diff --git a/designTokenKeySorter.js b/designTokenKeySorter.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e46d3c73b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/designTokenKeySorter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-console */
+const fs = require('fs').promises;
+const path = require('path');
+const chalk = require('chalk');
+const tokensDirectory = 'tokens/';
+ '$type',
+ '$value',
+ '$description',
+ 'outputReferences',
+ 'modify',
+ 'source',
+const shouldApplyFix = process.argv.includes('--fix');
+let mismatchWarningCount = 0;
+let totalProcessedFileCount = 0;
+ * Reorders the keys in an object based on a specified key order.
+ * @param {Object} object - The object to reorder.
+ * @param {string[]} desiredKeyOrder - The desired order for the keys.
+ * @returns {Object} - An object containing the reordered object and
+ * a flag indicating if the key order was mismatched and a list of mismatched keys.
+ */
+function reorderKeysInObject(object, desiredKeyOrder) {
+ const objectKeys = Object.keys(object);
+ console.log('objectKeys =====>', objectKeys);
+ const objectKeySet = new Set(objectKeys);
+ let isOrderMismatched = false;
+ const mismatchedKeyList = [];
+ let index = 0;
+ const reorderedObject = desiredKeyOrder.reduce((accumulatedObject, key) => {
+ if (objectKeySet.has(key)) {
+ accumulatedObject[key] = object[key];
+ if (key !== objectKeys[index]) {
+ isOrderMismatched = true;
+ mismatchedKeyList.push(objectKeys[index]);
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ return accumulatedObject;
+ }, {});
+ objectKeys.forEach((key) => {
+ if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(reorderedObject, key)) {
+ reorderedObject[key] = object[key];
+ if (index < objectKeys.length && key !== objectKeys[index]) {
+ isOrderMismatched = true;
+ mismatchedKeyList.push(objectKeys[index]);
+ }
+ index++;
+ }
+ });
+ return {
+ reorderedObject,
+ isOrderMismatched,
+ mismatchedKeys: mismatchedKeyList,
+ };
+ * Recursively reorders keys in JSON data based on a specified key order for nested objects.
+ * @param {*} jsonData - The JSON data (object, array, or primitive) to process.
+ * @param {string} jsonPath - The path to the current data within the JSON structure.
+ * @returns {Object} - An object containing the reordered data and
+ * a flag indicating if any key order mismatches were found.
+ */
+function recursivelyReorderKeys(jsonData, jsonPath = '') {
+ if (Array.isArray(jsonData)) {
+ return jsonData.map((item, index) => recursivelyReorderKeys(item, `${jsonPath}[${index}]`));
+ }
+ if (typeof jsonData === 'object' && jsonData !== null) {
+ const {
+ reorderedObject: reorderedData,
+ isOrderMismatched: hasMainMismatch,
+ mismatchedKeys: mainMismatchedKeys,
+ } = reorderKeysInObject(jsonData, DESIGN_TOKEN_KEY_ORDER);
+ let hasAnyMismatch = hasMainMismatch;
+ const mismatches = hasMainMismatch ? { [jsonPath]: mainMismatchedKeys } : {};
+ Object.entries(reorderedData).reduce((accumulatedMismatches, [key, value]) => {
+ if (DESIGN_TOKEN_KEY_ORDER.includes(key)) {
+ reorderedData[key] = value;
+ return accumulatedMismatches;
+ }
+ const result = recursivelyReorderKeys(value, `${jsonPath}.${key}`);
+ reorderedData[key] = result.reorderedData || result;
+ if (result.isOrderMismatched) {
+ Object.assign(accumulatedMismatches, result.mismatches);
+ hasAnyMismatch = true;
+ }
+ return accumulatedMismatches;
+ }, mismatches);
+ return {
+ reorderedData,
+ isOrderMismatched: hasAnyMismatch,
+ mismatches,
+ };
+ }
+ return jsonData;
+ * Processes all JSON files in a given directory path,
+ * reordering keys in each file based on predefined key orders.
+ * @param {string} directoryPath - The path of the directory containing JSON files.
+ */
+async function processJsonFilesInDirectory(directoryPath) {
+ try {
+ const directoryEntries = await fs.readdir(directoryPath, { withFileTypes: true });
+ const fileProcessingTasks = directoryEntries.map(async (entry) => {
+ const entryPath = path.join(directoryPath, entry.name);
+ if (entry.isDirectory()) {
+ return processJsonFilesInDirectory(entryPath);
+ }
+ if (entry.isFile() && path.extname(entry.name) === '.json') {
+ try {
+ const fileContent = await fs.readFile(entryPath, 'utf-8');
+ const jsonData = JSON.parse(fileContent);
+ const {
+ reorderedData,
+ isOrderMismatched,
+ mismatches,
+ } = recursivelyReorderKeys(jsonData);
+ if (isOrderMismatched) {
+ mismatchWarningCount++;
+ if (shouldApplyFix) {
+ await fs.writeFile(entryPath, `${JSON.stringify(reorderedData, null, 2)}\n`, 'utf-8');
+ } else {
+ console.warn(chalk.yellow(`Warning: Key order mismatch in ${entryPath}.`));
+ console.warn(chalk.red('Mismatched info:'));
+ Object.entries(mismatches).forEach(([keyPath, keys]) => {
+ console.warn(chalk.cyan(` Path: ${keyPath.slice(1)}`));
+ console.warn(chalk.magenta(` Mismatched keys: ${keys.join(', ')}`));
+ console.warn();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fileContent.endsWith('\n')) {
+ await fs.writeFile(entryPath, `${fileContent}\n`, 'utf-8');
+ }
+ totalProcessedFileCount++;
+ return null;
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(chalk.red(`Error processing file ${entryPath}:`), error);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ await Promise.all(fileProcessingTasks);
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(chalk.red(`Error reading directory ${directoryPath}:`), error);
+ }
+processJsonFilesInDirectory(tokensDirectory).then(() => {
+ let statusMessage;
+ if (shouldApplyFix) {
+ statusMessage = chalk.green(`Processed ${totalProcessedFileCount} files. ${mismatchWarningCount} files were updated.`);
+ } else if (mismatchWarningCount > 0) {
+ statusMessage = chalk.yellow(`Processed ${totalProcessedFileCount} files. ${mismatchWarningCount} files have key order mismatches.`);
+ } else {
+ statusMessage = chalk.green(`Processed ${totalProcessedFileCount} files. All files are in correct order.`);
+ }
+ console.log(statusMessage);
diff --git a/tokens/src/core/alias/size.json b/tokens/src/core/alias/size.json
index 62763473d1..dbb41c54b8 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/alias/size.json
+++ b/tokens/src/core/alias/size.json
@@ -2,15 +2,35 @@
"size": {
"$type": "dimension",
"border": {
- "width": { "source": "$border-width", "$value": "1px", "$description": "Default border width." },
+ "width": {
+ "$value": "1px",
+ "$description": "Default border width.",
+ "source": "$border-width"
+ },
"radius": {
- "base": { "source": "$border-radius", "$value": ".375rem", "$description": "Default border radius." },
- "lg": { "source": "$border-radius-lg", "$value": ".425rem", "$description": "Large border radius." },
- "sm": { "source": "$border-radius-sm", "$value": ".25rem", "$description": "Small border radius." }
+ "base": {
+ "$value": ".375rem",
+ "$description": "Default border radius.",
+ "source": "$border-radius"
+ },
+ "lg": {
+ "$value": ".425rem",
+ "$description": "Large border radius.",
+ "source": "$border-radius-lg"
+ },
+ "sm": {
+ "$value": ".25rem",
+ "$description": "Small border radius.",
+ "source": "$border-radius-sm"
+ }
"rounded": {
- "pill": { "source": "$rounded-pill", "$value": "50rem", "$description": "Pill border radius." }
