Releases: openedx/edx-search
Releases · openedx/edx-search
Upgrade edx-search to use Elasticsearch 7
This version is a major upgrade to bump the version of ES used by edx-search from 1.5 to 7.8. This change is not backwards compatible.
Fixed python 3.8 travis worker
Merge pull request #100 from edx/iamsobanjaved/py38 Added python 3.8 travis worker
Added python 3.8 support
- Added python 3.8 support
- Removed Django support for versions prior to 2.2
Django 2.2 compatibility
Merge pull request #95 from edx/timmc/BOM-1481-unpin-django Relax Django constraint for upgrade to 2.2
Revert out more backwards-incompatible search logic
Merge pull request #93 from edx/diana/revert=sort Revert out sorting changes that cause edx-platform tests to fail.
Revert discovery sorting options
We are reverting this commit to unblock updates on edx-platform.
Django 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 Compatibility
Django 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 Compatibility
Allow discovery search results to be sorted
Merge pull request #72 from Stanford-Online/discovery-search-sort Allow discovery search results to be sorted
Making repo oep7 and oep 18 compliant
Merge pull request #79 from edx/msingh/version_number PROD-384: Updated version number to 1.2.3
Fix missing search excerpts when query has quotes
Merge pull request #51 from open-craft/kshitij/fix-empty-search-quotes Fix missing search excerpts when query has quotes