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Pedro Vaz pedrov4z
The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne

Code and Soul Itapetininga - São Paulo, Brazil

Victor victormrtns
Computer Science undergraduate student at São Paulo State University (UNESP) , working at SmartNX, as a Front-End developer. Studying ReactJs,NestJs and TS.

Smart NX Remoto

Xronin xronin01


TheMhv TheMhv
“The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.” ― Nikola Tesla


bitcoisas BitCoisas
Ensinando bitcoin de um jeito fácil, rápido e divertido.


Elison G. Lima ElisonLima
DevSecOps, Pythonic and CyberSec lover

Webjump Cotia, SP

👩‍💻 | Dev full stack | 👩‍💻

LS NETWORK'S EIRELLI R. Eldorado, 318- Prosperidade, São Caetano do Sul - SP, 09550-720, Brasil

Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

Henrique hensg
joãozinho.m j-moreno-c-r
pythonist, junior cypherpunk, fast reader and crazy nerd, lover from cryptography and passionate for Linux. PGP:3F9E756B79DA3EB513D5E219ED092CC1D17348B0

nothing for now cyberspace

Tiago Góes tiagodread

@libertatecnologia Earth

Mauro Abner mcoderz
nostr public key: npub18luz3a3y5aunjrmlkjhfzg58hq87zue3crnsymcmu6jxxl4dsusslfg0dq
Anderson Juhasc Anderson-Juhasc
Sponsor: bc1qd40a5uesl003s5jwzxs2zqyevn7tjfedyyn94v

Software Engineer | Bitcoin | Lightning Network | Nostr São Paulo, Brasil

João Thallis joaothallis
Product Engineer at @turnhub.

@turnhub Earth

Shigeru Myamoto jaoleal

São Paulo, Brazil

223880⚡️ 22388o
Junior Timechain Engineer on ₿itcoin/Lightning Network / Cryptography/Nostr

@Bitcoin / @AreaLayer / @Horus-Org / @FrostDevKit Bitcoin / Lightning Network / Nostr

Rogério Ferreira rogeriob2br

Chaintech São Paulo, SP- BR

Felipe Mica felipelalli
Scheme, Rust, Java, Clojure, Javascript, C++.

Noksys São Paulo

Daniel L. Miranda daniellmiranda
Software Developer | TypeScript | Node.js | React | NestJS


Brevvi brevvi
Building tech at Moma Sao Paulo

plebhash plebhash
minerops decentralizer PGP: 37DA 6F2F 5996 6316


Johnny Santos johnnyasantoss
Yet Another Dev