+ "pill": {
+ "$value": "50rem",
+ "$description": "Pill border radius.",
+ "source": "$rounded-pill"
+ }
diff --git a/tokens/src/core/components/ActionRow.json b/tokens/src/core/components/ActionRow.json
index 4dd026a3b6..04ac8aa01d 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/ActionRow.json
+++ b/tokens/src/core/components/ActionRow.json
@@ -3,8 +3,14 @@
"$type": "dimension",
"action-row": {
"gap": {
- "x": { "source": "$action-row-gap-x", "$value": ".5rem" },
- "y": { "source": "$action-row-gap-y", "$value": ".5rem" }
+ "x": {
+ "$value": ".5rem",
+ "source": "$action-row-gap-x"
+ },
+ "y": {
+ "$value": ".5rem",
+ "source": "$action-row-gap-y"
+ }
diff --git a/tokens/src/core/components/Alert.json b/tokens/src/core/components/Alert.json
index aafa21a782..2d309a7b28 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Alert.json
+++ b/tokens/src/core/components/Alert.json
@@ -3,29 +3,62 @@
"$type": "dimension",
"alert": {
"padding": {
- "y": { "source": "$alert-padding-y", "$value": "1.5rem" },
- "x": { "source": "$alert-padding-x", "$value": "1.5rem" }
+ "y": {
+ "$value": "1.5rem",
+ "source": "$alert-padding-y"
+ },
+ "x": {
+ "$value": "1.5rem",
+ "source": "$alert-padding-x"
+ }
- "margin-bottom": { "source": "$alert-margin-bottom", "$value": "1rem" },
- "actions-gap": { "source": "$alert-actions-gap", "$value": "{spacing.spacer.3}" },
- "icon-space": { "source": "$alert-icon-space", "$value": ".8rem" }
+ "margin-bottom": {
+ "$value": "1rem",
+ "source": "$alert-margin-bottom"
+ },
+ "actions-gap": {
+ "$value": "{spacing.spacer.3}",
+ "source": "$alert-actions-gap"
+ },
+ "icon-space": {
+ "$value": ".8rem",
+ "source": "$alert-icon-space"
+ }
"typography": {
"alert": {
"font": {
- "weight-link": { "source": "$alert-link-font-weight", "$value": "{typography.font.weight.normal}", "$type": "fontWeight" },
- "size": { "source": "$alert-font-size", "$value": ".875rem", "$type": "dimension" }
+ "weight-link": {
+ "$type": "fontWeight",
+ "$value": "{typography.font.weight.normal}",
+ "source": "$alert-link-font-weight"
+ },
+ "size": {
+ "$type": "dimension",
+ "$value": ".875rem",
+ "source": "$alert-font-size"
+ }
- "line-height": { "source": "$alert-line-height", "$value": "1.5rem", "$type": "number" }
+ "line-height": {
+ "$type": "number",
+ "$value": "1.5rem",
+ "source": "$alert-line-height"
+ }
"size": {
"$type": "dimension",
"alert": {
"border": {
- "radius": { "source": "$alert-border-radius", "$value": "{size.border.radius.base}" },
- "width": { "source": "$alert-border-width", "$value": "0" }
+ "radius": {
+ "$value": "{size.border.radius.base}",
+ "source": "$alert-border-radius"
+ },
+ "width": {
+ "$value": "0",
+ "source": "$alert-border-width"
+ }
diff --git a/tokens/src/core/components/Annotation.json b/tokens/src/core/components/Annotation.json
index bd86bd7be2..728cac401f 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Annotation.json
+++ b/tokens/src/core/components/Annotation.json
@@ -2,26 +2,49 @@
"spacing": {
"$type": "dimension",
"annotation": {
- "padding": { "source": "$annotation-padding", "$value": ".5rem" },
+ "padding": {
+ "$value": ".5rem",
+ "source": "$annotation-padding"
+ },
"arrow-side": {
- "margin": { "source": "$annotation-arrow-side-margin", "$value": ".25rem" }
+ "margin": {
+ "$value": ".25rem",
+ "source": "$annotation-arrow-side-margin"
+ }
"typography": {
"annotation": {
- "font-size": { "source": "$annotation-font-size", "$value": "{typography.font.size.sm}", "$type": "dimension" },
- "line-height": { "source": "$annotation-line-height", "$value": "{typography.line-height.sm}", "$type": "number" }
+ "font-size": {
+ "$type": "dimension",
+ "$value": "{typography.font.size.sm}",
+ "source": "$annotation-font-size"
+ },
+ "line-height": {
+ "$type": "number",
+ "$value": "{typography.line-height.sm}",
+ "source": "$annotation-line-height"
+ }
"size": {
"$type": "dimension",
"annotation": {
"arrow-border": {
- "width": { "source": "$annotation-arrow-border-width", "$value": ".5rem" }
+ "width": {
+ "$value": ".5rem",
+ "source": "$annotation-arrow-border-width"
+ }
- "max-width": { "source": "$annotation-max-width", "$value": "18.75rem" },
- "border-radius": { "source": "$annotation-border-radius", "$value": ".25rem" }
+ "max-width": {
+ "$value": "18.75rem",
+ "source": "$annotation-max-width"
+ },
+ "border-radius": {
+ "$value": ".25rem",
+ "source": "$annotation-border-radius"
+ }
diff --git a/tokens/src/core/components/Avatar.json b/tokens/src/core/components/Avatar.json
index 58bd3176ed..fb71335d19 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Avatar.json
+++ b/tokens/src/core/components/Avatar.json
@@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
"size": {
"avatar": {
- "base": { "source": "$avatar-size", "$value": "3rem", "$type": "dimension" },
- "xs": { "source": "$avatar-size-xs", "$value": "1.5rem", "$type": "dimension" },
- "sm": { "source": "$avatar-size-sm", "$value": "2.25rem", "$type": "dimension" },
- "lg": { "source": "$avatar-size-lg", "$value": "4rem", "$type": "dimension" },
- "xl": { "source": "$avatar-size-xl", "$value": "6rem", "$type": "dimension" },
- "xxl": { "source": "$avatar-size-xxl", "$value": "11.5rem", "$type": "dimension" },
- "huge": { "source": "$avatar-size-huge", "$value": "18.75rem", "$type": "dimension" },
+ "base": {
+ "$type": "dimension",
+ "$value": "3rem",
+ "source": "$avatar-size"
+ },
+ "xs": {
+ "$type": "dimension",
+ "$value": "1.5rem",
+ "source": "$avatar-size-xs"
+ },
+ "sm": {
+ "$type": "dimension",
+ "$value": "2.25rem",
+ "source": "$avatar-size-sm"
+ },
+ "lg": {
+ "$type": "dimension",
+ "$value": "4rem",
+ "source": "$avatar-size-lg"
+ },
+ "xl": {
+ "$type": "dimension",
+ "$value": "6rem",
+ "source": "$avatar-size-xl"
+ },
+ "xxl": {
+ "$type": "dimension",
+ "$value": "11.5rem",
+ "source": "$avatar-size-xxl"
+ },
+ "huge": {
+ "$type": "dimension",
+ "$value": "18.75rem",
+ "source": "$avatar-size-huge"
+ },
"border": {
- "base": { "source": "$avatar-border", "$value": "1px", "$type": "dimension" },
- "radius": { "source": "$avatar-border-radius", "$value": "100%", "$type": "percentage" }
+ "base": {
+ "$type": "dimension",
+ "$value": "1px",
+ "source": "$avatar-border"
+ },
+ "radius": {
+ "$type": "percentage",
+ "$value": "100%",
+ "source": "$avatar-border-radius"
+ }
diff --git a/tokens/src/core/components/AvatarButton.json b/tokens/src/core/components/AvatarButton.json
index c5635bf79c..468c381921 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/AvatarButton.json
+++ b/tokens/src/core/components/AvatarButton.json
@@ -3,9 +3,18 @@
"$type": "dimension",
"avatar-button": {
"padding-left": {
- "base": { "source": "$avatar-button-padding-left", "$value": ".25em" },
- "sm": { "source": "$avatar-button-padding-left-sm", "$value": ".25em" },
- "lg": { "source": "$avatar-button-padding-left-lg", "$value": ".25em" }
+ "base": {
+ "$value": ".25em",
+ "source": "$avatar-button-padding-left"
+ },
+ "sm": {
+ "$value": ".25em",
+ "source": "$avatar-button-padding-left-sm"
+ },
+ "lg": {
+ "$value": ".25em",
+ "source": "$avatar-button-padding-left-lg"
+ }
