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Heaven7 LightSun
spirit of Heaven7


moddo MoDD0
graphic designer, gamedev , deperzonalizer and poodle lover


1k8 Onek8

Ye mommas house

charlesisfeline charlesisfeline
artist & animator, haxe coder (still havent mastered just yet tho), FNF charter & composer

multiple dev teams East US

treecko treecko16
Budding professional with the capability to quickly understand and improve complex systems. Seeking an entry-level position in computer engineering.
Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Jeb jebarpg
Software Engineer
902metalhead 902heavymetal
Hobby enthusiast and knowledge seeker
Kevin Bluer kevinbluer
Fanatical about Web3 DX 👨‍💻 CLIs, Full Stack Web, Distributed & Decentralized Systems ❤️ Solidity, Go, TypeScript, React, Node.js, GraphQL, Docker, K8s, AWS ✨

@metamask @consensys Austin, TX

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

玖亖伍 gsw945
9️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ love technology, favorite language is Python 👍 ; using 🐧 Linux OS(Ubuntu) usually.

pathea games Chongqing

Short-Term Action, Long-Term Impact.
sunguangdong SunGuangdong

Game Development Laboratory Bei jing

Wemersive, Inc WemersiveAdmin
Wemersive is a digital agency specializing in Immersive technologies. We create custom solutions for clients as well as our own products.

Wemersive, Inc Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Toronto

Lubos Lenco luboslenco
Building 3D painting software - ArmorPaint.

@armory3d Prague

Devang Pradhan devangpradhan
Interactive Media Artist


JS/TS developer.

CVant Team Russia

Zishan Rahman Zishan-Rahman
I ̶i̶s̶ was Graffarts. I like games. I have my own website. I'm one of @kevinlano's PhD students. And I contribute to @flathub sometimes.

King's College London (again) Whateverland, London, United Kingdom

Endel Dreyer endel
Indie OSS developer, making @colyseus and multiplayer games.

@colyseus Brazil

Andrei Rudenko AndreiRudenko
Game Artist / Developer

Tiraspol, Moldova

Alfred Reinold Baudisch alfredbaudisch
PostgreSQL Wizard and DBA. Polyglot developer and software architect since the 90s. Current work stack: Elixir and Phoenix.

@Farmbackup @shapehq From Brazil, living in Portugal

Just some guy who enjoys coding way too much


Arne Koenig arnkov
3D-artist interested in creative coding and graphics programming

Dresden, Germany

Matheus K Schaefer MatheusKS95
Creating bugs since 2012

Barra Velha, SC, Brazil