All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project tries to adhere to Semantic Versioning.
- scenarios can be saved in DB
- data can be normalized
- order-by function lowers strings before comparison
- page to show MODEX figures from paper and its dashboard settings
- filters can be deleted (server-side)
- subplot wrap and spacing option
- chart height option
- button to select all values for a filter
- usage section in README
- add footer to all pages
- links to imprint and privacy page
- timeseries refresh button
- loading of boolean graph options
- too many subplots
- filtering for labeled parameters
- bootstrap design
- graph tabs
- chart/error tabs
- filter tabs
- dynamic error tab class
- empty pages for imprint and privacy
- data view can be activated
- labels are applied before grouping
- option to hide legend
- option for logarithmic y-axis
- logarithmic axes in all subplots
- logarithmic axis starts at zero
- custom labels for subplots
- margin options for bar chart
- option to set subplot labels
- data can be ordered
- legend postion above subplots
- labels are applied to all data entries
- axes layouts are adapted on every facet/subplot
- multiple yaxis labels in subplots
- option "Energy per Year" to "Power" ("GW" instead of "GWh/a")
- option to customize bargap for bar chart
- option to rename data labels
- font sizes
- no padding between bars
- discrete color map can be edited
- color map can be saved/loaded
- optional ability to set axis labels
- option to set legend title
- download data table as csv
- border around plots
- plotly template to "plotly_white"
- graph text option is clearable
- warning information addressing "nan not in list" error
- limitation for warnings and infos
- year filter initialization
- plot options can be set "clearable"
- year column is not aggregated
- error message if TS have different lengths during aggregation
- aggregation is not triggered on change (but on chart refresh)
- TS not loading
- missing unit column in group-by during aggregation
- filter export
- dummy data loading (dev)
- filter loading (depending on scenarios)
- heat map for timeseries
- simple loggings for scenario loading
- warning if data is empty for current filter settings
- barmode options to bar plot
- version number to layout
- plots can be downloaded as SVG
- removed artefacts
- empty data in timeseries error
- unit to x-/y-axis (if unit is unique)
- box plots for timeseries
- subplots for bar charts
- facets for box plots
- static plot options
- orientation option to bar chart
- default mapping to "dashboard" mapping
- timeseries groupby
- removed regions mapping
- timeseries plot (from
- button to reload scenarios
- pinned requirements
- loading spinner
- messaging to handle warnings and errors
- corrupt timeseries dates are fixed and user gets warned
- radar plot for scalars
- data table is shown
- filters can be saved/loaded
- postgres db to docker (local and production)
- refresh button to plot options
- added dot plot to scalar graph
- unit support
- multiple plots with different options can be loaded
- added redis to requirements
- error message if daterange index is wrong
- moved timeseries duplicate and columns handling to preprocessing