diff --git a/tokens/src/core/components/Badge.json b/tokens/src/core/components/Badge.json
index 61cbc94e7a..5964afc473 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Badge.json
+++ b/tokens/src/core/components/Badge.json
@@ -4,18 +4,35 @@
"badge": {
"padding": {
"x": {
- "base": { "source": "$badge-padding-x", "$value": ".5rem" },
- "pill": { "source": "$badge-pill-padding-x", "$value": ".6em" }
+ "base": {
+ "$value": ".5rem",
+ "source": "$badge-padding-x"
+ },
+ "pill": {
+ "$value": ".6em",
+ "source": "$badge-pill-padding-x"
+ }
- "y": { "source": "$badge-padding-y", "$value": ".125rem" }
+ "y": {
+ "$value": ".125rem",
+ "source": "$badge-padding-y"
+ }
"typography": {
"badge": {
"font": {
- "size": { "source": "$badge-font-size", "$value": "75%", "$type": "percentage" },
- "weight": { "source": "$badge-font-weight", "$value": "{typography.font.weight.bold}", "$type": "fontWeight" }
+ "size": {
+ "$type": "percentage",
+ "$value": "75%",
+ "source": "$badge-font-size"
+ },
+ "weight": {
+ "$type": "fontWeight",
+ "$value": "{typography.font.weight.bold}",
+ "source": "$badge-font-weight"
+ }
@@ -23,14 +40,26 @@
"$type": "dimension",
"badge": {
"border-radius": {
- "base": { "source": "$badge-border-radius", "$value": ".25rem" },
- "pill": { "source": "$badge-pill-border-radius", "$value": "10rem" }
+ "base": {
+ "$value": ".25rem",
+ "source": "$badge-border-radius"
+ },
+ "pill": {
+ "$value": "10rem",
+ "source": "$badge-pill-border-radius"
+ }
- "focus-width": { "source": "$badge-focus-width", "$value": "{size.input.btn.focus-width}" }
+ "focus-width": {
+ "$value": "{size.input.btn.focus-width}",
+ "source": "$badge-focus-width"
+ }
"transition": {
"$type": "transition",
- "badge": { "source": "$badge-transition", "$value": "none" }
+ "badge": {
+ "$value": "none",
+ "source": "$badge-transition"
+ }
diff --git a/tokens/src/core/components/Breadcrumb.json b/tokens/src/core/components/Breadcrumb.json
index c3d34ad7c2..6b394dbfad 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Breadcrumb.json
+++ b/tokens/src/core/components/Breadcrumb.json
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
"$type": "dimension",
"breadcrumb": {
"margin": {
- "left": { "source": "$breadcrumb-margin-left", "$value": ".5rem" }
+ "left": {
+ "$value": ".5rem",
+ "source": "$breadcrumb-margin-left"
+ }
@@ -12,13 +15,25 @@
"breadcrumb": {
"border": {
"radius": {
- "focus": { "source": "$breadcrumb-focus-border-radius", "$value": ".125rem" }
+ "focus": {
+ "$value": ".125rem",
+ "source": "$breadcrumb-focus-border-radius"
+ }
"axis": {
- "x-focus": { "source": "$breadcrumb-border-focus-axis-x", "$value": ".25rem" },
- "y-focus": { "source": "$breadcrumb-border-focus-axis-y", "$value": ".5rem" }
+ "x-focus": {
+ "$value": ".25rem",
+ "source": "$breadcrumb-border-focus-axis-x"
+ },
+ "y-focus": {
+ "$value": ".5rem",
+ "source": "$breadcrumb-border-focus-axis-y"
+ }
- "width-focus": { "source": "$breadcrumb-border-focus-width", "$value": ".0625rem" }
+ "width-focus": {
+ "$value": ".0625rem",
+ "source": "$breadcrumb-border-focus-width"
+ }
diff --git a/tokens/src/core/components/Bubble.json b/tokens/src/core/components/Bubble.json
index 587265277c..1762e7714d 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Bubble.json
+++ b/tokens/src/core/components/Bubble.json
@@ -3,8 +3,14 @@
"$type": "dimension",
"bubble": {
"expandable-padding": {
- "y": { "source": "$bubble-expandable-padding-y", "$value": "0" },
- "x": { "source": "$bubble-expandable-padding-x", "$value": ".25rem" }
+ "y": {
+ "$value": "0",
+ "source": "$bubble-expandable-padding-y"
+ },
+ "x": {
+ "$value": ".25rem",
+ "source": "$bubble-expandable-padding-x"
+ }
diff --git a/tokens/src/core/components/Button/core.json b/tokens/src/core/components/Button/core.json
index 93a9a7366f..a9333472b8 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Button/core.json
+++ b/tokens/src/core/components/Button/core.json
@@ -4,28 +4,52 @@
"btn": {
"padding": {
"y": {
- "base": { "source": "$btn-padding-y", "$value": "{spacing.input.btn.padding.y}" },
- "lg": { "source": "$btn-padding-y-lg", "$value": "{spacing.input.btn.padding.lg.y}" },
- "sm": { "source": "$btn-padding-y-sm", "$value": "{spacing.input.btn.padding.sm.y}" }
+ "base": {
+ "$value": "{spacing.input.btn.padding.y}",
+ "source": "$btn-padding-y"
+ },
+ "lg": {
+ "$value": "{spacing.input.btn.padding.lg.y}",
+ "source": "$btn-padding-y-lg"
+ },
+ "sm": {
+ "$value": "{spacing.input.btn.padding.sm.y}",
+ "source": "$btn-padding-y-sm"
+ }
"x": {
- "base": { "source": "$btn-padding-x", "$value": "{spacing.input.btn.padding.x}" },
- "lg": { "source": "$btn-padding-x-lg", "$value": "{spacing.input.btn.padding.lg.x}" },
- "sm": { "source": "$btn-padding-x-sm", "$value": "{spacing.input.btn.padding.sm.x}" }
+ "base": {
+ "$value": "{spacing.input.btn.padding.x}",
+ "source": "$btn-padding-x"
+ },
+ "lg": {
+ "$value": "{spacing.input.btn.padding.lg.x}",
+ "source": "$btn-padding-x-lg"
+ },
+ "sm": {
+ "$value": "{spacing.input.btn.padding.sm.x}",
+ "source": "$btn-padding-x-sm"
+ }
"block": {
- "spacing-y": { "source": "$btn-block-spacing-y", "$value": ".5rem" }
+ "spacing-y": {
+ "$value": ".5rem",
+ "source": "$btn-block-spacing-y"
+ }
"focus": {
- "gap": { "source": "$btn-focus-gap", "$value": "{size.btn.focus.width}" },
+ "gap": {
+ "$value": "{size.btn.focus.width}",
+ "source": "$btn-focus-gap"
+ },
"border-gap": {
- "source": "$btn-focus-border-gap",
- "$value": "calc({size.btn.focus.width} + {spacing.btn.focus.gap})"
+ "$value": "calc({size.btn.focus.width} + {spacing.btn.focus.gap})",
+ "source": "$btn-focus-border-gap"
"distance-to-border": {
- "source": "$btn-focus-distance-to-border",
- "$value": "calc({spacing.btn.focus.border-gap} + {size.btn.border.width})"
+ "$value": "calc({spacing.btn.focus.border-gap} + {size.btn.border.width})",
+ "source": "$btn-focus-distance-to-border"
@@ -33,20 +57,46 @@
"typography": {
"btn": {
"font": {
- "family": { "source": "$btn-font-family", "$value": "{typography.input.btn.font.family}", "$type": "fontFamily" },
+ "family": {
+ "$type": "fontFamily",
+ "$value": "{typography.input.btn.font.family}",
+ "source": "$btn-font-family"
+ },
"size": {
"$type": "dimension",
- "base": { "source": "$btn-font-size", "$value": "{typography.input.btn.font.size.base}" },
- "sm": { "source": "$btn-font-size-sm", "$value": "{typography.input.btn.font.size.sm}" },
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index da74f2a87a..a2ffd739c8 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Carousel.json
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index a6699c402e..c0a685f33b 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Chip.json
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index ccb1edafd4..f1af5afeae 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/ChipCarousel.json
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index 6308930b30..12277a1df2 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/CloseButton.json
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index 4e03d1613c..6fc1ac5b1f 100644
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index 35ed3a43a8..8a6cbbe471 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/ColorPicker.json
