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Gabriele Cabrini gabrielecabrini
Italian software developer


Lucas Morais Rodrigues 1Lucas1apk
Hello, my name is Lucas, I've been a programmer for 6 years, new right?


JustDrven JustDrven Czech Republic



SoraxDubbing Sorax5
Développeur en freelance Phylisium Studio

Phylisium Studio France

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


yawn qYawn
Striving for the betterment of Minecraft players, one AntiCheat at a time
Skyler skyldev

@Blahajs Cardiff & Belfast

Niek Geerligs 0353497
student software dev
NiceKun CcNicebruh

@tuupercove Thailand

Echos・HYPE XI 17ypexi
Discord: 17ypexi #Crafting Electron apps, dynamic websites & Forge mods. Building Discord bots and Also dabble in immersive MC modpacks & Forge m

Morocco Laayoune

Esoteric Enderman esotericenderman
Ambitious programmer interested in math, game development, and modding.

@EsotericFoundation The End

AndrewCMD AndrewCMD

Germany , Wuppertal

ささ sassa7777
writing Bash, C, C++

Azabu High School Japan

Tyler TILR16

United States

Paul P. Ghosty920
doing shit code sometimes


Zeroks Zeroks1
Professionally Unprofessional™

@Zeroks-Inc Poland

Lucas JazzyLucas
learning all kinds of stuff


Kazaretski Kazaretski
Cosmic entity bringing the good vibes.

Antwerpen, Belgium

Felix Baker Neoskimmer
Hi there! I'm a Australian student who happens to like software development. I don't know what else to put here.

Australia :0

JustEvil EvilG-MC
Mediocre programmer in spare time, and engineering student.

@Ganyu-Studios The Earth

ItzFlibat ItzFlibat
I make stuff

@FlibatsUniverse United States of America

Richard Bennett DverkaSK
98 y.o. Java/Kotlin Reverse Engineer

Russia, Pereslavl-Zalessky

Idotek idotek
Ingénieur système et reseau France

self-taught programmer

North Carolina, USA

Rafael Rodrigues R4FISX
Developer in Java in Java Script & React

@WIVOLTDA Belo Horizonte/BH