cdxj_indexer Python library is a thin wrapper over warcio Python library. It used to iterate all record in WARCs.
It provide two main features:
- Loop over several WARCs in a directory (A visit of a website may be stored in several WARCs in the same directory).
- Provide a buffered access to warcs content (and not a "stream" (fileio) only api) (but monkey patching returned WarcRecord.
Except that, scraper directly uses WarcRecord (returned by cdxj_indexer, implemented in warcio) to access metadata and such.
cdxj_indexer usefull methods are currently forked in warc2zim, see #428 for details.
zimscraperlib Python library is used for ZIM operations and for all HTML / CSS / JS rewriting operations (mostly around URL manipulations, but not only).
requests Python library is used to retrieve the custom CSS file when a URL is passed.
brotlipy Python library is used to access brotli content in WARC records (not part of warcio because it is an optional dependency).