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index fc72b78a5e..a760172e2b 100644
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index 75bf84d8e2..b95a910d93 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/DataTable.json
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index f125a25cfc..cfd8d788ea 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Dropdown.json
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index 9cfcb28071..63a433b9f1 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Dropzone.json
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@@ -3,16 +3,25 @@
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index aa14828016..8c1ef8fb32 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Form/other.json
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@@ -2,12 +2,24 @@
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index dcf0e043e5..c90aea3a6f 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Form/size.json
+++ b/tokens/src/core/components/Form/size.json
@@ -5,67 +5,102 @@
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@@ -73,107 +108,196 @@
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index 065a110f54..059bc97fc0 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Form/spacing.json
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--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Form/transition.json
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index 775992bfe5..bfbe6c4bc8 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Icon.json
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--- a/tokens/src/core/components/IconButton.json
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index 0e62fd3bc8..7cfec96306 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Image.json
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index a9ed30dc57..55b90bba96 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Menu.json
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index de3e27ee52..717f4074af 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Modal.json
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index 13aa5c5679..05b22fd838 100644
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index f292871793..3b5e3f1123 100644
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index e85f22aca8..953426a84e 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Sticky.json
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--- a/tokens/src/core/components/Tabs.json
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index 071f3b6a05..0180a82cc1 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/components/general/list.json
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@@ -21,8 +33,14 @@
"$type": "dimension",
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--- a/tokens/src/core/components/general/text.json
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--- a/tokens/src/core/global/elevation.json
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"$description": "z-index of level 2000."
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"fixed": {
- "source": "$zindex-fixed",
"$value": 1030,
- "$description": "z-index of for fixed element."
+ "$description": "z-index of for fixed element.",
+ "source": "$zindex-fixed"
diff --git a/tokens/src/core/global/other.json b/tokens/src/core/global/other.json
index 5ea9056694..8c722fde59 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/global/other.json
+++ b/tokens/src/core/global/other.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"yiq-contrasted-threshold": 128,
"theme-interval": {
"$type": "percentage",
- "source": "$theme-color-interval",
- "$value": "8%"
+ "$value": "8%",
+ "source": "$theme-color-interval"
diff --git a/tokens/src/core/global/spacing.json b/tokens/src/core/global/spacing.json
index fb48d6a6b3..f2e9bbd50c 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/global/spacing.json
+++ b/tokens/src/core/global/spacing.json
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
"$description": "Space value of level 6"
"base": {
- "source": "$spacer",
"$value": "1rem",
- "$description": "Basic space value"
+ "$description": "Basic space value",
+ "source": "$spacer"
"1.5": {
"$value": "calc({spacing.spacer.base} * .375)",
@@ -58,32 +58,32 @@
"label": {
"margin-bottom": {
- "source": "$label-margin-bottom",
"$value": ".5rem",
- "$description": "Margin bottom for label."
+ "$description": "Margin bottom for label.",
+ "source": "$label-margin-bottom"
"table": {
"cell": {
"padding": {
"base": {
- "source": "$table-cell-padding",
"$value": ".75rem",
- "$description": "Padding for tables."
+ "$description": "Padding for tables.",
+ "source": "$table-cell-padding"
"sm": {
- "source": "$table-cell-padding-sm",
"$value": ".3rem",
- "$description": "Padding sm for tables."
+ "$description": "Padding sm for tables.",
+ "source": "$table-cell-padding-sm"
"grid": {
"gutter-width": {
- "source": "$grid-gutter-width",
"$value": "24px",
- "$description": "Grid gutter width value."
+ "$description": "Grid gutter width value.",
+ "source": "$grid-gutter-width"
diff --git a/tokens/src/core/global/transition.json b/tokens/src/core/global/transition.json
index 657ee85e2f..035b91793d 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/global/transition.json
+++ b/tokens/src/core/global/transition.json
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
"transition": {
"$type": "transition",
"base": {
- "source": "$transition-base",
"$value": {
"property": "all",
"duration": ".2s",
@@ -10,10 +9,10 @@
"delay": "0s",
"behavior": "normal"
- "$description": "Generic transition for any property change"
+ "$description": "Generic transition for any property change",
+ "source": "$transition-base"
"fade": {
- "source": "$transition-fade",
"$value": {
"property": "opacity",
"duration": ".15s",
@@ -21,11 +20,11 @@
"delay": "0s",
"behavior": "normal"
- "$description": "Opacity transition that takes 150ms"
+ "$description": "Opacity transition that takes 150ms",
+ "source": "$transition-fade"
"collapse": {
"height": {
- "source": "$transition-collapse",
"$value": {
"property": "height",
"duration": ".35s",
@@ -33,10 +32,10 @@
"delay": "0s",
"behavior": "normal"
- "$description": "Collapse transition for height that takes 350ms"
+ "$description": "Collapse transition for height that takes 350ms",
+ "source": "$transition-collapse"
"width": {
- "source": "$transition-collapse-width",
"$value": {
"property": "width",
"duration": ".35s",
@@ -44,7 +43,8 @@
"delay": "0s",
"behavior": "normal"
- "$description": "Collapse transition for width that takes 350ms"
+ "$description": "Collapse transition for width that takes 350ms",
+ "source": "$transition-collapse-width"
diff --git a/tokens/src/core/global/typography.json b/tokens/src/core/global/typography.json
index 0dec9157f8..84526b567e 100644
--- a/tokens/src/core/global/typography.json
+++ b/tokens/src/core/global/typography.json
@@ -4,155 +4,175 @@
"family": {
"$type": "fontFamily",
"base": {
- "source": "$font-family-base",
"$value": "{typography.font.family.sans.serif}",
- "$description": "Basic font family."
