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Soporboy sbatirov
CTO/CPO/Senior Data Engineer

EverbestLab LLC Tashkent

Razik bdj-Razik
Master's degree software engineering Développeur Laravel & Flutter

Breedigital Algerie

Julio Marquez juliomrqz
💻 Software Engineer ☕️ Coffee lover

@Bicycle-Health @aceforth @toptal Spain

Norman Huth Muetze42

KOSATEC Computer GmbH Germany

Arno Stalpaert astalpaert
Laravel | Vue.js | Livewire | Inertia.js


Daniel Felix itsdanielfelix
Senior Developer and a PHP lover

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Leonard Selvaraja ifly-leonard
Well, hello there. I am a pilot, and I love coding, hence "Aviation Coder" as i call myself ;) I create cool websites and tools for pilots.

icrewsystemsofficial India


Molekula ltd

Hamada Emam hamada-emam
back-end engineer🤞

Accurate benha-egypt

Ewilan Rivière ewilan-riviere
I do some open-source packages and projects with PHP and JavaScript. Pronouns: she/they


Luciano Tonet lucianotonet
A bald developer with PHP roots. Laravel, VueJS and Nuxt lover. Python and AI addicted. Musician in spare time. No spare time.

Passo Fundo, RS

Lloric Mayuga Garcia lloricode

Publicis Groupe (Digitas Philippines) Philippines

David Huey davidehuey

@GetNineFiveOne Augusta, Georgia, USA

Talk is cheap show me the code powolnymarcel
Laravel 🧡 - VueJS 💚 - Flutter 💜 - React 💙

Visuweb Belgium

Anton Paramonov paramonovav
Full Stack Developer at ForaTeam


Carlos Cativo cativo45
Tech Leader

@repobm El Salvador

Masroor Ehsan masroore

Apex Biotech Ltd. /dev/null

William Beeler williambeeler
Web Developer, Husband, Father, Christian

William Beeler Yukon, OK