All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed issue where PhantomJS crashed and then disposing caused bad phantomjs state
- Bumped all dependency versions to latest
- Added ability for cluster master to kill last known phantomjs pid for a worker if the worker dies (preventing orphaned phantomjs instances)
- Better terminating for cluster workers
- Added NUM_SOFT_ITERATIONS to try to kill phantomjs and reclaim memory when no requests are in flight. This should be set to a low number (1-10) so that PhantomJS can be restarted often when it isn't doing anything else. NUM_ITERATIONS should still be set to something like 40-50 to make sure to force kill PhantomJS even if a request is in flight.
- Added clearing of memory cache to prevent PhantomJS from returning a 304
- Fixed issue where prerender-status-code set to
was causing the page to skip being cached - Fixed an issue where we weren't using the correct pid when trying to force kill PhantomJS.
- Moved clearing of memory cache and local storage to before the page loads instead of after. This will prevent edge cases that could cause a 304.
- Fixed issue where S3HtmlCache was calling next() before finishing saving to the cache
- Fixed issue where we were calling
on aquerystring
that no longer had Object on it's prototype chain
- Fixed issue where a webpage calling window.close would cause Prerender to be unable to shutdown PhantomJS properly
- S3 cache plugin was incorrectly saving non-200 status code responses to the cache
- preserve phantom arguments when server is restarting
- use default when phantomArguments is empty
- prevent multiple phantomjs instances from being started with low number of iterations
- try to check to see if phantomjs has actually been disposed. if not, force kill it.
- added engines to package.json and fixed possible bug in checking options passed in
- prevent weird hangup on error setting a header with a newline
- make sure we catch any errors thrown from phridge and continue
- kill workers (and phantomjs) on SIGTERM
- Changed
in server.js - Changed
in server.js - Switched from
bridge tophridge
- All Prerender plugins that access PhantomJS need to be rewritten to support new phridge integration. For example, change this:'onConsoleMessage', function(msg) {
to this: {
this.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {
Please see phridge for more info on how to interact with PhantomJS through phridge
- Removed
doesn't start a webserve to talk to PhantomJS, so it's no longer needed. - Removed
doesn't start a webserve to talk to PhantomJS, so it's no longer needed.