+ "$description": "Basic font family.",
+ "source": "$font-family-base"
"sans": {
"serif": {
- "source": "$font-family-sans-serif",
- "$value": ["-apple-system", "BlinkMacSystemFont", "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Helvetica Neue", "Arial",
- "Noto Sans", "sans-serif", "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"],
- "$description": "Sans-serif font family."
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+ "-apple-system",
+ "BlinkMacSystemFont",
+ "Segoe UI",
+ "Roboto",
+ "Helvetica Neue",
+ "Arial",
+ "Noto Sans",
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+ "Segoe UI Emoji",
+ "Segoe UI Symbol",
+ "Noto Color Emoji"
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- "source": "$font-family-serif",
"$value": "serif",
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+ "$description": "Serif font family.",
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"monospace": {
- "source": "$font-family-monospace",
- "$value": ["SFMono-Regular", "Menlo", "Monaco", "Consolas", "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", "monospace"],
- "$description": "Monospace font family."
+ "$value": [
+ "SFMono-Regular",
+ "Menlo",
+ "Monaco",
+ "Consolas",
+ "Liberation Mono",
+ "Courier New",
+ "monospace"
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+ "$description": "Monospace font family.",
+ "source": "$font-family-monospace"
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"$type": "dimension",
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- "source": "$font-size-base",
"$value": "1.125rem",
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+ "$description": "Base font size.",
+ "source": "$font-size-base"
"lg": {
- "source": "$lead-font-size",
"$value": "calc({typography.font.size.base} * 1.25)",
- "$description": "Lead text font size."
+ "$description": "Lead text font size.",
+ "source": "$lead-font-size"
"sm": {
- "source": "$small-font-size",
"$value": "87.5%",
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+ "source": "$small-font-size"
"xs": {
- "source": "$x-small-font-size",
"$value": "75%",
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+ "$description": "X-small font size.",
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"micro": {
- "source": "$micro-font-size",
- "$value": ".688rem",
"$type": "dimension",
- "$description": "Micro utils text font size."
+ "$value": ".688rem",
+ "$description": "Micro utils text font size.",
+ "source": "$micro-font-size"
"h1": {
"base": {
- "source": "$h1-font-size",
"$value": "2.5rem",
- "$description": "Base font size of heading level 1."
+ "$description": "Base font size of heading level 1.",
+ "source": "$h1-font-size"
"mobile": {
- "source": "$h1-mobile-font-size",
"$value": "2.25rem",
- "$description": "Mobile font size of heading level 1."
+ "$description": "Mobile font size of heading level 1.",
+ "source": "$h1-mobile-font-size"
"h2": {
"base": {
- "source": "$h2-font-size",
"$value": "2rem",
- "$description": "Font size of heading level 2."
+ "$description": "Font size of heading level 2.",
+ "source": "$h2-font-size"
"mobile": {
- "source": "$h2-mobile-font-size",
"$value": "{typography.font.size.h2.base}",
- "$description": "Mobile font size of heading level 2."
+ "$description": "Mobile font size of heading level 2.",
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"h3": {
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"$value": "1.375rem",
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"mobile": {
- "source": "$h3-mobile-font-size",
"$value": "{typography.font.size.h3.base}",
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+ "$description": "Mobile font size of heading level 3.",
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"h4": {
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- "source": "$h4-font-size",
"$value": "1.125rem",
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"mobile": {
- "source": "$h4-mobile-font-size",
"$value": "{typography.font.size.h4.base}",
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+ "$description": "Mobile font size of heading level 4.",
+ "source": "$h4-mobile-font-size"
"h5": {
"base": {
- "source": "$h5-font-size",
"$value": ".875rem",
- "$description": "Font size of heading level 5."
+ "$description": "Font size of heading level 5.",
+ "source": "$h5-font-size"
"mobile": {
- "source": "$h5-mobile-font-size",
"$value": "{typography.font.size.h5.base}",
- "$description": "Mobile font size of heading level 5."
+ "$description": "Mobile font size of heading level 5.",
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"h6": {
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- "source": "$h6-font-size",
"$value": ".75rem",
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"mobile": {
- "source": "$h6-mobile-font-size",
"$value": "{typography.font.size.h6.base}",
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"display": {
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"2": {
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"$value": "4.875rem",
- "$description": "Font size for heading of level 2."
+ "$description": "Font size for heading of level 2.",
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"3": {
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- "$description": "Font size for heading of level 3."
+ "$description": "Font size for heading of level 3.",
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"4": {
- "source": "$display4-size",
"$value": "7.5rem",
- "$description": "Font size for heading of level 4."
+ "$description": "Font size for heading of level 4.",
+ "source": "$display4-size"
"mobile": {
"1": {
- "source": "$display-mobile-size",
"$value": "3.25rem",
- "$description": "Mobile font size for heading of level 1."
+ "$description": "Mobile font size for heading of level 1.",
+ "source": "$display-mobile-size"
"2": {
"$value": "{typography.font.size.display.mobile.1}",
@@ -172,72 +192,72 @@
"weight": {
"$type": "fontWeight",
"lighter": {
- "source": "$font-weight-lighter",
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+ "source": "$font-weight-lighter"
"light": {
- "source": "$font-weight-light",
"$value": "300",
- "$description": "Light font weight."
+ "$description": "Light font weight.",
+ "source": "$font-weight-light"
"normal": {
- "source": "$font-weight-normal",
"$value": "400",
- "$description": "Normal font weight."
+ "$description": "Normal font weight.",
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"semi": {
"bold": {
- "source": "$font-weight-semi-bold",
"$value": "500",
- "$description": "Semi-bold font weight."
+ "$description": "Semi-bold font weight.",
+ "source": "$font-weight-semi-bold"
"bold": {
- "source": "$font-weight-bold",
"$value": "700",
- "$description": "Bold font weight."
+ "$description": "Bold font weight.",
+ "source": "$font-weight-bold"
"bolder": {
- "source": "$font-weight-bolder",
"$value": "bolder",
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+ "$description": "Bolder font weight.",
+ "source": "$font-weight-bolder"
"base": {
- "source": "$font-weight-base",
"$value": "{typography.font.weight.normal}",
- "$description": "Basic font weight."
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+ "source": "$font-weight-base"
"lead": {
- "source": "$lead-font-weight",
"$value": "inherit",
- "$description": "Lead text font weight."
+ "$description": "Lead text font weight.",
+ "source": "$lead-font-weight"
"table-th": {
- "source": "$table-th-font-weight",
"$value": "bold",
- "$description": "Table th font weight."
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"display": {
"1": {
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"$value": "{typography.font.weight.bold}",
- "$description": "Font weight of display level 1."
