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Integration tests for Oracle WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator

This documentation describes the steps to run integration tests for the Oracle WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator locally on a Oracle Linux environment. The tests are written in the JUnit5 framework and driven by Maven profile.

Directory Configuration and Structure

Directory structure of the integration test source is as follows:

weblogic-kubernetes-operator/integration-tests - location of module pom.xml  
weblogic-kubernetes-operator/integration-tests/src/test/java/oracle/weblogic/kubernetes - integration test(JUnit5) classes and utility classes  
weblogic-kubernetes-operator/integration-tests/src/test/resources - properties, YAML files and other bash scripts

How do WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator integration tests work?

  • Build WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator image from the downloaded Git branch.
  • Install the latest version of WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling (WDT) and WebLogic Image Tool (WIT).
  • Install supported Istio service mesh.
  • Pull the specified version of WebLogic image from (OCR).
  • Install WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator.
  • Build a WebLogic domain resource.
  • Make sure that the WebLogic domain is running by verifying the corresponding server pod and Kubernetes service status.
  • After test execution, delete all the namespaces, Kubernetes Objects created during test execution.
  • Archive the test standard output for each test class and Kubernetes object details for each test method in the diagnostic directory for triage when tests fail or when the env variable COLLECT_LOGS_ON_SUCCESS is set to true.

How to run operator integration tests locally on Oracle Linux

  • Install supported version of Helm and Kubernetes cluster. For details, see the WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator guide.
  • Install supported version of JDK. Need JDK version 11+ or later.
  • Clone the weblogic-kubernetes-operator repository.
  • Set up a personal account on
  • Log in to and accept Oracle Standard Terms and Restrictions to pull WebLogic images from
  • Following environment variables must be set before running the tests. BASE_IMAGES_REPO variables are used to download the Oracle public images. TEST_IMAGES_REPO variables are used to store any public images used to certify the WebLogic Kubernates Operator (such as NGNIX Controller, Prometheous etc.) and to store the intermediate WebLogic domain images while running the integration tests.
     export BASE_IMAGES_REPO=""
     export BASE_IMAGES_REPO_USERNAME=<ocr_username>
     export BASE_IMAGES_REPO_PASSWORD=<ocr_password> 
     export BASE_IMAGES_REPO_EMAIL=<ocr_email>
     export TEST_IMAGES_REPO=""
     export TEST_IMAGES_REPO_USERNAME=<local_username>
     export TEST_IMAGES_REPO_PASSWORD=<local_password> 
     export TEST_IMAGES_REPO_EMAIL=<local_email>
  • cd weblogic-kubernetes-operator and run the following commands:
      # Build the WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator binary 
      mvn clean install 
      # Run tests in sequential order
      mvn -pl -integration-tests -P integration-tests clean verify
      # Run tests in parallel
      mvn -DPARALLEL=true -DNUMBER_OF_THREADS=2 -pl -integration-tests -P integration-tests verify

How to run individual test class(es)

mvn -Dit.test=ItMiiDomain,ItMiiUpdateDomainConfig -pl integration-tests -P integration-tests verify

How to run a single test method in a test class

mvn -Dit.test="ItMiiUpdateDomainConfig#testMiiDeleteSystemResources" -pl integration-tests -P integration-tests verify

How to exclude test class(es)

mvn -Dit.test="!ItCrossDomainTransaction,!ItMiiUpdateDomainConfig" -pl integration-tests -P integration-tests verify

Environment variables to manage test execution

Variable Description Default Value
SKIP_CLEANUP Test infrastructure removes all Kubernetes objects created during test execution. To retain all such objects for triaging test failures, this environment variable should be set to true. Users need to run weblogic-kubernetes-operator/operator/integration-tests/bash/ to clean up Kubernetes objects after traiging. false
COLLECT_LOGS_ON_SUCCESS Test infrastructure does not keep the diagnostic log for successful tests. To archive the diagnostic log for successful tests, this environment variable should be set to true. false
RESULT_ROOT Root directory for the integration test results and artifacts generated during test execution. /tmp/it-testsresults
BASE_IMAGES_REPO The repository URL to download WebLogic and FMW images. Make sure you have access to this repository. No Default
WEBLOGIC_IMAGE_NAME Name of the WebLogic image in the chosen repository. middleware/weblogic (If OCR repository is set as BASE_IMAGES_REPO)
WEBLOGIC_IMAGE_TAG The tag for WebLogic base image. Generally, it represents the WebLogic Server version with JDK and/or installation type. Possible values are,,, or Please check the repository for the availability of these images.
FMWINFRA_IMAGE_TAG The tag for Fusion Middleware Infrastructure base image. Generally, it represents the FMW version. Possible values are, Please check the repository for the availability of these images.
FMWINFRA_IMAGE_NAME Name of the Fusion Middleware Infrastructure image in the chosen repository. middleware/fmw-infrastructure (If OCR repository is set as BASE_IMAGES_REPO)


After the completion of running the integration tests, the results are archived in a directory-based environment variable LOG_DIR (the default value is /tmp/it-testsresults/diagnostic) and runtime artifacts are available in a directory-based environment variable RESULTS_ROOT (the default value is /tmp/it-testresults). After the completion of the test ItMiiDomain, a typical diagnostic logs directory content will look as follows. The standard output for the tests is captured in ItMiiDomain.out. For each test method ( for example testCreateMiiDomain, testCreateMiiSecondDomain), a directory is created and the corresponding Kubernetes object description log(s) and server pod logs are saved if the test fails or environment variable COLLECT_LOGS_ON_SUCCESS set to true.


|-- ItMiiDomain.out

|-- testCreateMiiDomain

|   |--

|   |-- ns-gggs.pod.weblogic-operator-7b8-lwqzm.container.weblogic-operator.log

|   |-- ns-luaf.pod.domain1-admin-server.container.weblogic-server.log

|   |-- ns-luaf.pod.domain1-managed-server1.container.weblogic-server.log

|   |-- ns-luaf.pod.domain1-managed-server2.container.weblogic-server.log

-- testCreateMiiSecondDomain

    |-- ns-gggs.list.configmaps.log



    |-- ns-gggs.pod.weblogic-operator-7b8f-lwqzm.container.weblogic-operator.log

    |-- ns-luaf.list.configmaps.log

    |-- ns-luaf.pod.domain1-admin-server.container.weblogic-server.log

    |-- ns-luaf.pod.domain1-managed-server1.container.weblogic-server.log


The diagnostic logs files in the method-scoped directory in ${LOGS_DIR}/<testClass>/<testMehod> and the test stdout ${LOGS_DIR}/<testClass>.out is the starting point to triage a test failure.