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Andy McGuinness andymcguinness
Passionate about coffee & code.

Santa Rosa, CA

Aman Shivhare Amanshivhare1
Not Perfect but Passionate.


Maxim Marshak bormaxi8080
Investigative Journalism | OSINT activities & Investigations | White Hacker | People, Companies & Incidents Data | Python | Ruby | JS | Perl | Bash

Self Employed Nowhere

Hemant Sharma hemants1703
Remote SWE | Full Stack 👨‍💻 | Cloud ☁️ | Next.js, Node.js, PostgreSQL

Syrow (work GitHub: @hemantsyrow) Remote

Tim O'Guin timoguin
Who the hell is interrupting my Kung Fu?


Rishabh Rao 00t
Data & AI. CSU East Bay MSBA.

San Francisco

Sameer Kolhar kolharsam
i can write and read code.


Priyansh Agrawal Priyansh121096
Senior Software Engineer @ Bloomberg

@bloomberg London, United Kingdom

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Busi Reddy busi-reddy-karnati
CS@NYU. Dev@AnubisLMS


Imon Roy unownone
Developer who loves tinkering with anything and everything.

@Mable-AI Kolkata, India

Alfredo Serafini seralf
"don't mind the rust, don't rust the mind"

serendipity expert Rome, Italy

Miriam (Myco) Sullivan mjs001
FullStack Engineer that specializes in JS, React, Vue, RoR, AWS tools, Python, and more. My motto is--the best way to succeed is to fail first.

Kentucky, USA

Oguzhan Ergin oguzhane
softwarengineer @Azure

@microsoft Dublin

Sahil Maheshwari bluzeey
Hi , I am a web developer


Sohail Ansari thecodephilic-guy
Building | Developer with experience in building scalable web applications | Full Stack Developer | AWS | Photographer, Filmmaker & Writer

San Francisco CA

Hamza Hassan hamzahassan123
Data Analyst


Long Bui longbuivan
Connecting Data x Platform.
Saurabh Saurabh2108
Educator and Researcher

NIT Raipur Raipur

Anmol Mahajan anmol242
Full stack developer, loves to code in JavaScript, Node.js, React and Golang

Bigstep Technologies Gurgaon, India

Sumit Vishwakarma vsumit89
Always a junior software engineer at heart


Building 🧑‍💻

@1700ventures VS Code

dgo2dance dgo2dance
code && art && product && business
Swojit Mohapatra swojit
UW CSE Class of 2019

Lyft Seattle

Sreekantha Gujjar sgujjar
Kubernetes Engineer. Cloud Transformation Architect, Former AWS and Microsoft FTE

Avanade Seattle

David Porter bobbypage

@GoogleCloudPlatform Seattle

Amrutha Gujjar amrutha97
Co-Founder @

Structured Labs San Francisco