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Jung Yeon Lee curieuxjy
Robotics & AI


Melvin Salas melvinsalas
Developers are the new rockstars

@SCHUNK-SE-Co-KG Barcelona


University of Waterloo

MartinKunzSchunk MKunzSCHUNK
Product Sales Mechatronics Gripping Technology & Automation Technology

SCHUNK SE & Co. KG Germany

Stefan Scherzinger stefanscherzinger
Senior software engineer and robot ecosystems expert at Schunk SE & Co. KG. Holds a Dr.-Ing. degree (equiv. Phd) in robotics and computer sciences from KIT.

@SCHUNK-SE-Co-KG Karlsruhe Germany

Guanguan Zheng mrsbCN
Student of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics @nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Fabian Reinwald ReinwaldFabian
Developer for Smart Grasping @SCHUNK-SE-Co-KG

SCHUNK SE & Co. KG Germany