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Wu QianSheng QianShengWu
a programmer with a strong desire for survival
Mark Lewis m4rk-lewis

(+44) 07595 168175 London

Tianhao Fu TianhaoFu
Quant Researcher/Trader, Finance AGI

Peking University

algorithm study
Rachel Swallow RSwallow987
MSc Data Science ML UCL - Ad Hoc projects and Learnings

Student London

Angelo angelorosu
MSc Computational Finance

United Kingdom

Sungchul Hong chulhongsung
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics.

Changwon National University Changwon, South Korea

ML/Data Scientist


Yan (Quinne) Lin YanLin-Quinne
AI PhD student; Love all the interdisciplinary collaboration

Durham, England

Financial Diets FinancialDiets
✨Follow me for Financial tips and help a better life by learning to invest and data science ⚡

Independent Research Remote around the world

Andrea Macrì macrandrea
PhD student at Scuola Normale Superiore

Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa

Tim Nugent timnugent

GSR London, United Kingdom

Reona SoloSx
Solo's repo nice to see u

Fusic japan

Songmian Wang swturbo14
UCL MSc Financial Risk Management


MorganREN MorganREN
eh, I just wanna sleep😪

UCL CN(Zhengzhou) -> UK(MAN) -> UK(London)

Dennis thummd
PhD @ National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore Singapore

Vaibhav Tanwar Vaibtan
@iiitd majoring in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics

New Delhi, India

Giovanni Dispoto giovannidispoto
PhD student @ AIRLab (RL3), PoliMi

Politecnico di Milano Milan, Italy

machine learning engineer; financial quantitative strategy developer

Shenzhen, China

Yitao Qiu 772435284

Imperial College London London

Imtiaz Ahmad Ali imtiaza20
PhD Physics from University of California, Merced. MSFM University of Chicago.
Raseen raseen3
MS CS Student @ VT '24
Shabbir Hasan ShabbirHasan1
Electrical Engineer


Masoud Ghahremani masoudghah
Quantitative Analyst and Python Developer with a keen interest in modeling financial markets.
Sergey Bars scaevolabars
theoretical physicist, quantitative trader and researcher @ prop trading firm Developing in Julia, Rust, C++, Python
Johannes Brandau jbrandau97
Postgraduate Student at UCL

London, United Kingdom

R.Shyaam Prasadh sprasadhpy
MLE @ Veer | Google DeepMind Fellow Interests: Deep Learning, Alignment, MultiAgent AI,Computational Finance | Alumnus: UCL ,IITM, Ford Motors

University College London London, UK