A common open_MODEX repository. Use this template to create a new repository. You can select a template repository while creating a new repository via the github interface.
General information:
- The .gitignore helps you to keep your remote repository clean. You can add file or folder names that should not be covered by git.
- The setup folders are optional. You can include them if you plan to publish a Python package on pypi, or if you want to include a continuous integration (CI) in your repository to perform automated tests on your code before merging changes.
- The test folder is also required by PyPi, but you can save all tests there.
- The code-distribution folder can be renamed according to your needs. It should be used to save your code files.
- The LICENSE is also required to publish your code. GitHub.com suggests some open software Licences.
- The CONTRIBUTING.md suggest a productive git workflow.
- The CHANGELOG.md helps you to keep track of new developments and documents all changes and versions.
- This README.md provides a brief overview of your repository and your project.
- Add Badges to the README.md to show the state of your project. An example is shown at the beginning of this README file.
The following is a template REDME structure that provides an overview of frequently used content: