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Luke Kuenneke LukeKuenneke

United States of America

Marvin Peters mpeters1010
Student at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences

Flensburg University of Applied Sciences Flensburg

M.Abdul-Rasheed Talal Abdul-Rasheed-Talal
🔥"Building the future, inspiring gens, and living by loyalty: ~every step towards the destiny. ~🔥"


fF frame-fF

softsystem Roi-et

Jonas jonasermert

Germany, Thüringen, Erfurt

IB Teguh TM teguhteja
Odoo Developer Singaraja

SryNext SryNext
Entrepreneur | Mental Health Coach | Reverse Engineering | Ethical Hacking | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence #Founder of CeanSoftwareSolution

@cleansoftwaresolution Austria

MohammadMehdi Asadi MehdiAssadi
✠ ✞ To The Living We Owe Respect But To The Dead Weo We Only The Truth ✞✠

Shiraz iran

Zeck zZeck
Analyzing systems to preserve or extend them. Always looking for better concepts to achieve this more quickly and maintainably for more people.
Fabius hairokuma
Web-Development, RaspberryPi, Microcontroller, Retro-Gaming



Programation GmbH