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Energy Web Foundation

Origin 24/7 SDK - Certificate module


Certificate module (and its OnChainCertificateService) allow to deploy contracts; issue, transfer and claim certificates.

It enqueues and batches transactions, which is required for optimal blockchain work.

It also exposes off-chain implementation, that stores everything in local database, and (on request) synchronizes everything to blockchain. This implementation is described in OffChain Module section.

It is advised to go through whole README carefully


  • Nest.js application (origin-247-certificate is Nest.js module)
  • TypeORM configured
  • Redis (for enqueueing we use bull package)


**If you were redirected here from origin-247-claim or origin-247-transfer modules, please apply OffChain Module section installation (and usage (manual blockchain synchronization in particular)) as well.

  1. Add peer runtime dependencies: yarn add @energyweb/issuer
  2. Setup BullModule.forRoot as described in Nest.js documentation:
  3. Install @energyweb/origin-247-certificate
  4. Add OnChainCertificateEntities to your TypeORM.forRoot entities.
  5. You need to run migrations from origin-247-certificate, e.g.
"typeorm:run:certificate": "node_modules/typeorm/cli.js migration:run --config node_modules/@energyweb/origin-247-certificate/dist/js/ormconfig.js",


Make sure you have certificates deployed

Import Certificate module into one of your applications modules:

import { OnChainCertificateModule } from '@energyweb/origin-247-certificate';

    imports: [OnChainCertificateModule]
export class SomeModule {}

Use the service:

import { OnChainCertificateService, ONCHAIN_CERTIFICATE_SERVICE_TOKEN } from '@energyweb/origin-247-certificate';

 * Because certificate entity allows to store custom data called "metadata"
 * user can provide typing for metadata.
 * See README metadata section for more information.
interface IMetadata {
  myCustomCertificateData: string;

export class SomeService {
    private certificateService: OnChainCertificateService<IMetadata>
  ) {}

  public async issueRandomCertificate(): Promise<void> {
    await this.certificateService.issue({

Deploying and migrating contracts

It is possible to deploy contracts using OnChainCertificateFacade. When using this method, it is unnecessary to do blockchain seeding migrations.

How to use:

  1. Configure environment variables: ISSUER_PRIVATE_KEY (key for deployer), WEB3 (RPC address)
  2. Import certificate module into one of your applications modules
  3. At application bootstrap, use OnChainCertificateFacade.deploy() method
import { OnChainCertificateFacade } from '@energyweb/origin-247-certificate';
// ...
const appModule = AppModule.register();
const app = await NestFactory.create(appModule);
const blockchainFacade = await app.resolve<OnChainCertificateFacade>(OnChainCertificateFacade);
await blockchainFacade.deploy();


import { OnChainCertificateFacade } from '@energyweb/origin-247-certificate';

    imports: [OnChainCertificateModule]
export class AppModule {
    constructor(private onChangeCertificateFacade: OnChainCertificateFacade) {}

    public async onApplicationBootstrap() {
        await this.onChangeCertificateFacade.deploy();

Testing modules that import OnChainCertificateModule

Use OnChainCertificateForUnitTestsModule (instead of regular module) which abstracts away whole issuer, blockchain, database and Redis dependencies. This implementation stores certificates in memory. It is not bullet-proof (because it's really simple), but should handle most happy-paths.

OffChain Module

OffChain module allows to store everything in local database (therefore making any changes immediate), and then on-request to synchronize it with a blockchain (internally it uses OnChainCertificateModule for that).


  1. Apply OnChainCertificateModule installation instructions described above.
  2. You need to import OffChainCertificateEntities entities, and add them to TypeORM.forRoot
  3. Import OffChainCertificateModule wherever you want to use OffChainCertificateService or BlockchainSynchronizationService.


OffChainCertificateService exposes interface extending on-chain version. The main difference is the returned certificate interface. It returns read model, which is off-chain representation.

It has two fields: internalCertificateId: number and blockchainCertificateId: number | null instead of one certificateId. internalCertificateId is used for any communication through OffChainCertificateService. But if you want to find certificate in OnChainCertificateService you need to use blockchainCertificateId which is it's on-chain id. blockchainCertificateId can be null if it was not synchronized yet.

Synchronization doesn't happen automatically. You need to manually call BlockchainSynchronizationService.synchronize in your application. This gives you the flexibility to synchronize everything in cron or manually after some set of events happen.

Off-chain implementation performs few retries if persisting events on blockchain fails (e.g. due to network problems)

Additional resources

Unit tests

If you want to unit test module, that imports OnChainCertificateModule or OffChainCertificateModule, you can import OnChainCertificateForUnitTestsModule or OffChainCertificateForUnitTestsModule instead. They abstract away all dependencies (database, Redis, and others). These modules are not bullet-proof, but should be sufficient for testing most paths.


Each certificate is able to store metadata information, which is used for storing custom payloads.

Therefore all certificate types (including service) imported from the module give user the ability to provide interface/type for that metadata (as generic type). This way metadata stays typed across application. It's best to create this type somewhere and reuse it across application.

Metadata is serialized internally via JSON.stringify therefore metadata has to be serializable. Any value accepted by JSON.stringify can be used as metadata (including null - which is default value for metadata field)

Environment configuration

Variable name Default value Description
CERTIFICATE_QUEUE_LOCK_DURATION 240 * 1000 [ms] How long processor can lock given queue item before marking it stale (stalled queue items are rerun again) - change with caution
CERTIFICATE_QUEUE_DELAY 10 * 1000 [ms] How long each queue item should wait before finishing it's processing - helps with some transaction nonce problems
BLOCKCHAIN_POLLING_INTERVAL 4000 [ms] How often blockchain should be polled for new events
ISSUER_PRIVATE_KEY none Issuer private key used for deploying certificates
WEB3 none RPC address - separate addresses with ; to add fallback RPC


  1. If one item of batch fails, then whole batch fails.

Questions and Support

For questions and support please use Energy Web's Discord channel

Or reach out to us via email:


The Energy Web Decentralized Operating System is a blockchain-based, multi-layer digital infrastructure.

The purpose of EW-DOS is to develop and deploy an open and decentralized digital operating system for the energy sector in support of a low-carbon, customer-centric energy future.

We develop blockchain technology, full-stack applications and middleware packages that facilitate participation of Distributed Energy Resources on the grid and create open market places for transparent and efficient renewable energy trading.

  • To learn about more about the EW-DOS tech stack, see our documentation.

  • For an overview of the energy-sector challenges our use cases address, go here.

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