diff --git a/src/starling/events/TouchEvent.hx b/src/starling/events/TouchEvent.hx
index 62da70a..487754f 100644
--- a/src/starling/events/TouchEvent.hx
+++ b/src/starling/events/TouchEvent.hx
@@ -7,11 +7,8 @@
// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
// =================================================================================================
package starling.events;
-import openfl.Vector;
import starling.display.DisplayObject;
/** A TouchEvent is triggered either by touch or mouse input.
@@ -42,7 +39,7 @@ import starling.display.DisplayObject;
* the touches that occurred on top of certain objects, you can query the event for touches
* with a specific target:
- * var touches:Vector.<Touch> = touchEvent.getTouches(this);
+ * var touches:Array.<Touch> = touchEvent.getTouches(this);
* This will return all touches of "this" or one of its children. When you are not using
* multitouch, you can also access the touch object directly, like this:
@@ -52,191 +49,198 @@ import starling.display.DisplayObject;
* @see Touch
* @see TouchPhase
-class TouchEvent extends Event
- /** Event type for touch or mouse input. */
- public static inline var TOUCH:String = "touch";
- @:noCompletion private var __shiftKey:Bool;
- @:noCompletion private var __ctrlKey:Bool;
- @:noCompletion private var __timestamp:Float;
- @:noCompletion private var __visitedObjects:Vector;
- /** Helper object. */
- private static var sTouches:Vector = new Vector();
- #if commonjs
- private static function __init__ () {
- untyped Object.defineProperties (TouchEvent.prototype, {
- "timestamp": { get: untyped __js__ ("function () { return this.get_timestamp (); }") },
- "touches": { get: untyped __js__ ("function () { return this.get_touches (); }") },
- "shiftKey": { get: untyped __js__ ("function () { return this.get_shiftKey (); }") },
- "ctrlKey": { get: untyped __js__ ("function () { return this.get_ctrlKey (); }") },
- });
- }
- #end
- /** Creates a new TouchEvent instance. */
- public function new(type:String, touches:Vector=null, shiftKey:Bool=false,
- ctrlKey:Bool=false, bubbles:Bool=true)
- {
- super(type, bubbles, touches);
- __shiftKey = shiftKey;
- __ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
- __visitedObjects = new Vector();
- updateTimestamp(touches);
- }
- /** @private */
- @:allow(starling.events.TouchProcessor) private function resetTo(type:String, touches:Vector=null, shiftKey:Bool=false,
- ctrlKey:Bool=false, bubbles:Bool=true):TouchEvent
- {
- super.reset(type, bubbles, touches);
- __shiftKey = shiftKey;
- __ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
- __visitedObjects.length = 0;
- updateTimestamp(touches);
- return this;
- }
- private function updateTimestamp(touches:Vector):Void
- {
- __timestamp = -1.0;
- var numTouches:Int = touches != null ? touches.length : 0;
- for (i in 0...numTouches)
- {
- if (touches[i].timestamp > __timestamp)
- __timestamp = touches[i].timestamp;
+class TouchEvent extends Event {
+ /** Event type for touch or mouse input. */
+ public static inline var TOUCH:String = "touch";
+ @:noCompletion private var __shiftKey:Bool;
+ @:noCompletion private var __ctrlKey:Bool;
+ @:noCompletion private var __timestamp:Float;
+ @:noCompletion private var __visitedObjects:Array;
+ /** Helper object. */
+ private static var sTouches:Array = new Array();
+ #if commonjs
+ private static function __init__() {
+ untyped Object.defineProperties(TouchEvent.prototype, {
+ "timestamp": {get: untyped __js__("function () { return this.get_timestamp (); }")},
+ "touches": {get: untyped __js__("function () { return this.get_touches (); }")},
+ "shiftKey": {get: untyped __js__("function () { return this.get_shiftKey (); }")},
+ "ctrlKey": {get: untyped __js__("function () { return this.get_ctrlKey (); }")},
+ });
+ }
+ #end
+ /** Creates a new TouchEvent instance. */
+ public function new(type:String, touches:Array = null, shiftKey:Bool = false, ctrlKey:Bool = false, bubbles:Bool = true) {
+ super(type, bubbles, touches);
