Open StarTer Village - Google spreadsheet is a standalone prototype project for playing the game online during the COVID restriction. It is a Google-script plugin on a spreadsheet and it requires your authentication before the game starts. You can freely clone the spreadsheet and this project and create your Open StarTer Village on your Google drive and enjoy with your friends/teams.
Simply make a copy from the spreadsheet then enjoy!
short video/screenshot tutorial [Help needed]
We encourage you to clone the code base from this repository rather than pull the code base from the spreadsheet scripts.
git clone open-star-ter-village
cd open-star-ter-village/google-srpeadsheet
Push the code changes into Google scripts after any updating. Yeah, this consider a deployment in some way.
yarn push
Please ensure your nodejs engine is higher than v6.0.0. Node.js >= v6.0.0
The Google script is managed with google codelab cli @google/clasp
. Please follow there tutorial to setup your environment and get ready to code.