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a.p.z. eth asanpardazzagrosheyrani
Khalilheyrani 💥 🥇❤️‍🔥💥
sukrucildirr sukrucildirr
discord : sukrucildirr
Levis Kithinji LeviScoffie
Hi there nice people. I am a data engineer and dune wizard who likes playing with blockchain data. I'm based in remote.
John Johnson johnrjj
currently: vibing

@glider-fi SF

Hangleang hangleang
Smart Contract | Protocol dev.

Siemreap, Cambodia

Fernando Dias 0xFernandoDias
Front-end Developer

Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

A the-decentralizer
Just your friendly neighborhood dev making a new semi pseudonymous for a new project and subsequent BUIDLing

on chain

Jose F. Fernandez jffernandez

Fenix Engineering Solutions Spain

Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Miguelo981
Enthusiastic Polyglot Engineer with a passion for crafting exceptional digital experiences.

Maarlab Canary Islands

Khaled Grira kakagri
Another one, jk.

Allez Labs Ethereum

Tom Thanh hphuocthanh
Software Dev 🐱‍👤ML/AI noob
dco drewcook
TypeScript • Node • JS Frameworks • Solidity • Go • Web3 • Ethereum • Blockchains

Denver, CO

hnri.mhl henrimahal | | | |


Nezzar KEFIF nezz0746
Fullstack developer 👨‍💻. React, React Native Web3.

Toulouse, France

⟣ €₥ℵ∪ℓ ⟢ emnul

@OpenZeppelin Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Working hard


Alejandro Roigé roigecode
maths & cs. accelerate.


Rootul P rootulp
Previously @aws @palantir @bccss

@celestiaorg NYC