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Sage M. SageMar
Green River College student, graduating in 2025! Loving collaborating with my fellow students.

Auburn, WA

Mia Escobar miaescobar1
First-year Computer Science student at City College of San Francisco
Prashant prag93
Graduate Student at UC Davis, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Technology is ❤.

@ucdavis Davis, CA

Tien Han tien-han
Full-stack Software Engineer
N. Nadal ripple254
I've just recently started on this journey!
Kyle Behrens jtzero
Ce n'est pas grave

cleveland, oh

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Luka Radisavljevic Madjarx
Nothing smart to see here; Ethereum & DeFi | Vatam zjale

Belgrade, Serbia

Cameron Howley chow2
RPI '24

Houston, TX