Development Docker container for MXCuBE Web based on Debian 9 with a desktop environment (Mate) VNC server and some development tools like Emacs and VIM.
The docker file can be built by simply issuing:
docker build -t mxcubeweb-dev .
The name of the image will be mxcubeweb-dev
After being built the docker file can be executed with:
docker run -p 5901:5901 -p 8090:8090 -dt mxcubeweb-dev
This container runs the MXCuBE backend in the foreground for easier debugging, browsing can be done from either the local system or via VNC.
MXCuBE is installed in /opt/mxcubeweb
The status can be viewed with:
docker ps
A simple shell can be launched by:
docker exec -it <container-id> /bin/bash
This docker container comes with a pre-configured desktop enviroment that can be accessed by using VNC. Simply connect to ip:1 and give the password "mxcube"
To get the container id run
docker ps
To get the container ip address issue:
docker inspect <container id>
Connect with a VNC client (for isntance vncviewer) PASSWORD IS: mxcube
vncviewer <ip-address>:1
Chrome can be launched, once connected, from a terminal window, by typing
google-chrome --no-sandbox
Point the browser to localhost:8090 to start using MXCuBE Web
The test credentials are: username: idtest0 password: 000