This lab walks you through the application code allowing you to gain an understanding of how the code works.
Note: You can choose any of the languages you wish to inspect.
Estimated time: 10 minutes
In this lab, you will:
- Explore Java code
- Explore Python Code
- Explore JavaScript Code
- Explore Go Code
- You should have completed the previous labs.
In the remote session, choose
and select theFiles
icon to open the "Files" application. -
Double click
to change to that directory.
Application Startup
The application is started using the following command:
mvn -P grid-edition exec:exec
This starts the application using the exec-maven-plugin which sets the following arguments in the project in pom.xml:
Argument Usage -Dcoherence.log.level=7 Set the Coherence log level to 7 to provide more verbose output that the default of 5 Enables management for the cluster -Dcoherence.wka= Scopes the cluster to the localhost only -Dcoherence.ttl=0 Ensures cluster traffic does not go outside this VM -Dcoherence.grpc.server.port=1408 Enable the gRPC Proxy on port 1408 -Dcoherence.metrics.http.enabled=${metrics.enabled} If set to true, enabled Coherence metrics, see the The startup class is which does the following:
Determines the time zone and sets sensible primary and secondary cluster names using system properties, as well as Jaegar endpoint
Sets the following system property which indicates the cache configuration file to load:
System.setProperty("coherence.cacheconfig", "cache-config.xml")
Calls Coherence.main(args) which is the main entry point for starting coherence
Configuration Files
As part of the build, the relevant cache configuration file (cache-config-grid-edition.xml) and override file (tangosol-coherence-override-grid-edition.xml) are copied from
to the target directory. See here.Cache Configuration
The cache configuration file (cache-config.xml in our case) defines caches and other services, for the cluster. A few areas of particular interest are:
- An interceptor shown below, or on GitHub,
which is run on startup of the Coherence cluster:
In this context, interceptors allow us to write code to react to various lifecycle events such as when the cache configuration is activated or disposed. In this case we are running the
<interceptors> <interceptor> <instance> <class-name></class-name> </instance> </interceptor> </interceptors>
class, explained below, to boostrap the application. Other interceptors can be created to respond to other events such as member left, partition events and cache mutation events. - Cache Scheme Mapping, shown below or on GitHub
defines the mapping from the cache name to a caching scheme and shows the domain classes for each cache, which are explained further below.
<caching-scheme-mapping> <cache-mapping> <cache-name>Trade</cache-name> <scheme-name>federated-scheme</scheme-name> <key-type>java.lang.String</key-type> <value-type></value-type> </cache-mapping> <cache-mapping> <cache-name>Price</cache-name> <scheme-name>federated-scheme</scheme-name> <key-type>java.lang.String</key-type> <value-type></value-type> </cache-mapping> </caching-scheme-mapping>
- Federated Service Definitions, shown in part below or on GitHub
which defines the actual federated scheme with its read-write backing map to write through to a database (in memory database for convenience in our case). We can also see the topology is defined as
, which is a reference to the topology in the override file below.<federated-scheme> <scheme-name>federated-scheme</scheme-name> <backing-map-scheme> <read-write-backing-map-scheme> <internal-cache-scheme> <local-scheme> <unit-calculator>BINARY</unit-calculator> </local-scheme> </internal-cache-scheme> <write-max-batch-size>5000</write-max-batch-size> <!-- Define the cache scheme. --> <cachestore-scheme> <class-scheme> <class-name> </class-name> <init-params> ... </init-params> </class-scheme> </cachestore-scheme> <write-delay>2s</write-delay> </read-write-backing-map-scheme> </backing-map-scheme> <autostart>true</autostart> ... <topologies> <topology> <name>Active</name> </topology> </topologies> </federated-scheme>
- A Http Proxy server which has the JAX-RS resources ApplicationResourceConfig which serves the static application and ServiceResourceConfig which serves various REST endpoints through which the HTML/JavaScript application interacts.
