- git
- node v14+ and yarn
Clone "map-plugin" from repo to the grafana plugins folder. (eg. grafana_data/plugins)
Install plugin package dependencies
$ yarn install
If you are using Docker, the two steps above can be done as follows:
# First cd into this plugin's folder.
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app node:14 yarn install
Build plugin in development mode or run in watch mode
yarn dev
yarn dev --watch
Build plugin in production mode
yarn build
Launch services
docker-compose up -d
Import database
sh populate_db.sh
Set-up grafana
sh set-up-grafana.sh
In case of changes to code to restart grafana
yarn dev && docker-compose restart grafana
NOTE: Unless you remove the docker volumes, you need to run the last two steps above only the first time)
Compile the code
+ restart grafana
$ yarn dev && docker-compose restart grafana
Or using docker:
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app node:14 yarn build
docker-compose restart grafana
- Update the CHANGELOG.md document to include changes of the new release
- Tag the master with the new version:
git tag v1.4.0 git push origin v1.4.0
- Complete the release information in github.
Default start page url: http://localhost:3000 Default user/pass is admin/admin.
- Build a panel plugin tutorial
- Grafana documentation
- Grafana Tutorials - Grafana Tutorials are step-by-step guides that help you make the most of Grafana
- Grafana UI Library - UI components to help you build interfaces using Grafana Design System
- Using Font Awesome with React