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+ "source": "$display1-weight"
"2": {
- "source": "$display2-weight",
"$value": "{typography.font.weight.bold}",
- "$description": "Font weight of display level 2."
+ "$description": "Font weight of display level 2.",
+ "source": "$display2-weight"
"3": {
- "source": "$display3-weight",
"$value": "{typography.font.weight.bold}",
- "$description": "Font weight of display level 3."
+ "$description": "Font weight of display level 3.",
+ "source": "$display3-weight"
"4": {
- "source": "$display4-weight",
"$value": "{typography.font.weight.bold}",
- "$description": "Font weight of display level 4."
+ "$description": "Font weight of display level 4.",
+ "source": "$display4-weight"
@@ -245,42 +265,42 @@
"line-height": {
"$type": "number",
"base": {
- "source": "$line-height-base",
"$value": "1.5556",
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+ "$description": "Basic line height.",
+ "source": "$line-height-base"
"lg": {
- "source": "$line-height-lg",
"$value": "1.5",
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+ "$description": "Large line height.",
+ "source": "$line-height-lg"
"sm": {
- "source": "$line-height-sm",
"$value": "1.5",
- "$description": "Small line height."
+ "$description": "Small line height.",
+ "source": "$line-height-sm"
"micro": {
- "source": "$micro-line-height",
"$value": ".938rem",
- "$description": "Micro utils line height."
+ "$description": "Micro utils line height.",
+ "source": "$micro-line-height"
"display": {
"base": {
- "source": "$display-line-height",
"$value": "1",
- "$description": "Standard display line height."
+ "$description": "Standard display line height.",
+ "source": "$display-line-height"
"mobile": {
- "source": "$display-mobile-line-height",
"$value": "3.5rem",
- "$description": "Mobile display line height."
+ "$description": "Mobile display line height.",
+ "source": "$display-mobile-line-height"
"print-page-size": {
- "source": "$print-page-size",
+ "$type": "dimension",
"$value": "a3",
- "$type": "dimension"
+ "source": "$print-page-size"
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index e945ebcfe6..0351fba5b6 100644
--- a/tokens/src/themes/light/alias/color.json
+++ b/tokens/src/themes/light/alias/color.json
@@ -2,33 +2,46 @@
"color": {
"$type": "color",
"bg": {
- "base": { "$value": "{color.white}", "$description": "Basic background color." },
+ "base": {
+ "$value": "{color.white}",
+ "$description": "Basic background color."
+ },
"active": {
- "source": "$component-active-bg",
"$value": "{color.primary.500}",
- "$description": "Active background color."
+ "$description": "Active background color.",
+ "source": "$component-active-bg"
"text": {
"50": {
"black": {
- "source": "$text-black-50",
- "modify": [{ "type": "alpha", "amount": 0.5 }],
"$value": "{color.black}",
- "$description": "Black text color with transparency of 50%."
+ "$description": "Black text color with transparency of 50%.",
+ "modify": [
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+ "amount": 0.5
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": "$text-black-50"
"white": {
- "source": "$text-white-50",
- "modify": [{ "type": "alpha", "amount": 0.5 }],
"$value": "{color.white}",
- "$description": "White text color with transparency of 50%."
+ "$description": "White text color with transparency of 50%.",
+ "modify": [
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+ "amount": 0.5
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": "$text-white-50"
"active": {
- "source": "$component-active-color",
"$value": "{color.white}",
- "$description": "Color for active element."
+ "$description": "Color for active element.",
+ "source": "$component-active-color"
"disabled": {
"$value": "{color.gray.500}",
@@ -42,20 +55,20 @@
"table": {
"caption": {
- "source": "$table-caption-color",
"$value": "{color.text-muted}",
- "$description": "Table caption color."
+ "$description": "Table caption color.",
+ "source": "$table-caption-color"
"border": {
- "source": "$table-border-color",
"$value": "{color.border}",
- "$description": "Table border color."
+ "$description": "Table border color.",
+ "source": "$table-border-color"
"border": {
- "source": "$border-color",
"$value": "{color.gray.200}",
- "$description": "Border color."
+ "$description": "Border color.",
+ "source": "$border-color"
"theme": {
"bg": {
diff --git a/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Alert.json b/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Alert.json
index ffb40b3c53..9c6e36d01a 100644
--- a/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Alert.json
+++ b/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Alert.json
@@ -2,25 +2,67 @@
"color": {
"$type": "color",
"alert": {
- "title": { "source": "$alert-title-color", "$value": "{color.black}" },
- "content": { "source": "$alert-content-color", "$value": "{color.gray.700}" },
+ "title": {
+ "$value": "{color.black}",
+ "source": "$alert-title-color"
+ },
+ "content": {
+ "$value": "{color.gray.700}",
+ "source": "$alert-content-color"
+ },
"icon": {
- "success": { "source": "$alert-success-icon-color", "$value": "{color.theme.default.success}" },
- "info": { "source": "$alert-info-icon-color", "$value": "{color.theme.default.info}" },
- "danger": { "source": "$alert-danger-icon-color", "$value": "{color.theme.default.danger}" },
- "warning": { "source": "$alert-warning-icon-color", "$value": "{color.theme.default.warning}" }
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+ "$value": "{color.theme.default.success}",
+ "source": "$alert-success-icon-color"
+ },
+ "info": {
+ "$value": "{color.theme.default.info}",
+ "source": "$alert-info-icon-color"
+ },
+ "danger": {
+ "$value": "{color.theme.default.danger}",
+ "source": "$alert-danger-icon-color"
+ },
+ "warning": {
+ "$value": "{color.theme.default.warning}",
+ "source": "$alert-warning-icon-color"
+ }
"bg": {
- "success": { "source": "$alert-success-bg", "$value": "{color.theme.bg.success}" },
- "info": { "source": "$alert-info-bg", "$value": "{color.theme.bg.info}" },
- "danger": { "source": "$alert-danger-bg", "$value": "{color.theme.bg.danger}" },
- "warning": { "source": "$alert-warning-bg", "$value": "{color.theme.bg.warning}" }
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+ "$value": "{color.theme.bg.success}",
+ "source": "$alert-success-bg"
+ },
+ "info": {
+ "$value": "{color.theme.bg.info}",
+ "source": "$alert-info-bg"
+ },
+ "danger": {
+ "$value": "{color.theme.bg.danger}",
+ "source": "$alert-danger-bg"
+ },
+ "warning": {
+ "$value": "{color.theme.bg.warning}",
+ "source": "$alert-warning-bg"
+ }
"border": {
- "success": { "source": "$alert-success-border-color", "$value": "{color.theme.border.success}" },
- "info": { "source": "$alert-info-border-color", "$value": "{color.theme.border.info}" },
- "danger": { "source": "$alert-danger-border-color", "$value": "{color.theme.border.danger}" },
- "warning": { "source": "$alert-warning-border-color", "$value": "{color.theme.border.warning}" }
+ "success": {
+ "$value": "{color.theme.border.success}",
+ "source": "$alert-success-border-color"
+ },
+ "info": {
+ "$value": "{color.theme.border.info}",
+ "source": "$alert-info-border-color"
+ },
+ "danger": {
+ "$value": "{color.theme.border.danger}",
+ "source": "$alert-danger-border-color"
+ },
+ "warning": {
+ "$value": "{color.theme.border.warning}",
+ "source": "$alert-warning-border-color"
+ }
diff --git a/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Annotation.json b/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Annotation.json
index 2bad75960e..2833299995 100644
--- a/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Annotation.json
+++ b/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Annotation.json
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
"$type": "shadow",
"annotation": {
"box-shadow": {
- "source": "$annotation-box-shadow",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -17,7 +16,8 @@
"offsetY": "2px",
"blur": "8px"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": "$annotation-box-shadow"
@@ -25,18 +25,48 @@
"$type": "color",
"annotation": {
"text": {
- "success": { "source": "$annotation-success-color", "$value": "{color.white}" },
- "warning": { "source": "$annotation-warning-color", "$value": "{color.black}" },
- "error": { "source": "$annotation-error-color", "$value": "{color.white}" },
- "light": { "source": "$annotation-light-color", "$value": "{color.primary.500}" },
- "dark": { "source": "$annotation-dark-color", "$value": "{color.white}" }
+ "success": {
+ "$value": "{color.white}",
+ "source": "$annotation-success-color"
+ },
+ "warning": {
+ "$value": "{color.black}",
+ "source": "$annotation-warning-color"
+ },
+ "error": {
+ "$value": "{color.white}",
+ "source": "$annotation-error-color"
+ },
+ "light": {
+ "$value": "{color.primary.500}",
+ "source": "$annotation-light-color"
+ },
+ "dark": {
+ "$value": "{color.white}",
