diff --git a/templates/html5/output.js b/templates/html5/output.js
index da522b6ca3..e04a257441 100644
--- a/templates/html5/output.js
+++ b/templates/html5/output.js
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
-var $lime_init = (function ($hx_exports, $global) {
- "use strict";
+var $lime_init = (function ($hx_exports, $global) { "use strict"; var $hx_script = (function (exports, global) { ::SOURCE_FILE::
+});::if false::
+ Don't insert or remove any line breaks in the code above this line!
- var $hx_script = (function (exports, global) {
- });
+ ::SOURCE_FILE:: must start on the first line.
+ Breakpoints in debug builds won't work if this file's line numbers don't
+ match the .js.map file's expected line numbers exactly.
+ Additionally, the }); after ::SOURCE_FILE:: must appear on the next line
+ to avoid it getting ignored in a // comment at the end of ::SOURCE_FILE::.
if (typeof self !== "undefined" && self.constructor.name.includes("Worker")) {
// No need for exports in a worker context, just initialize statics.
$hx_script({}, $global);