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Paul von Berg PaulvonBerg
Monkey Business. Most of my activities are private for now.

Urban Monkeys Berlin

ImreSamu ImreSamu
Interested in 🌍🔍 Geospatial data, OpenStreetMap 🗺️, Wikidata 📚, PostGIS 🌐, Postgres 🐘, Docker 🐳, Julia, maps 🗺️, topology 🌀, routing 🛣️ ...

Budapest, Hungary

Margarita Diaz Cortes margaritadiaz
Researcher / Data Scientist / Foody / Expat

Berlin, Germany

Héctor Ochoa Ortiz Robot8A
Informatics B. Eng. // Cartography M.Sc. // Currently Ph.D. student at Unicam

Università degli Studi di Camerino Europe

Renee Obregon raobregon


Mario Scrocca marioscrock
Knowledge Engineer at @cefriel

Cefriel - Politecnico di Milano