- Added escaping in crate-exporter.py (#702)
- Simplified docker compose files management (#598)
- Fixed Read the Docs deprecation (#731)
- Fix to return OK/200 and an empty result set when no data found (#720)
- Fix to return id and type in place of entityId and entityType (#751)
- Fixed failing test cases of test_geocoding.py (#755)
- Mentioned service path isn't the same as Orion's (#758)
- Added QL's version endpoint rather than sleeping (#687)
This release breaks API backward compatibility. Existing 1.0.0
clients may
not be able to work with this new Quantum Leap version without code
In detail: version 1.0.1
changes fields of query results. Up to
version 1.0.0, Quantum Leap used the following JSON format for query results:
entityId: ...,
entityType: ...,
index: ...,
values: ...
Version 1.0.1 changed entityId
and entityType
to id
and type
respectively for the query result as in e.g.
id: ...,
type: ...,
index: ...,
values: ...
- Fix for CircleCI image deprecation (#753)
- Change deprecated
image totimescaledb-ha
- Include test coverage for PostgreSQL 14, 15 and 16
- Removed subscription API (#493)
- Replaced geocoder with geopy (#610)
- Bumped pillow from 8.4.0 to 9.0.0
- Aligned missing Fiware-servicePath behaviour with the one of Orion Context Broker (#564). This is a breaking change! Before no value for Fiware-servicePath was interpreted as python None, from now on, None will be replaced with /. This affects only users that manually injected data, since Orion, assume / when no servicePath is passed.
- Added more test cases for Aggregation (#499)
- fix translator initialization
- List Addix among adopters (#649)
- Replaced string with the constants (#650)
- Added idPattern ain query parameter (#648)
- Remove duplicate code in src/reporter/tests/test_timescale_types.py (#657)
- Removed comments on line no.462 and 467 in sql_translator.py (#659)
- Added logs in src/wq/ql/notify.py (#656)
- Added logs in src/wq/core/task.py (#662)
- Replaced entity with getter (#652)
- Resolved TODO in Dockerfile (#680)
- Resolved TODO at src/reporter/tests/test_timescale_types.py (#667)
- Resolved TODO at src/transaltors/sql_transaltor.py (#694)
- Resolved TODO at src/translator/sql_translator.py (#686)
- Resolved TODO at src/translators/sql_translator.py#L768.py (#683)
- Resolved TODO at src/reporter/tests/utils.py (#692)
- Added error handling in src/wq/ql/notify.py (#673)
- NGSI-LD tenant header (#664, #669)
- Fix issues with integration tests and backward compatibility tests
- Fix for linter failures (#670)
- Fix for issue broken docker image (#674)
- Fix for broken link in README.md (#688)
- Fix for incorrect notation in file (#725)
- Improve github action for docker images (#624)
- Add caching to docker image builds (#626)
- Update CI to use CrateDB 4.6.7 and Orion 3.3.1
- Add maintenance type to pr template
- Fix links in pr template (#620)
- Mention running tests locally as well as linting in PR template (#621)
- Fix variable names for CrateDB authentication (#636)
- Upgrade Python deps to fix security vulnerabilities, make the Docker image build again and restore a working dev env on Apple silicon. (#737)
- Added support for NGSI-LD temporal property 'modifiedAt' and 'observedAt' (#433)
- Added sql query to retrieve only last values of entities (#500)
- Support configuration of back off factor for CrateDB (#503)
- Added exception handling and updated response where 'AggrMethod cannot be applied' (#498)
- Added a warning to use 'id' and 'type' from version 0.9 in all query responses (#584)
- Added instanceId for each entry received (#565)
- Support CrateDB authentication (#474)
- Updated PG8000 to 1.23.0 (#586)
- Fixed automated docker builds are broken (#557)
- Fixed arbitrary type arrays cause errors when inserting (#537)
- Fixed OpenAPI spec for /wq/management (#544)
- Fixed attributes names in /v2/entities query (#478)
- Fixed index ordering in /v2/entities query (#521)
- Fixed Deprecated warning by updating "warn" to "warning" (#605)
