The following scripts transform the Meta- and Citationdata from the OpenAccess subset of PubMedCentral to the RDF/XML format used in the CitationCorpus.
These scripts were initially written by Alex Dutton.
Download raw data The raw data is available from the PMC ftp server Extract the files
, etc to the subdirectorydata/
XML conversion Convert each of the NLM XML files to an intermediate XML representation using
$ ./ article-data.xsl data/AAPS_J/AAPS_J-10-1-2747081.nxml > out/AAPS_J/AAPS_J-10-1-2747081.nxml.xml
It is recommended that you do this with some sort of for loop.
This script relies on the Apache XML Project (now Xerces) and the Saxon Java Library. Download the files xml-commons-resolover-1.2 saxon extract them in your favorite directory, and alter the path in accordingly.
BibJSON conversion Next, cd into pubmed and do run::
$ mkdir -p ../parsed/ $ python
This will create
, a tarball of BibJSON files (one per article XML file). -
Data Cleanup
Query the NLM API for more details about (non-OA) referenced articles $ python bibjson_augment.pyCleanup markup errors $ python
Cluster citation targets $ python
RDF Export Finally, generate n-triples::
$ python > nlm.nt