Operational Override
The tangosol-coherence.xml operational deployment descriptor, or its override, specifies the operational and run-time settings that control clustering, communication, and data management services. For this demonstration we are configuring federation cluster members in the override file shown below, or on GitHub or
.<federation-config> <participants> <!-- defines each participant or cluster in the federation setup --> <participant> <name system-property="primary.cluster">PrimaryCluster</name> <initial-action>start</initial-action> <remote-addresses> <socket-address> <address system-property=""></address> <port system-property="primary.cluster.port">7574</port> </socket-address> </remote-addresses> </participant> <participant> <name system-property="secondary.cluster">SecondaryCluster</name> <initial-action>pause</initial-action> <remote-addresses> <socket-address> <address system-property=""></address> <port system-property="secondary.cluster.port">7575</port> </socket-address> </remote-addresses> </participant> </participants> <topology-definitions> <active-active> <name>Active</name> <!-- active/ active configuration --> <active system-property="primary.cluster">PrimaryCluster</active> <active system-property="secondary.cluster">SecondaryCluster</active> </active-active> </topology-definitions> </federation-config>
- An interceptor shown below, or on GitHub,
which is run on startup of the Coherence cluster:
Domain Classes
There are two classes that hold the main data for the application:
- holds information regarding symbols and their current priceSource code:
or on GitHubClass definition (excluding getters/ setters, etc)
@Entity @XmlRootElement(name = "price") @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.PROPERTY) @PortableType(id = 1003) public class Price { /** * The symbol (ticker code) of the equity for the {@link Price}. */ @Id private String symbol; /** * The price of the symbol. */ private double price; ... }
annotations are for JPA persistence and thePortableType
annotation is used at compile time to instrument the class to enable Portable Object Format serialization which is a fast and compact serialization format used by Coherence. -
- holds individual trades and the price they traded forSource Code:
or on GitHubClass definition (excluding getters/ setters, etc)
@Entity @XmlRootElement(name = "trade") @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.PROPERTY) @PortableType(id = 1004) public class Trade { /** * The unique identifier for this trade. */ @Id private String id; /** * The symbol (ticker code) of the equity for the {@link Trade}. */ private String symbol; /** * The number of shares for the {@link Trade}. */ private int quantity; /** * The price at which the shares in the {@link Trade} were acquired. */ private double price; ... }
Bootstrap Interceptor and Utilities classes
Available at src/main/java/com/oracle/coherence/demo/application/
or on GitHub.
This class contains code run at startup of the cluster member to determine if it should load the initial data, and then opens the main dashboard. The main part of this code runs the following:
if (loadData) {
The Utilities
class available at src/main/java/com/oracle/coherence/demo/application/
or on GitHub
has various methods that the application calls. We have included some relevant snippets below, which extra tracing code removed, for viewing.
* getPricesCache()
public static NamedCache<String, Price> getPricesCache() {
return Coherence.getInstance().getSession().getCache(PRICE_CACHE);
The above code retrieves the coherence session from the Coherence instance and uses the session to get a reference to a cache. Similar code is used for all the caches.
* addIndexes()
public static void addIndexes() {
NamedCache<String, Trade> tradesCache = getTradesCache();
tradesCache.addIndex(Trade::getSymbol, true, null);
tradesCache.addIndex(Trade::getPurchaseValue, false, null);
tradesCache.addIndex(Trade::getQuantity, false, null);
System.out.println(" Done");
The above code adds three indexes using value extractors, such as `Trade::getSymbol`, which extract the specified method value
and stores a deserialized version of this for fast access when issuing queries and aggregations.
* populatePrices()
public static void populatePrices() {
NamedCache<String, Price> pricesCaches = getPricesCache();
for (String symbol : SYMBOLS) {
Price price = new Price(symbol, INITIAL_PRICE);
pricesCaches.put(price.getSymbol(), price);
The above code loops through the `SYMBOLS`, which is an array of stock symbols, and inserts initial prices.
