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Samuel Douay SamuelDouay
Developpeur JavaScript


Gaëtan H Steellgold
Full-stack developer, 20 years old.

France, Alsace

Nick Notararigo neerfix

@Cospirit Fribourg, Switzerland

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Kelbaz kelbazz
French web dev and designer

@Onofficiel Croissant land

Totogro Totogro

Totogro Totogro

ZJD jamniz
Developer Apprentice


yassine mahjoubi yassine-mahjoubi
Intégrateur web / front-end developer
Wandrille Wose4
Implementing AI. Listing use cases. Paris

Zelytra zelytra
An engineer... i think.... do you know the impostor syndrome ?


Discord : dadodasyra Développeur principal de @HisteriaMC , serveur Minecraft Bedrock. Expérience dans du PHP objet, du Node JS et quelques autres projet

Alsace, France

Tytan ThomNardou
Hi, I'm an apprentice developer who's trying to learn as much as possible about development.

Sulfuritium / ETML Suisse

Hatem ouaischatem
🎓 Université de Nantes Développeur Full-Stack freelance

France, Nantes

Sébastien LUCAS GodlyJaaaj

Epitech Student Lyon, France

MrCat bipre2466

MrCat Cloud Nantes

Florian Carrier Akaizoku

@alteryx Amsterdam, Netherlands

Louis Grasset louisgrasset
Software Engineering @Dashlane

@Dashlane Paris, France

Guillaume VARIN GullmeVrn
web developer

_blank Toulouse, France

Yutho Yutho-tv
I am French, but also Developer JavaScript, Next.JS, • System Admin


Trésor ILOYI tiloyi
« Jamais dans la tendance mais toujours dans la bonne direction. »
PainDe0Mie PainDe0Mie
Contact me (discord): painde0miie

PainDe0Mie France

Thomas Basset tbasset

LOXDA Paris, France

Chris chris2fr
D.O.C. - Digital Organizational Consultant at Paris

Sleyter M. daemon-502
Zero Trust


Nathan Sarrazin nsarrazin
HuggingChat & chat-ui @huggingface🤗 Maintainer @serge-chat 🦙

@huggingface Karlsruhe, DE

Léon PingoLeon
Engineering is fun

Yeet France

French Supporter of @discordfr - Electrician who is learning Javascript/Typescript/other programming languages.

Lyon, France

Thomas Brunier thomasbrunier

Valtech Paris, France

koro. justekoro
dev | student & ambassador @ IUT de Valence

@FCKanar France

Étudiant, je fais principalement du Java & du C. Je m'intéresse également à la cybersécurité =).

USMB | @Infomaniak Haute-Savoie, France