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Radu radusbriciu
Metadata Enveloper, BSc Finance (Hons), Student in Quantitative Finance
Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Reema Gupta ree-gupta

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Germany

Sean Yoon seanyoon777
Building brain-computer interfaces at Stanford Neural Prosthetics Translational Laboratory and the @braingate-team. President & Founder of @stanford-neurotech

Stanford University Silicon Valley

Xin Niu NxNiki

UCLA Los Angeles

Rafael Escrich rafaelescrich
Blockchain Engineer, Cryptography enthusiast and studied Information Systems @ Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina in Florianópolis, Brasil

@dfb-chain Florianópolis

Paul Capgras capopaul
Diligent, persistent and attentive, I'm motivated by the idea of solving concrete problems. Understanding, respect and collaboration are important values to me.
Alejandro De La Parra Solomon adelaparras
Entrepreneur focused on Information Technology, Education, and Health.

Quantum Brain Research Institute Estonia

HIEU DOAN hieudoanm
Software Developer

Milky Way

Advith Krishnan Diacod-I
AAAEEEEAAEEAAEEAAEEEEEE *pillarmen theme intensifies*


Mariam Hassan maraxhass
[From brain to bytes]

Austin, Texas

Kevin J. M. Le kvnjmle
Computation and Neural Systems PhD Candidate at Caltech

California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA

Antonio Lozano antonio-lozano
neuroengineer. next-gen visual prosthetics. previously @ NIN, UMH, TokyoTech, HongoAerospace

NBIO (UMH), UPCT Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Hyrum L Sessions hsessions
Sr. Software Engineer at Blackrock NeuroTech for 18 years. Hoping to retire in a about 2 years or so...

Blackrock Neurotech Salt Lake City, UT

Luka Zivkovic luka-ziv
PhD Candidate at the University of Toronto | Translational Neurophysiology and Brain Stimulation

University of Toronto Toronto, Canada

Colin McNabb clmcnabb
Data Scientist for Blackrock Neurotech

Blackrock Neurotech Salt Lake City, UT

Ben Morgan BenMorganP
Just a happy little guy
BrockMCarlson BrockMCarlson
Current psychology PhD student in the Maier Lab & the Woodman Lab at Vanderbilt University. Interested in studying binocular rivalry and consciousness.

Vanderbilt University Nashvlle TN