* createPositions() , which calls `createPositions(null, NR_POSITIONS_TO_CREATE)`
public static void createPositions(String symbolToInsert, int count) {
Logger.out(String.format("Creating %d Positions...", count));
NamedCache<String, Trade> tradesCache = getTradesCache();
NamedCache<String, Price> priceCache = getPricesCache();
boolean singleSymbol = symbolToInsert != null;
Map<String, Price> localPrices = new HashMap<>(priceCache.getAll(priceCache.keySet()));
HashMap<String, Trade> trades = new HashMap<>();
Random random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// create a random position
String symbol = singleSymbol ? symbolToInsert : SYMBOLS[random.nextInt(SYMBOLS.length)];
int amount = random.nextInt(1000) + 1;
double price = localPrices.get(symbol).getPrice();
Trade trade = new Trade(symbol, amount, price);
trades.put(trade.getId(), trade);
// batch the putAll's at 100,000
if (i % 100_000 == 0) {
Logger.out("Flushing trades from HashMap to Coherence cache...");
// insert any remaining trades not previously flushed
if (!trades.isEmpty()) {
Logger.out(String.format("Creation Complete! (Cache contains %d positions) ", tradesCache.size()));
The above code creates positions for a single symbol, or if `symbol` is null for random symbols.
It utilizes a more efficient `putAll` of a `Map` to quickly add the number of positions required.
Other Classes
There are various other components to the Java based JAX-RS application. You can explore the various classes and packages below via the explorer or via the direct GitHub links.
* in `src/main/java/com/oracle/coherence/demo/application` or on [GitHub](
This class contains a JAX-RS endpoint that is called from the HTML/ JavaScript application, that will do aggregation, get prices and invoke code across all
members, to determine the number of Trades each member has. Some relevant code below is:
public Response getChartData(@PathParam("updatePrices") boolean updatePrices) {
// retrieve the trade summary using a custom aggregator across the members
Map<String, TradeSummary> mapTradesBySymbol = trades.aggregate(GroupAggregator.createInstance(Trade::getSymbol,
new TradeSummaryAggregator()));
InvocationService invocationService = (InvocationService) CacheFactory.getService("InvocationService");
// determine the storage enabled members for the membership query
Set<Member> storageEnabledMembers =
((DistributedCacheService) trades.getCacheService()).getOwnershipEnabledMembers();
// determine the member information
Map<Member, MemberInfo> memberInfoMap =
invocationService.query(new GetMemberInfo(trades.getCacheName()), storageEnabledMembers);
// establish the chart data
ChartData data = new ChartData(CacheFactory.getCluster().getTimeMillis(),
- in
or on GitHubThis class contains methods to set up a Server Sent Events (SSE) broadcaster and uses Coherence Map Events to send any changes to the SSE channel. Some relevant methods are shown below:
@PostConstruct void createBroadcaster() { this.broadcaster = sse.newBroadcaster(); this.prices = Utilities.getPricesCache(); // add a MapListener on the Price cache on startup to push event changes to the event broadcaster prices.addMapListener(new SimpleMapListener<String, Price>() .addUpdateHandler(e->broadcaster.broadcast(createEvent("priceUpdate", e.getNewValue().getSymbol(), e.getOldValue().getPrice(), e.getNewValue().getPrice())))); } private OutboundSseEvent createEvent(String name, String symbol, double oldPrice, double newPrice) { return sse.newEventBuilder() .name(name) .data(Price.class, new PriceUpdate(symbol, oldPrice, newPrice)) .mediaType(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE) .build(); } /** * Registers an event listener for the specified {@link SseEventSink}. * * @param eventSink provided {@link SseEventSink} */ @GET @Path("subscribe") @Produces(MediaType.SERVER_SENT_EVENTS) public void registerEventListener(@Context SseEventSink eventSink) { broadcaster.register(eventSink); eventSink.send(sse.newEvent("begin", new Date().toString())); }
Since the focus of this lab is Coherence, we have not included detailed information about the HTML and Angular components.
The main components are highlight below:
Directory / File | Description | GitHub Link |
src/main/resource/web | Base directory for the Web application | Link |
src/main/resources/web/index.html | Main application entry point | Link |
src/main/resources/web/javscripts/controller.js | Angular Controller | Link |
Code and Serialization
The Python code is available in the following location:
For all the clients, by default, data is serialized into JSON and stored as native JSON objects in the cluster.
In this demo we have chosen to convert them to a Java representation so we can execute server side Java code. This is done different ways in each of the clients, but at a high level we set an attribute @class
in the client data structure and this maps to the server-side
which then converts the JSON objects to their relevant Java class.
If you are using the one client to access data, you do not have to have a Java representation.