- Increase test coverage (#524)
- Added workflow to check that
is updated (#582) - Added autopep8 workflow also to external pull requests (#601)
- Added request to update release notes to the pull request template (#585)
- Added codeql-analysis workflow (#588)
- Added wait for insert in instanceId and aggregation tests (#588)
- Added ci support for Crate 4.6.x (#594)
- Improved contributing documentation (#557)
- Introduced reference about
for ngsi-ld time indexing (#546) - Documented API pagination (#511)
- Revised documentation (#596)
- Fixed typos in roadmap and release notes (#617)
- Support for CRATE 4.5 (#430)
- Introduced queue workflow support & upgraded gunicorn (#501)
- Fix "None" Tenant query caching (required for no multi-tenant orion deployment)
- Optimise Gunicorn config for Docker image (#410)
- Batch inserts (#445)
- Increase resiliency to badly formatted data and support data casting (#444)
- Fix broken health check if no cache is used (#446)
- Experimental NGSI-LD support
- Make the notify endpoint accept NGSI-LD payloads, convert them to tabular format and store them in the DB backend (#373)
- Retain NGSI-v2 backward compatibility (#373)
- Verify basic Orion-LD interoperability (#413)
- Improved performance
- Make CrateDB async writes the default but allow the setting to be overwritten through configuration (#384)
- Reduce DB queries on insert through a Redis metadata cache (#373)
- Pool DB connections (#373)
- Expose configuration settings to enable/disable caching of geo-queries and metadata queries on insert (#429)
- Better logs
- Adopt Orion log format and improve log messages (#373)
- Log FIWARE correlation ID to support tracking of requests from agents (through Orion) to QuantumLeap (#373)
- Add process and thread ID to log entries (#367)
- Make log messages more descriptive and use debug log level (#355)
- Timestamp log entries (#352)
- Assign NGSI attribute values a DB type according to their JSON type if no NGSI type is present rather than defaulting to text (#373)
- Make all API endpoints work with Timescale as a backend (#374)
- Support running QuantumLeap as a WSGI app in Gunicorn (#357)
- Collect telemetry time-series to analyse performance (#411)
- Honour default DB backend setting in YAML configuration (#405)
- Change health status from critical to warning when cache backend is down (#402)
- Explicitly add new columns to CrateDB tables to cater to corner cases where new columns aren't added if using Crate's dynamic column policy (#373)
- Log a warning if there's a type mismatch between NGSI and DB date-time rather than making queries crash (#387)
- Use proper ISO 8601 date-times and FIWARE service path match operator in CrateDB queries (#371)
- Use proper CrateDB types rather than deprecated aliases (#370)
- Assign entities to their respective service paths when a notification contains multiple service paths (#363, #364, #365)
- Return HTTP 500 on DB insert failure (#346)
- Note delay to be expected between an entity insertion and its subsequent availability for querying (#420)
- Update Japanese documentation (#414)
- Substantial updates regarding Redis cache, benchmarks and NGSI-LD support (#373)
- Gunicorn security settings for QuantumLeap (#380)
- Mention CrateDB lacks support for 3D coordinates (#340)
- Clean up and refactor translator tests (#403)
- Save original data on translation error (#335)
- Make maximum number of rows a query can retrieve configurable (#330)
- Support CrateDB
series (#300) - History of attributes from different entities with different types (#294)
- Introduce support for log level configuration (#299)
- History of attributes from different entities of the same type (#293)
- Make
endpoint list IDs of all existing entities (#264) - Move
endpoint to API root path (#261)
- Log values of environment variables when reading them in (#326)
- Reduce code duplication between CrateDB and Timescale translators; use UTC time consistently across the board for time indexing; fix date time SQL injection vulnerability (#315)
