For access to instances of the Context Broker secured with a PEP Proxy, an authentication mechanism based in Keystone Trust tokens is provided. A Trust token is a long-term token that can be issued by any user to give another user permissions to impersonate him with a given role in a given project. Such impersonation itself is in turn based on a short-term access token.
For the authentication mechanisms to work, the authentication
attribute in the configuration has to be fully
configured, and the authentication.enabled
subattribute should have the value true
When the administrator of a service is configuring a set of devices or device types in the IoT Agent to use a secured Context Broker, he should follow this steps:
- First, a Trust Token ID should be requested to Keystone, using the service administrator credentials, the role ID and the IoT Agent User ID. The Trust token can be retrieved using the following request (shown as a curl command):
curl http://${KEYSTONE_HOST}/v3/OS-TRUST/trusts \
-s \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $ADMIN_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '
"trust": {
"impersonation": false,
"project_id": "'$SUBSERVICE_ID'",
"roles": [
{"id": "'$ID_ROLE'"
"trustee_user_id": "'$ID_IOTAGENT_USER'",
"trustor_user_id": "'$ID_ADM1'"
- Every device or type of devices configured to use a secured Context Broker must be provided with a Trust Token ID in its configuration.
- Before any request is sent to a secured Context Broker, the IoT Agent uses the Trust Token ID to generate a
temporary access token, that is attached to the request (in the
header) (using Keystone API
Apart from the generation of the trust, the use of secured Context Brokers should be transparent to the user of the IoT Agent.
Both attributes
and static_attributes
may be supplied with metadata when provisioning an IoT Agent, so that the
units of measurement can be placed into the resultant entity.
"entity_type": "Lamp",
"resource": "/iot/d",
"protocol": "PDI-IoTA-UltraLight",
"commands": [
{"name": "on","type": "command"},
{"name": "off","type": "command"}
"attributes": [
{"object_id": "s", "name": "state", "type":"Text"},
{"object_id": "l", "name": "luminosity", "type":"Integer",
"unitCode":{"type": "Text", "value" :"CAL"}
"static_attributes": [
{"name": "category", "type":"Text", "value": ["actuator","sensor"]},
{"name": "controlledProperty", "type": "Text", "value": ["light"],
"includes":{"type": "Text", "value" :["state", "luminosity"]},
"alias":{"type": "Text", "value" :"lamp"}
The IoT Agent Library provides a plugin mechanism in order to facilitate reusing code that makes small transformations
on incoming data (both from the device and from the context consumers). This mechanism is based in the use of
middlewares, i.e.: small pieces of code that receive and return an entity
, making as many changes as they need, but
taking care of returning a valid entity, that can be used as the input for other middlewares; this way, all those pieces
of code can be chained together in order to make all the needed transformations in the target entity.
There are two kinds of middlewares: updateContext middlewares and queryContext middlewares. The updateContext
middlewares are applied before the information is sent to the Context Broker, modifiying the entity before it is sent to
Orion. The queryContext middlewares are applied on the received data, whenever the IoT Agent queries the Context Broker
for information. I.e.: both middlewares will be automatically applied whenever the update()
or query()
functions are
called in the library.
All the middlewares have the opportunity to break the chain of middleware applications by calling the callback()
an error object (the usual convention). If any of the updateContext middlewares raise an error, no request will be sent
to the Context Broker. On the other hand, the queryContext request is always performed, but the call to the query()
function will end up in an error if any of the queryContext middlewares report an error.
All the middlewares have the same signature:
function middlewareName(entity, typeInformation, callback) {}
The arguments for any middleware are the NGSI data over which it can operate:
- An updateContext payload in the case of an updateContext middleware and a queryContext payload otherwise;
- a typeInformation object containing all the information about the device stored during registration.
- and the customary
parameter, with the usual meaning. It's really important for the library user to call this callback, as failing to do so may hang the IoT Agent completely. The callback must be called with the an optional error in the first argument and the same arguments received (potentially modified) as the following.
In order to manage the middlewares to the system, the following functions can be used:
: adds an updateContext middleware to the stack of middlewares. All the middlewares will be applied to every call to theupdate()
function. The final payload of the updateContext request will be the result of applying all this middlewares in the order they have been defined. -
: adds a queryContext middleware to the stack of middlewares. All the middlewares will be applied to every call to thequery()
function. -
: remove all the middlewares from the system.