A few of the main areas of code have been included below:
Define the domain classes
The @serialization.proxy("Price")
defines the Java class that this object will serialize to.
class Price:
symbol: str
price: float
class Trade:
id: str
symbol: str
quantity: int
price: float
session: Session
prices: NamedCache[str, Price]
trades: NamedCache[str, Trade]
Connect to the Coherence cluster and setup caches
async def init_coherence() -> None:
Initialize Coherence.
:return: None
global session
global prices
global trades
# Uses default of localhost:1408
session = await Session.create()
prices = await session.get_cache("Price")
trades = await session.get_cache("Trade")
Display the cache size
async def display_cache_size() -> None:
Displays the size for both the Trade and Price caches.
:return: None
global prices
global trades
tradesize = await trades.size()
pricesize = await prices.size()
print(f"Trade cache size: {tradesize}")
print(f"Price cache size: {pricesize}")
Monitor prices
async def monitor_prices() -> None:
Monitors the Price cache for any changes and displays them.
:return: None
global prices
listener: MapListener[str, Price] = MapListener()
listener.on_updated(lambda e: handle_event(e))
await prices.add_map_listener(listener)
print("Listening for price changes. Press CTRL-C to finish.")
await asyncio.sleep(10000)
def handle_event(e) -> None:
Event handler to display the event details
:return: None
symbol = e.key
old_price = e.old.price
new_price =
change = new_price - old_price
f"Price changed for {symbol}, new=${new_price:.2f}, old=${old_price:.2f}, change=${change:.2f}")
Add trades
async def add_trades(symbol: str, count: int) -> None:
Add trades for a symbol.
:param symbol the symbol to add trades to
:param count the number of trades to add
:return: None
global prices
global trades
if count <= 0:
print("count must be supplied and be positive")
# Return a list of the valid symbols from Coherence
symbols: List[str] = await prices.aggregate(Aggregators.distinct("symbol"))
if symbol in symbols:
current_price: Price = await prices.get(symbol)
buffer: dict[str, Trade] = {}
print(f"{get_time()}: Adding {count} random trades for {symbol}")
for i in range(0, count):
trade_id = str(uuid.uuid1())
new_trade: Trade = Trade(trade_id, symbol, random.randint(1, 1000), current_price.price)
buffer[trade_id] = new_trade
if i % 1000 == 0:
await trades.put_all(buffer)
# Write anything left
if len(buffer) != 0:
await trades.put_all(buffer)
size = await trades.size()
print(f"{get_time()}: Size of Trade cache is now {size}")
print(f"Unable to find {symbol}, valid symbols are {symbols}")
Stock split
async def stock_split(symbol: str, factor: int) -> None:
Do a stock split.
:param symbol the symbol to split
:param factor the factor to use for the split, e.g. 2 = 2 to 1
:return: None
global prices
global trades
if factor <= 0 or factor > 10:
print("factor must be supplied and be positive and less than 10")
symbols: List[str] = await prices.aggregate(Aggregators.distinct("symbol"))
if symbol in symbols:
current_price: Price = await prices.get(symbol)
# the process for the stock split is:
# 1. Update each trade and multiply the quantity by thr factor
# 2. Update each trade and divide the price by the factor (or multiply by 1/factor)
# 3. Update the price cache for the symbol and divide the price by the factor (or multiply by 1/factor)
print(f"{get_time()}: Splitting {symbol} using factor of {factor}")
print(f"{get_time()}: Update quantity for {symbol}")
async for _ in trades.invoke_all(Processors.multiply("quantity", factor), None, Filters.equals("symbol", symbol)):
break # ignore
print(f"{get_time()}: Update price for {symbol}")
async for _ in trades.invoke_all(Processors.multiply("price", 1 / factor), None, Filters.equals("symbol", symbol)):
break # ignore
await prices.invoke(symbol, Processors.multiply("price", 1 / factor))
new_price = (current_price.price / factor)
print(f"{get_time()}: Updating price for {symbol} to ${new_price:.2f}")
print(f"Unable to find {symbol}, valid symbols are {symbols}")
The JavaScript code is available in the following location:
Define the domain classes ```javascript // create a Trade function createTrade(symbol, qty, price) { const trade = { '@class': 'Trade', id: uuid.v4().toString(), symbol: symbol, quantity: qty, price: price }
return trade
No actual classes / objects are required in JavaScript, as you can work directly with JSON.