+ __shiftKey = shiftKey;
+ __ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
+ __visitedObjects = new Array();
+ updateTimestamp(touches);
+ }
+ /** @private */
+ @:allow(starling.events.TouchProcessor) private function resetTo(type:String, touches:Array = null, shiftKey:Bool = false, ctrlKey:Bool = false,
+ bubbles:Bool = true):TouchEvent {
+ super.reset(type, bubbles, touches);
+ __shiftKey = shiftKey;
+ __ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
+ #if (haxe_ver >= 4.0)
+ __visitedObjects.resize(0);
+ #else
+ ArrayUtil.resize(__visitedObjects, 0);
+ #end
+ updateTimestamp(touches);
+ return this;
+ }
+ private function updateTimestamp(touches:Array):Void {
+ __timestamp = -1.0;
+ var numTouches:Int = touches != null ? touches.length : 0;
+ for (i in 0...numTouches) {
+ if (touches[i].timestamp > __timestamp)
+ __timestamp = touches[i].timestamp;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Returns a list of touches that originated over a certain target. If you pass an
+ * out
-Array, the touches will be added to this Array instead of creating
+ * a new object. */
+ public function getTouches(target:DisplayObject, phase:String = null, out:Array = null):Array {
+ if (out == null)
+ out = new Array();
+ var allTouches:Array = cast data;
+ var numTouches:Int = allTouches.length;
+ for (i in 0...numTouches) {
+ var touch:Touch = allTouches[i];
+ var correctTarget:Bool = touch.isTouching(target);
+ var correctPhase:Bool = (phase == null || phase == touch.phase);
+ if (correctTarget && correctPhase)
+ out[out.length] = touch; // avoiding 'push'
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ /** Returns a touch that originated over a certain target.
+ *
+ * @param target The object that was touched; may also be a parent of the actual
+ * touch-target.
+ * @param phase The phase the touch must be in, or null if you don't care.
+ * @param id The ID of the requested touch, or -1 if you don't care.
+ */
+ public function getTouch(target:DisplayObject, phase:String = null, id:Int = -1):Touch {
+ getTouches(target, phase, sTouches);
+ var numTouches:Int = sTouches.length;
+ if (numTouches > 0) {
+ var touch:Touch = null;
+ if (id < 0)
+ touch = sTouches[0];
+ else {
+ for (i in 0...numTouches)
+ if (sTouches[i].id == id) {
+ touch = sTouches[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ #if (haxe_ver >= 4.0)
+ sTouches.resize(0);
+ #else
+ ArrayUtil.resize(sTouches, 0);
+ #end
+ return touch;
+ } else
+ return null;
+ }
+ /** Indicates if a target is currently being touched or hovered over. */
+ public function interactsWith(target:DisplayObject):Bool {
+ var result:Bool = false;
+ getTouches(target, null, sTouches);
+ var i:Int = sTouches.length - 1;
+ while (i >= 0) {
+ if (sTouches[i].phase != TouchPhase.ENDED) {
+ result = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ --i;
+ }
+ #if (haxe_ver >= 4.0)
+ sTouches.resize(0);
+ #else
+ ArrayUtil.resize(sTouches, 0);
+ #end
+ return result;
+ }
+ // custom dispatching
+ /** @private
+ * Dispatches the event along a custom bubble chain. During the lifetime of the event,
+ * each object is visited only once. */
+ public function dispatch(chain:Array):Void {
+ if (chain != null && chain.length != 0) {
+ var chainLength:Int = bubbles ? chain.length : 1;
+ var previousTarget:EventDispatcher = target;
+ setTarget(chain[0]);
+ for (i in 0...chainLength) {
+ if (chain[i] == null)
+ continue;
+ var chainElement:EventDispatcher = cast(chain[i], EventDispatcher);
+ if (__visitedObjects.indexOf(chainElement) == -1) {
+ var stopPropagation:Bool = chainElement.__invokeEvent(this);
+ __visitedObjects[__visitedObjects.length] = chainElement;
+ if (stopPropagation)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ setTarget(previousTarget);
+ }
+ }
+ // properties
+ /** The time the event occurred (in seconds since application launch). */
+ public var timestamp(get, never):Float;
+ private function get_timestamp():Float {
+ return __timestamp;
