Fork the this repo then clone from forked repo from your github account
git clone
git clone
Our application is dependent on the following:
ruby version 2.6.3
rails v 6.0.2
nodejs v 12
The installation varies depending on the enviroment/ OS this guide dwells majorly on debian based linux distros.You can update it to including any missing OS.In the meantime it we will always direct you to the documentation of the given dependency if we feel it is not well covered.
Install ruby version manager (rvm) by following these instructions
If you are using ubuntu or debian based linux distro follow these instructions
After installation of rvm install to ruby version-2.6.3 then type this on your terminal rvm install 2.6.3
Just run gem install rails
for linux or unix
f you are on Windows follow these instructions
oO install nodejs in debian based distros run these commands
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install nodejs
For more nodes visit their docs
Install yarn using this link Follow the instructions suitable for your OS
Our application use postgres at both development and production.On debian based linux more specifically ubuntu you can install postgres like so:
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev
incase you face problems concerning non-exist user follow this guide
For more details on other distros or OS here is the docs
change your working directory to urbanite cd urbanite
with working directory as urbanite
Now run bundle
to get rails dependencies and yarn install
to get node dependencies
Run server like so: rails s
Now you can visit localhost:3000
from your browser.
Create a remote repo with name upstream, i.e
git remote add upstream
git remote add upstream
Before working on an issue, ensure your local repo is up-to-date, by running:
Create a branch from develop like so:
git checkout -b 3-updatecontribution-readme origin/develop
Ensure your work is upto date by pulling from upstream like so:
git pull upstream develop
When creating a branch, ensure it has an issue number.
For example, issue 3-update-contribution-readme
should be in the branch name:
Upon making changesand before push ensure linting and tests are passing by running:
, rspec
deal with failures which may arise
When all is done push to the origin
remote (your forked repo) like so:
git push origin branchname
Your last commit message should be in the form Update contribution readme#fixes3
Then create a pull request if you feel the issue is completed