Connect to the Coherence cluster and setup caches
// setup session to Coherence
const session = new Session()
const prices = session.getCache('Price')
const trades = session.getCache('Trade')
Display the cache size
if (command === "size") {
console.log("Trade cache size = " + (await trades.size))
console.log("Price cache size = " + (await prices.size))
Monitor prices
// monitor any price changes
async function monitor() {
console.log("Listening for price changes. Press CTRL-C to finish.")
const handler = (event) => {
let oldPrice = event.oldValue.price;
let newPrice = event.newValue.price;
let change = newPrice - oldPrice;
console.log("Price changed for " + event.key + ", new=" + formatter.format(newPrice) +
", old=" + formatter.format(oldPrice) + ", change=" + formatter.format(change))
const listener = new MapListener().on(MapEventType.UPDATE, handler)
await prices.addMapListener(listener)
await sleep(100_000_000)
**Add trades**
// add a number of trades for a symbol
async function addTrades(symbol, count) {
if (count < 0) {
console.log("Count must not be negative")
// get the distinct list of symbols
let symbols = await prices.aggregate(Aggregators.distinct('symbol'))
if (!symbols.includes(symbol, 0)) {
console.log("Unable to find " + symbol + ", valid values are " + symbols)
console.log(new Date().toISOString() + ": Adding %d random trades for %s...", count, symbol)
// get the current price for the trade
let currentPrice = await prices.get(symbol)
// use efficient setAll (equivalent of putAll)
let buffer = new Map()
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let trade = createTrade(symbol, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000), currentPrice.price)
buffer.set(, trade)
if (i % 1000 === 0) {
await trades.setAll(buffer)
if (buffer.size !== 0) {
await trades.setAll(buffer)
let size = await trades.size
console.log(new Date().toISOString() + ": Trades cache size is now " + size)
**Stock split**
// split a stock using a given factor
async function stockSplit(symbol, factor) {
if (factor < 0) {
console.log("Factor must not be negative")
let symbols = await prices.aggregate(Aggregators.distinct('symbol'))
if (!symbols.includes(symbol, 0)) {
console.log("Unable to find " + symbol + ", valid values are " + symbols)
console.log(new Date().toISOString() + ": Splitting %s using factor of %d...", symbol, factor)
// get the current price for the trade
let currentPrice = await prices.get(symbol)
// the process for the stock split is:
// 1. Update each trade and multiply the quantity by thr factor
// 2. Update each trade and divide the price by the factor (or multiply by 1/factor)
// 3. Update the price cache for the symbol and divide the price by the factor (or multiply by 1/factor)
let filter = Filters.equal("symbol", symbol)
console.log(new Date().toISOString() + ": Updating quantity for " + symbol + " trades...")
await trades.invokeAll(filter, Processors.multiply("quantity", factor))
console.log(new Date().toISOString() + ": Updating price for " + symbol + " trades...")
await trades.invokeAll(filter, Processors.multiply("price", 1 / factor))
let newPrice = (currentPrice.price / factor)
console.log(new Date().toISOString() + ": Updating price for " + symbol + " to " + formatter.format(newPrice))
await prices.invoke(symbol, Processors.multiply("price", 1 / factor))
## Task 7: Explore the Go Code
The **Go code** is available in the following location:
**Define the domain classes**
type Trade struct {
Class string `json:"@class"`
ID string `json:"id"`
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Quantity int `json:"quantity"`
Price float32 `json:"price"`
type Price struct {
Class string `json:"@class"`
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Price float32 `json:"price"`
**Connect to the Coherence cluster and setup caches**
// create a new Session
session, err := coherence.NewSession(ctx, coherence.WithPlainText(), coherence.WithRequestTimeout(time.Duration(120)*time.Second))
err != nil {
defer session.Close()
trades, err = coherence.GetNamedCache[string, Trade](session, "Trade")
if err != nil {
prices, err = coherence.GetNamedCache[string, Price](session, "Price")
if err != nil {
**Display the cache size**
func displaySize(trades coherence.NamedCache[string, Trade], prices coherence.NamedCache[string, Price]) error {
size, err := trades.Size(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Trade cache size = %d\n", size)
size, err = prices.Size(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Price cache size = %d\n\n", size)
return nil
**Monitor prices**
func listenPrices(prices coherence.NamedCache[string, Price]) error {
fmt.Println("Listening for price changes. Press CTRL-C to finish.")