- Ignore attributes with null values (#298)
- Accept quoted values in API
parameters (#285) - Use standard header names for FIWARE service and service path (#283)
- Update tests for incomplete entities to take into account changes introduced by PR #278 (#282)
- Filter empty entities out of notification payload (#278)
- Pin Python/Alpine docker image to avoid dependency hell (#271)
- Make
return list of available API endpoints (#255) - Update network interface in Travis build (#260)
- Update FIWARE CSS to avoid redirect URL (#252)
- Update Japanese documentation to cater for CrateDB
and environment variables (#333) - Update contributors list (#307)
- Remove "Migrating STH Comet data" manual section as no longer supported (#267)
- Document data format expected by
endpoint (#268) - Timescale backend documentation (#263)
- Update Japanese documents (#280)
- Update broken link in in sanity check section of Japanese manual (#291)
- Updated broken links in sanity check section of manual (#289)
- Update broken links in CrateDB section of manual (#286)
- Update GitHub issue template (#259)
- State DB versions in README
This release breaks API backward compatibility. Existing 0.7.5
clients may
not be able to work with this new Quantum Leap version without code
In detail: version 0.7.6
changes the URL of the version, health and config
endpoints as indicated below:
0.7.5 0.7.6
----- -----
/v2/version /version
/v2/config /config
/v2/health /health
Note that the semantics of the endpoints remains the same as version
- Fix bug with lastN parameter (#249)
- Update specification version to align with QL versions (#218)
- Fix bug with Custom Time Index header handling (#247)
- Timescale backend fixes (#243 #246)
- Bring back /ui endpoint (#229)
- Update dependencies (#244)
- Relax Crate health check (#239)
- Timescale backend teething troubles (#237)
- add coverall badge (#236)
- Coverage tool integration with travis (#221)
- Initial Timescale DB support (#231)
- Japanses Translations Update (#220)
- Remove OSM checks by default (#226)
- Flatten JSON in query results (#213)
- Data migration from STH-Comet to QuantumLeap (#184)
This release breaks API backward compatibility. Existing 0.6.3 clients will not be able to work with Quantum Leap 0.7.0 without code changes. In detail: version 0.7.0 changes the structure of query results. Up to version 0.6.3, Quantum Leap used the following JSON format for query results:
data: {
...query results...
Version 0.7.0 removes the data
field and puts all the fields that make up
the query result at the top level as in e.g.
entityId: ...,
index: ...,
values: ...
- Fix queries involving attribute names (#206)
- Update connexion version (#203)
- Support nulls in NGSI_GEOPOINT values (#198)
- Documentation fixes (#195) (#200)
- Remove deprecated crate grafana plugin (#190)
- Support multiple data elements in notifications (#185)
- Fix CI issues (#186)
- Update package dependencies (#157)
- Added Backwards Compatibility testing (#173)
- Time_index enhancement (#172)
- Bugfix (#177)
- Update documentation (#168)
- Add curl to Docker image (#167)
- Enhanced Time Index selection policy (#161)
- Update vulnerable dependency (#158)
- Bugfixes in crate translator (#136)
- Bugfixes in geocoder (#105)
- Minor bugfix (#163)
Release 0.5 of QuantumLeap adds support for geographical queries and features a streamlined, much smaller docker image as well as several bug fixes.
- Full support for geographical queries as specified by the FIWARE-NGSI v2 Specification except for equality queries (#111)
- Optimised docker image, size is now down to 170 MB (#116)
- Support for missing entity attributes (#122)
- Metadata query fixes (#115)
- Documentation fixes (#112)
- Add: /health API endpoint (#68)
- Add: aggrPeriod support (#89)
- Add: Improve orion subscription options (#69)
- Chg: Use Pipenv, drop requirements.txt (#99)
- Fix: some inconsistent HTTP return errors
- Other minor fixes and adjustments