+ "source": "$annotation-dark-color"
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"bg": {
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- "warning": { "source": "$annotation-warning-bg", "$value": "{color.accent.b}" },
- "error": { "source": "$annotation-error-bg", "$value": "{color.danger.base}" },
- "light": { "source": "$annotation-light-bg", "$value": "{color.white}" },
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+ "source": "$annotation-warning-bg"
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+ },
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+ "$value": "{color.white}",
+ "source": "$annotation-light-bg"
+ },
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+ "$value": "{color.dark.base}",
+ "source": "$annotation-dark-bg"
+ }
diff --git a/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Badge.json b/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Badge.json
index 0eca2c6651..33d179b63e 100644
--- a/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Badge.json
+++ b/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Badge.json
@@ -3,116 +3,308 @@
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diff --git a/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Breadcrumb.json b/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Breadcrumb.json
index e745bc3616..e7f49af471 100644
--- a/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Breadcrumb.json
+++ b/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Breadcrumb.json
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index eabea9b6cd..45f4d61c87 100644
--- a/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Bubble.json
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index 23b6357841..0798a40207 100644
--- a/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Button/brand.json
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--- a/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Form/elevation.json
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--- a/tokens/src/themes/light/components/ProductTour.json
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@@ -3,19 +3,42 @@
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--- a/tokens/src/themes/light/components/Scrollable.json
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--- a/tokens/src/themes/light/components/SearchField.json
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@@ -24,7 +46,6 @@
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@@ -563,22 +606,22 @@
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"actions": {
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"modify": [
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"modify": [
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@@ -794,14 +837,14 @@
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"500": {
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@@ -1183,24 +1226,24 @@
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@@ -1253,22 +1296,22 @@
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@@ -1291,14 +1334,14 @@
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@@ -1306,14 +1349,14 @@
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@@ -1321,1063 +1364,1062 @@
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"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.danger.500}"
+ "source": "$action-default-danger-500"
"600": {
- "source": "$action-default-danger-600",
+ "$value": "{color.danger.600}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.danger.600}"
+ "source": "$action-default-danger-600"
"700": {
- "source": "$action-default-danger-700",
+ "$value": "{color.danger.700}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.danger.700}"
+ "source": "$action-default-danger-700"
"800": {
- "source": "$action-default-danger-800",
+ "$value": "{color.danger.800}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.danger.800}"
+ "source": "$action-default-danger-800"
"900": {
- "source": "$action-default-danger-900",
+ "$value": "{color.danger.900}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.danger.900}"
+ "source": "$action-default-danger-900"
"base": {
- "source": "$action-default-danger-base",
+ "$value": "{color.danger.base}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.danger.base}"
+ "source": "$action-default-danger-base"
"light": {
"100": {
- "source": "$action-default-light-100",
+ "$value": "{color.light.100}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.light.100}"
+ "source": "$action-default-light-100"
"200": {
- "source": "$action-default-light-200",
+ "$value": "{color.light.200}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.light.200}"
+ "source": "$action-default-light-200"
"300": {
- "source": "$action-default-light-300",
+ "$value": "{color.light.300}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.light.300}"
+ "source": "$action-default-light-300"
"400": {
- "source": "$action-default-light-400",
+ "$value": "{color.light.400}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.light.400}"
+ "source": "$action-default-light-400"
"500": {
- "source": "$action-default-light-500",
+ "$value": "{color.light.500}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.light.500}"
+ "source": "$action-default-light-500"
"600": {
- "source": "$action-default-light-600",
+ "$value": "{color.light.600}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.light.600}"
+ "source": "$action-default-light-600"
"700": {
- "source": "$action-default-light-700",
+ "$value": "{color.light.700}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.light.700}"
+ "source": "$action-default-light-700"
"800": {
- "source": "$action-default-light-800",
+ "$value": "{color.light.800}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.light.800}"
+ "source": "$action-default-light-800"
"900": {
- "source": "$action-default-light-900",
+ "$value": "{color.light.900}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.light.900}"
+ "source": "$action-default-light-900"
"base": {
- "source": "$action-default-light-base",
+ "$value": "{color.light.base}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.light.base}"
+ "source": "$action-default-light-base"
"dark": {
"100": {
- "source": "$action-default-dark-100",
+ "$value": "{color.dark.100}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.dark.100}"
+ "source": "$action-default-dark-100"
"200": {
- "source": "$action-default-dark-200",
+ "$value": "{color.dark.200}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.dark.200}"
+ "source": "$action-default-dark-200"
"300": {
- "source": "$action-default-dark-300",
+ "$value": "{color.dark.300}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.dark.300}"
+ "source": "$action-default-dark-300"
"400": {
- "source": "$action-default-dark-400",
+ "$value": "{color.dark.400}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.dark.400}"
+ "source": "$action-default-dark-400"
"500": {
- "source": "$action-default-dark-500",
+ "$value": "{color.dark.500}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.dark.500}"
+ "source": "$action-default-dark-500"
"600": {
- "source": "$action-default-dark-600",
+ "$value": "{color.dark.600}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.dark.600}"
+ "source": "$action-default-dark-600"
"700": {
- "source": "$action-default-dark-700",
+ "$value": "{color.dark.700}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.dark.700}"
+ "source": "$action-default-dark-700"
"800": {
- "source": "$action-default-dark-800",
+ "$value": "{color.dark.800}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.dark.800}"
+ "source": "$action-default-dark-800"
"900": {
- "source": "$action-default-dark-900",
+ "$value": "{color.dark.900}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.dark.900}"
+ "source": "$action-default-dark-900"
"base": {
- "source": "$action-default-dark-base",
+ "$value": "{color.dark.base}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.dark.base}"
+ "source": "$action-default-dark-base"
"accent": {
"a": {
- "source": "$action-default-accent-a",
+ "$value": "{color.accent.a}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.accent.a}"
+ "source": "$action-default-accent-a"
"b": {
- "source": "$action-default-accent-b",
+ "$value": "{color.accent.b}",
"modify": [
"type": "darken",
"amount": "0.1"
- "$value": "{color.accent.b}"
+ "source": "$action-default-accent-b"
diff --git a/tokens/src/themes/light/global/elevation.json b/tokens/src/themes/light/global/elevation.json
index ba0697b0af..b6d2d8bfce 100644
--- a/tokens/src/themes/light/global/elevation.json
+++ b/tokens/src/themes/light/global/elevation.json
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"box-shadow": {
"level": {
"1": {
- "source": "$level-1-box-shadow",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -19,10 +18,10 @@
"blur": ".25rem"
- "$description": "Basic box shadow of level 1."