+ }
+ /** All touches that are currently available. */
+ public var touches(get, never):Array;
+ private function get_touches():Array {
+ var touches:Array = cast data;
+ return touches.concat();
+ }
+ /** Indicates if the shift key was pressed when the event occurred. */
+ public var shiftKey(get, never):Bool;
+ private function get_shiftKey():Bool {
+ return __shiftKey;
+ }
+ /** Indicates if the ctrl key was pressed when the event occurred. (Mac OS: Cmd or Ctrl) */
+ public var ctrlKey(get, never):Bool;
+ private function get_ctrlKey():Bool {
+ return __ctrlKey;
- }
- /** Returns a list of touches that originated over a certain target. If you pass an
- * out
-vector, the touches will be added to this vector instead of creating
- * a new object. */
- public function getTouches(target:DisplayObject, phase:String=null,
- out:Vector=null):Vector
- {
- if (out == null) out = new Vector();
- var allTouches:Vector = cast data;
- var numTouches:Int = allTouches.length;
- for (i in 0...numTouches)
- {
- var touch:Touch = allTouches[i];
- var correctTarget:Bool = touch.isTouching(target);
- var correctPhase:Bool = (phase == null || phase == touch.phase);
- if (correctTarget && correctPhase)
- out[out.length] = touch; // avoiding 'push'
- }
- return out;
- }
- /** Returns a touch that originated over a certain target.
- *
- * @param target The object that was touched; may also be a parent of the actual
- * touch-target.
- * @param phase The phase the touch must be in, or null if you don't care.
- * @param id The ID of the requested touch, or -1 if you don't care.
- */
- public function getTouch(target:DisplayObject, phase:String=null, id:Int=-1):Touch
- {
- getTouches(target, phase, sTouches);
- var numTouches:Int = sTouches.length;
- if (numTouches > 0)
- {
- var touch:Touch = null;
- if (id < 0) touch = sTouches[0];
- else
- {
- for (i in 0...numTouches)
- if (sTouches[i].id == id) { touch = sTouches[i]; break; }
- }
- sTouches.length = 0;
- return touch;
- }
- else return null;
- }
- /** Indicates if a target is currently being touched or hovered over. */
- public function interactsWith(target:DisplayObject):Bool
- {
- var result:Bool = false;
- getTouches(target, null, sTouches);
- var i:Int = sTouches.length - 1;
- while (i >= 0)
- {
- if (sTouches[i].phase != TouchPhase.ENDED)
- {
- result = true;
- break;
- }
- --i;
- }
- sTouches.length = 0;
- return result;
- }
- // custom dispatching
- /** @private
- * Dispatches the event along a custom bubble chain. During the lifetime of the event,
- * each object is visited only once. */
- public function dispatch(chain:Vector):Void
- {
- if (chain != null && chain.length != 0)
- {
- var chainLength:Int = bubbles ? chain.length : 1;
- var previousTarget:EventDispatcher = target;
- setTarget(chain[0]);
- for (i in 0...chainLength)
- {
- if (chain[i] == null) continue;
- var chainElement:EventDispatcher = cast(chain[i], EventDispatcher);
- if (__visitedObjects.indexOf(chainElement) == -1)
- {
- var stopPropagation:Bool = chainElement.__invokeEvent(this);
- __visitedObjects[__visitedObjects.length] = chainElement;
- if (stopPropagation) break;
- }
- }
- setTarget(previousTarget);
- }
- }
- // properties
- /** The time the event occurred (in seconds since application launch). */
- public var timestamp(get, never):Float;
- private function get_timestamp():Float { return __timestamp; }
- /** All touches that are currently available. */
- public var touches(get, never):Vector;
- private function get_touches():Vector
- {
- var touches:Vector = cast data;
- return touches.concat();
- }
- /** Indicates if the shift key was pressed when the event occurred. */
- public var shiftKey(get, never):Bool;
- private function get_shiftKey():Bool { return __shiftKey; }
- /** Indicates if the ctrl key was pressed when the event occurred. (Mac OS: Cmd or Ctrl) */
- public var ctrlKey(get, never):Bool;
- private function get_ctrlKey():Bool { return __ctrlKey; }
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