diff --git a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/ocaml_lsp_server.ml b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/ocaml_lsp_server.ml index 5b209848f..50c7af623 100644 --- a/ocaml-lsp-server/src/ocaml_lsp_server.ml +++ b/ocaml-lsp-server/src/ocaml_lsp_server.ml @@ -1012,6 +1012,48 @@ let on_notification server (notification : Client_notification.t) : in state +module Log_config = struct + let parse_log_env_var var_name = + match String.split ~on:',' (Sys.getenv var_name) with + | value :: sections -> (Some value, sections) + | [] -> (None, []) + | exception Not_found -> (None, []) + + (* note: merlin logs are buffered, so one has to wait until they see the + output; we could flush the buffer after each merlin command dispatch? *) + let with_merlin_log_file f = + let log_file, sections = parse_log_env_var "MERLIN_LOG" in + Merlin_utils.Logger.with_log_file log_file ~sections f + + let with_ocamlsp_log_file f = + let log_file, sections = parse_log_env_var "OCAMLLSP_LOG" in + let cleanup = + match log_file with + | None | Some "" -> Fun.id + | Some "-" -> + Log.out := Format.err_formatter; + Fun.id + | Some s -> + let ch = open_out s in + Log.out := Format.formatter_of_out_channel ch; + fun () -> close_out ch + in + let sections = + List.fold_left sections ~f:String.Set.add ~init:String.Set.empty + in + (Log.level := + function + | None -> true + | Some section -> String.Set.mem sections section); + match f () with + | v -> + cleanup (); + v + | exception e -> + cleanup (); + raise e +end + let start () = let detached = Fiber.Pool.create () in let server = Fdecl.create Dyn.opaque in @@ -1110,4 +1152,6 @@ let start () = let run ~read_dot_merlin () = Merlin_config.should_read_dot_merlin := read_dot_merlin; Unix.putenv "__MERLIN_MASTER_PID" (string_of_int (Unix.getpid ())); + Log_config.with_ocamlsp_log_file @@ fun () -> + Log_config.with_merlin_log_file @@ fun () -> Lev_fiber.run ~sigpipe:`Ignore start |> Lev_fiber.Error.ok_exn