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Danae Dekker danae
Composer and technical audio designer for games · Minecraft worldbuilder · Public transport enthusiast

@audunegames The Netherlands

Alexander Horn alexhorn
AI Researcher at TH Ingolstadt — Chairman at Neuland Ingolstadt

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Ingolstadt, Germany

3chain 3cha1n
GM web3, paradigm of the new age. wagmi mfers. (pfp Avril the Witch by @foksynes) GN

The Netherlands

Felix Gündling felixguendling
Founder & CEO triptix GmbH. C++ enthusiast. Swimmer.

@motis-project Darmstadt, Germany

Martin Marsoeki jr. hiphophobbyklub
IamHipHop 100% fully and permanently disabled / IVA benefit / Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) / Mildly Mentally Handicapped (LVG) according to the DSM-5 guide

HipHopHobbyKlub / TheTunnel Amsterdam