Usually, the full list of middlewares an IoT Agent will use would be added in the IoTAgent start sequence, so they should not change a lot during the IoT lifetime.
The library provides some plugins out of the box, in the dataPlugins
collection. In order to load any of them, just
use the addQueryMiddleware
and addUpdateMiddleware
functions with the selected plugin, as in the example:
var iotaLib = require("iotagent-node-lib");
This plugins change all the timestamp attributes found in the entity, and all the timestamp metadata found in any attribute, from the basic complete calendar timestamp of the ISO8601 (e.g.: 20071103T131805) to the extended complete calendar timestamp (e.g.: +002007-11-03T13:18). The middleware expects to receive the basic format in updates and return it in queries (and viceversa, receive the extended one in queries and return it in updates).
In the Device provision, an ID can be specified for each attribute, along with its name. The ID can be used then as the left part of a mapping from attribute names in the south bound to attribute names in the North Bound. If the ID and name attributes are used in this way, this plugin makes the translation from one to the other automatically.
This plugin allows for the creation of Event attributes, i.e.: attributes whose value will be the timestamp of its
inclusion in the system, regardless of the value they carried in the Southbound API. If this plugin is active, all the
events in the IoT Agent with the configured type name will be marked as events. The event name can be configured in the
This plugin processes the entity attributes looking for a TimeInstant attribute. If one is found, the plugin add a TimeInstant attribute as metadata for every other attribute in the same request.
This plugin allows the devices and configurations that have defined expressions to generate their values from those expressions and the reported measure information.
For further information on how the expressions work, refer to the Expression Language Reference.
Allows the devices provisioned in the IoTAgent to map their attributes to more than one entity, declaring the target entity through the Configuration or Device provisioning APIs.
"devices": [
"protocol": "IoTA-UL",
"entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:contador12",
"entity_type": "multientity",
"attributes": [
"object_id": "cont1",
"name": "vol",
"type": "Text",
"entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:WaterMeterSoria01",
"entity_type": "WaterMeter"
"object_id": "cont2",
"name": "vol",
"type": "Text",
"entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:WaterMeterSoria02",
"entity_type": "WaterMeter"
"object_id": "cont3",
"name": "vol",
"type": "Text",
"entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:WaterMeterSoria03",
"entity_type": "WaterMeter"
"device_id": "contador12"
This plugin allows the devices with composite values an expression to update the original values in the devices when the composite expressions are updated in the Context Broker. This behavior is achieved through the use of subscriptions.
IoTAs using this plugins should also define a notification handler to handle incoming values. This handler will be intercepted by the plugin, so the mapped values are included in the updated notification.
When a device is provisioned with bidirectional attributes, the IoTAgent subscribes to changes in that attribute. When a change notification for that attribute arrives to the IoTA, it applies the transformation defined in the device provisioning payload to the notification, and calls the underlying notification handler with the transformed entity.
The following attributes
section shows an example of the plugin configuration:
"attributes": [
"expression": "${latitude}, ${longitude}",
"reverse": [
"type": "Text",
"expression": "${trim(substr(@location, indexOf(@location, \",\") + 1, length(@location)))}"
"type": "Text",
"expression": "${trim(substr(@location, 0, indexOf(@location, \",\")))}"
For each attribute that would have bidirectionality, a new field reverse
must be configured. This field will contain
an array of fields that will be created based on the notifications content. The expression notification can contain any
attribute of the same entity as the bidirectional attribute; declaring them in the expressions will add them to the
subscription payload.
For each attribute in the reverse
array, an expression must be defined to calculate its value based on the
notification attributes. This value will be passed to the underlying protocol with the object_id
name. Details about
how the value is then progressed to the device are protocol-specific.
In order to ease the transition from the old IoTAgent implementation (formerly known as IDAS) to the new Node.js based implementations, a data migration tool has been developed. This data migration tool has been integrated as a command in the IoTAgent command-line tester.
In order to perform a full migration, follow this steps:
- From the project root, start the command-line tester:
- Configure the MongoDB host and port, and the origin Database (that holds the data to be migrated):
configMigration localhost 27017 originDB
- Launch the migration, using the special value "*" as service and subservice
migrate targetDB * *
Some warnings may appear with the "Attribute [_id] was not found for item translation" message during the migration. They show the values existing in the original DB that had no translation for the target DB.
If you want to restrict the migration for certain services and subservices, just substitute the *
value for the
particular service and subservice you want to use.