+ "$description": "Basic box shadow of level 1.",
+ "source": "$level-1-box-shadow"
"2": {
- "source": "$level-2-box-shadow",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -37,10 +36,10 @@
"blur": ".5rem"
- "$description": "Basic box shadow of level 2."
+ "$description": "Basic box shadow of level 2.",
+ "source": "$level-2-box-shadow"
"3": {
- "source": "$level-3-box-shadow",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -55,10 +54,10 @@
"blur": "1rem"
- "$description": "Basic box shadow of level 3."
+ "$description": "Basic box shadow of level 3.",
+ "source": "$level-3-box-shadow"
"4": {
- "source": "$level-4-box-shadow",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -73,10 +72,10 @@
"blur": "1.25rem"
- "$description": "Basic box shadow of level 4."
+ "$description": "Basic box shadow of level 4.",
+ "source": "$level-4-box-shadow"
"5": {
- "source": "$level-5-box-shadow",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -91,42 +90,42 @@
"blur": "2.5rem"
- "$description": "Basic box shadow of level 5."
+ "$description": "Basic box shadow of level 5.",
+ "source": "$level-5-box-shadow"
"base": {
- "source": "$box-shadow",
"$value": {
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .3)",
"offsetX": "0",
"offsetY": ".125rem",
"blur": ".25rem"
- "$description": "Default box shadow."
+ "$description": "Default box shadow.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow"
"sm": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-sm",
"$value": {
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .2)",
"offsetX": "0",
"offsetY": ".0625rem",
"blur": ".125rem"
- "$description": "Small box shadow."
+ "$description": "Small box shadow.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-sm"
"lg": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-lg",
"$value": {
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .3)",
"offsetX": "0",
"offsetY": ".25rem",
"blur": ".5rem"
- "$description": "Large box shadow."
+ "$description": "Large box shadow.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-lg"
"down": {
"1": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-down-1",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -141,10 +140,10 @@
"blur": ".25rem"
- "$description": "Bottom box shadow of level 1."
+ "$description": "Bottom box shadow of level 1.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-down-1"
"2": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-down-2",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -159,10 +158,10 @@
"blur": ".5rem"
- "$description": "Bottom box shadow of level 2."
+ "$description": "Bottom box shadow of level 2.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-down-2"
"3": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-down-3",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -177,10 +176,10 @@
"blur": ".625rem"
- "$description": "Bottom box shadow of level 3."
+ "$description": "Bottom box shadow of level 3.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-down-3"
"4": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-down-4",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -195,10 +194,10 @@
"blur": "1.25rem"
- "$description": "Bottom box shadow of level 4."
+ "$description": "Bottom box shadow of level 4.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-down-4"
"5": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-down-5",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -213,12 +212,12 @@
"blur": "2.5rem"
- "$description": "Bottom box shadow of level 5."
+ "$description": "Bottom box shadow of level 5.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-down-5"
"left": {
"1": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-left-1",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -233,10 +232,10 @@
"blur": ".25rem"
- "$description": "Left box shadow of level 1."
+ "$description": "Left box shadow of level 1.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-left-1"
"2": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-left-2",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -251,10 +250,10 @@
"blur": ".5rem"
- "$description": "Left box shadow of level 2."
+ "$description": "Left box shadow of level 2.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-left-2"
"3": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-left-3",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -269,10 +268,10 @@
"blur": ".625rem"
- "$description": "Left box shadow of level 3."
+ "$description": "Left box shadow of level 3.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-left-3"
"4": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-left-4",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -287,10 +286,10 @@
"blur": "1.25rem"
- "$description": "Left box shadow of level 4."
+ "$description": "Left box shadow of level 4.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-left-4"
"5": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-left-5",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -305,12 +304,12 @@
"blur": "3rem"
- "$description": "Left box shadow of level 5."
+ "$description": "Left box shadow of level 5.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-left-5"
"up": {
"1": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-up-1",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -325,10 +324,10 @@
"blur": ".25rem"
- "$description": "Top box shadow of level 1."
+ "$description": "Top box shadow of level 1.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-up-1"
"2": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-up-2",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -343,10 +342,10 @@
"blur": ".5rem"
- "$description": "Top box shadow of level 2."
+ "$description": "Top box shadow of level 2.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-up-2"
"3": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-up-3",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -361,10 +360,10 @@
"blur": ".625rem"
- "$description": "Top box shadow of level 3."
+ "$description": "Top box shadow of level 3.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-up-3"
"4": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-up-4",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -379,10 +378,10 @@
"blur": "1.25rem"
- "$description": "Top box shadow of level 4."
+ "$description": "Top box shadow of level 4.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-up-4"
"5": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-up-5",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -397,12 +396,12 @@
"blur": "3rem"
- "$description": "Basic box shadow of level 5."
+ "$description": "Basic box shadow of level 5.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-up-5"
"right": {
"1": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-right-1",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -417,10 +416,10 @@
"blur": ".25rem"
- "$description": "Right box shadow of level 1."
+ "$description": "Right box shadow of level 1.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-right-1"
"2": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-right-2",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -435,10 +434,10 @@
"blur": ".5rem"
- "$description": "Right box shadow of level 2."
+ "$description": "Right box shadow of level 2.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-right-2"
"3": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-right-3",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -453,10 +452,10 @@
"blur": ".625rem"
- "$description": "Right box shadow of level 3."
+ "$description": "Right box shadow of level 3.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-right-3"
"4": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-right-4",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -471,10 +470,10 @@
"blur": "1.25rem"
- "$description": "Right box shadow of level 4."
+ "$description": "Right box shadow of level 4.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-right-4"
"5": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-right-5",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -489,12 +488,12 @@
"blur": "3rem"
- "$description": "Right box shadow of level 5."
+ "$description": "Right box shadow of level 5.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-right-5"
"centered": {
"1": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-centered-1",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -509,10 +508,10 @@
"blur": ".25rem"
- "$description": "Centered box shadow of level 1."
+ "$description": "Centered box shadow of level 1.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-centered-1"
"2": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-centered-2",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -527,10 +526,10 @@
"blur": ".5rem"
- "$description": "Centered box shadow of level 2."
+ "$description": "Centered box shadow of level 2.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-centered-2"
"3": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-centered-3",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -545,10 +544,10 @@
"blur": "1rem"
- "$description": "Centered box shadow of level 3."
+ "$description": "Centered box shadow of level 3.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-centered-3"
"4": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-centered-4",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -563,10 +562,10 @@
"blur": "1.25rem"
- "$description": "Centered box shadow of level 4."
+ "$description": "Centered box shadow of level 4.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-centered-4"
"5": {
- "source": "$box-shadow-centered-5",
"$value": [
"color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)",
@@ -581,7 +580,8 @@
"blur": "3rem"
- "$description": "Centered box shadow of level 5."
+ "$description": "Centered box shadow of level 5.",
+ "source": "$box-shadow-centered-5"