// Create a listener and add to the cache
listener := coherence.NewMapListener[string, Price]().OnUpdated(func(e coherence.MapEvent[string, Price]) {
key, err := e.Key()
if err != nil {
newValue, err := e.NewValue()
if err != nil {
oldValue, err := e.OldValue()
if err != nil {
newPrice := newValue.Price
oldPrice := oldValue.Price
change := newPrice - oldPrice
log.Printf("Price changed for %s, new=$%3.2f, old=$%3.2f, change=$%3.2f\n", *key, oldPrice, newPrice, change)
if err := prices.AddListener(ctx, listener); err != nil {
return err
select {}
**Add trades**
func addTrades(trades coherence.NamedCache[string, Trade], prices coherence.NamedCache[string, Price], options ...string) error {
if len(options) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("you must specify a symbol and count")
symbol := options[0]
count, err := strconv.Atoi(options[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for count of %v", options[1])
if count < 0 {
return errors.New("count cannot be negative")
symbols, err := getSymbols(prices)
if err != nil {
return err
if !isSymbolValid(symbol, symbols) {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to find symbol %s, valid values are %v\n", symbol, symbols)
// get the price for the symbol
currentPrice, err := prices.Get(ctx, symbol)
if err != nil {
return err
// add using efficient PutAll
buffer := make(map[string]Trade, 0)
log.Printf("Adding %d random trades for %s...\n", count, symbol)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
trade := newTrade(symbol, rand.Intn(1000)+1, currentPrice.Price)
buffer[trade.ID] = trade
if i%1000 == 0 {
err = trades.PutAll(ctx, buffer)
if err != nil {
return err
buffer = make(map[string]Trade, 0)
// if anything left in buffer save to Coherence
if len(buffer) > 0 {
err = trades.PutAll(ctx, buffer)
if err != nil {
return err
size, err := trades.Size(ctx)
if err == nil {
log.Printf("Trades cache size is now %d\n", size)
return nil
**Stock split**
func stockSplit(trades coherence.NamedCache[string, Trade], prices coherence.NamedCache[string, Price], options ...string) error {
if len(options) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("you must specify a symbol and factor")
symbol := options[0]
factor, err := strconv.Atoi(options[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for factor of %v", options[1])
if factor < 1 || factor > 10 {
return errors.New("factor must be between 1 and 10")
symbols, err := getSymbols(prices)
if err != nil {
return err
if !isSymbolValid(symbol, symbols) {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to find symbol %s, valid values are %v\n", symbol, symbols)
// get the price for the symbol
currentPrice, err := prices.Get(ctx, symbol)
if err != nil {
return err
// the process for the stock split is:
// 1. Update each trade and multiply the quantity by the factor
// 2. Update each trade and divide the price by the factor (or multiply by 1/factor)
// 3. Update the price cache for the symbol and divide the price by the factor (or multiply by 1/factor)
symbolExtractor := extractors.Extract[string]("symbol")
ch := coherence.InvokeAllFilter[string, Trade, string](ctx, trades, filters.Equal(symbolExtractor, symbol),
processors.Multiply("quantity", factor))
count := 0
for v := range ch {
if v.Err != nil {
return v.Err
log.Printf("Updated quantity for %d trades", count)
count = 0
ch2 := coherence.InvokeAllFilter[string, Trade, string](ctx, trades, filters.Equal(symbolExtractor, symbol),
processors.Multiply("price", float32(1)/float32(factor)))
for v := range ch2 {
if v.Err != nil {
return v.Err
log.Printf("Updated price for %d trades", count)
_, err = coherence.Invoke[string, Price, float32](ctx, prices, symbol, processors.Multiply("price", float32(1)/float32(factor)))
log.Printf("Updated price for %s from $%3.2f to $%3.2f\n\n", symbol, currentPrice.Price, currentPrice.Price/float32(factor))
// update the price cache
return nil
## Acknowledgements
* **Author** - Tim Middleton
* **Contributors** - Ankit Pandey, Sid Joshi
* **Last Updated By/Date** - Ankit Pandey, November 2024