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Auth Management UI

FIWARE Security License: APACHE-2.0 Docker Status Support


This web application is an UI for Anubis using Material for you (or Material v3) design system and MUI in order to provide an intuitive and a familiar look and feel for the end user.



Currently, the Auth Management UI interacts with and ODIC provider (Keycloak in the demo) to authenticate users, Anubis to manage authorization policies, a Configuration API based on Apollo GraphQL to store user preferences.

                       │    OIDC     │
                       │             │
                       │   Provider  │
                            2 │
┌─────────────┐        ┌──────┴──────┐        ┌─────────────┐
│             │   1    │Authorization│   3    │Configuration│
│   Browser   ├───────►│  Management ├───────►│             │
│             │        │     UI      │        │     API     │
└─────────────┘        └──────┬──────┘        └─────────────┘
                            4 │
                       │  Management │
                       │     API     │

(The schema is editable at asciiflow)



To run this demo you'll need to have the following installed:


To run the demo in your local environment, you need to create a .env (an example file is provided .env.docker).

To be able to create tenants, the hostname of the token issuer (Keycloak) in docker and in your local system, needs to be the same, to ensure that, add the following entry in your /etc/hosts:       keycloak

To deploy the demo that includes the Auth UI, Anubis, the Configuration API and Keycloak, run the following script:


The default user/password are for the app. root/example for mongo (a change needs a new config for and fiware).


The Auth Management UI is available as a docker container.

The Auth Management UI depends on:

An example docker compose is provided in this repository that deploy all the dependencies. A complete deployment including policy enforcement needs additional dependencies as documented in Anubis repository.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are used to configure the Management UI and the Configuration API:

  • REACT_APP_ANUBIS_API_URL: the Anubis's endpoint (e.g. http://localhost:8085/)
  • REACT_APP_CONFIGURATION_API_URL: the Configuration API's endpoint (e.g. http://localhost:4000/configuration)
  • REACT_APP_URI: the endpoint of the Management UI, used by Management UI to configure the authentication redirect URL for OIDC (e.g. http://localhost:3000)
  • REACT_APP_OIDC_ISSUER: the endpoint of the OIDC issuer, used by Management UI and Configuration API to support authentication (e.g. http://localhost:8080/realms/default)
  • REACT_APP_OIDC_CLIENT: the OIDC public client used by the Management UI to authenticate users (e.g. configuration)
  • REACT_APP_OIDC_SCOPE: the OIDC scope used by the Management UI to authenticate users (e.g. openid profile email)
  • REACT_APP_TITLE: the HTML title use for the application
  • REACT_APP_DESCRIPTION: the meta description for the application
  • REACT_APP_IMAGE_SIZE:the maximum allowed image size of the Tenant icon
  • REACT_APP_LOG_LEVEL:the console level (trace,debug,info,warn,error,silent)
  • REACT_APP_KEYCLOACK_ADMIN: the endpoint to retrive realm data
  • REACT_APP_ORION: the endpoint of Orion Context Broker (NSGI V2 currently)
  • REACT_APP_GOOGLE_MAPS:The API key of google's Map
  • REACT_APP_TABLE_PAGINATION_OPTIONS: Options of rows inside the table
  • REACT_APP_TABLE_DEFAULT_DATA_AMOUNT: Default displayed rows inside a table
  • ALARMS_SAVE: The operation related to the alarms if mongo or json
  • NOTIFICATION_DELAY: the delay of the notification emails
  • DEV_VERSION: if true the notification are going to test without a real send
  • MAIL_HOST: mail host for alerts
  • MAIL_ACCOUNT: mail account name for alerts
  • MAIL_PASS: mail password for alerts
  • MAIL_SUBJECT: alerts subject
  • MAIL_MESSAGE: alerts message
  • MAIL_FROM: alerts sender
  • MONGO_DB: the MongoDB endpoint of the Config API with authorization populateDB.js to populate the Configuration API backend with example data (e.g. mongodb://mongo:27017/graphql) - you may need to configure different values of this variables for in docker usage and shell usage.
  • CONFIGURATION_API_PORT: the TCP port of the Configuration API (e.g. 4000)
  • JWKS_URL: the endpoint of the JSON Web Key Set, used by the Configuration API to validate tokens received (e.g. http://keycloak:8080/realms/default/protocol/openid-connect/certs)
  • OIDC_AUDIENCE: the audience required to validate a token, used by the Configuration API to validate tokens received (e.g. configuration)
  • LOGOPS_LEVEL: the logging level for the Configuration API (e.g. DEBUG)

Development set-up

To run the UI and the Configuration API in your local environment, you need to create a .env (an example file is provided .env.development).

To start the dependencies:

$ sh dev

In case you add new environment variables, don't forget to re-generate the src/env.js file:

$ npx generate-env-getter js

NOTE: Tenant creation won't work due to the issuer different between docker (keycloak) and your local environment (localhost), you can solve this by adding and entry in your /etc/hosts file that points to keycloak and using using keycloak as hostname in REACT_APP_KEYCLOACK_ADMIN and REACT_APP_OIDC_ISSUER. This is already the default value in case of .env.docker.

Management UI

To start the locally the Management UI:

$ npm install
$ npm start

Configuration API

To install and launch locally the Configuration API (in a different shell from the one where you launched the Management UI):

$ cd configuration-api
$ npm install
$ cp ../.env .
$ node main/mongo/populateDB.js
$ node main/advancedAuth.js

Generate documentation

To generate the documentation is mandatory to set up the Management UI first, once completed:

$ cd documentation 
$ npm install
$ npm run storybook

How to test the UI with Cypress

To test UI with Cypress the UI and API should be up and running, once completed:

$ npm install
$ npm run cypress:test

If you want to open cypress studio to run tests in the UI, or add new tests:

$ npm run cypress:open

How to test the Configuration API

To test GraphQL is mandatory to set up the Configuration API first, once completed:

$ cd configuration-api
$ npm install
$ npm test

The results of the tests will be visible on the console