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Life Somewhere over the rainbow...

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


SetTheTone Salfotd UK

Rich Knowles richknowles
Front-End Web Dev | Pursuing NVIDIA AI & Burp Suite Certs | SysAdmin Expert: VMware, Linux, Python, Bash, Ansible | Git/Netlify Pro | 10+ Years Remote Work

iTWerks USA

Robin Tournemenne RobinTournemenne
!!!My main GIT opensoure page is on framagit see link below!!! Making and exploiting musical instrument models. Coding in Matlab, Python and C++

MODARTT Toulouse

Erlend E. Aasland erlend-aasland
CPython core developer, maintainer of the sqlite3 stdlib extension module. Other interests include CMake, GNU LilyPond, Linux, Git, and SQLite.

Inventas AS Sandnes, Norway

Alexander Hagerman n0mn0m

Louisville, KY

Andreas Jansson andreasjansson
Machine learning and music

Replicate Uddevalla, Sweden

Nick Lauber link9313
Hobbyist Musician 🔊 Retro Computer Enthusiast 👾

United States

stanybebe stanybebe
Art time


Fotis and Stuff fotisandstuff
Interested in anything that involves audiovisual science and art.
dreamer dromer

@Wasted-Audio The Netherlands

Giampaolo Mancini manchoz
Code is in the eye of the beholder

@trmpln - @bcmi-labs Turin, Italy

Julien Meunier ayalavalva
Spending my time doing audio research, audio synthesis, algorythmic composition, and building compact audio performance systems.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Bolelee bolelee89

Berlin, Germany

now_its_dark now-its-dark
interaction designer, artist, music maker; obsessed with studying the methods for creation and delivery of audio, visual and interactive works.
Sky Johnson jskyjohnson
Hello! My name is Sky Johnson and I'm a software developer that likes video games, machine learning, art visualizations, and a whole lot more!

Boulder Colorado

Mukunda Modell 20after4
Software Engineer. Musician. Maker of things. Contributor: @phorgeit Previously: @wikimedia and @DeviantArt


kounsokiri kounsokiri

+&- location,location...

Richard Henning rhenning
platform, software & site reliability eng ∙ enjoys cloud, infra as code, continuous delivery, automated testing, synths & bikes in the woods ∙ philly is home

@wbd-streaming Philadelphia, PA

Philipp Kessling pekasen
data cruncher amongst other things

Leibniz-Institute for Media Research, Media Research Methods Lab Hamburg, GER