConstraints.transform_agent | list | [] |
This is for configuring spec.template.spec.topologySpreadConstraints on the Bindplane transform agent pod. |
trace.otlp.endpoint | string | "" |
Endpoint of the OTLP gRPC trace receiver. Should be in the form of ip:port or host:port. |
trace.otlp.insecure | bool | false |
Set to true to disable TLS. Set to false if TLS is in use by the OTLP trace receiver. |
trace.otlp.samplingRate | string | "1" |
Sampling rate between 0 and 1. 1 being 100% of traces are sent. |
trace.type | string | "" |
Trace type to use. Valid options include otlp . |
transform_agent.extraPodLabels | object | {} |
Optional arbitrary labels to add to the Transform Agent pods. | | string | "" |
Transform Agent Image name to be used. Defaults to . |
transform_agent.replicas | int | 1 |
Number of replicas to use for the transform agent. |
transform_agent.tag | string | "" |
Transform Agent Image tag to use. Defaults to latest. |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2