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Vladislav Polunin TheHuman2022
VladPolunin ДА ЭТО Я! THE HUMAN!

VladPolunin Philadelphia PA

Marina Torunova masechkacat
Full Stack Dev

IdealSoft France

Nourredine nourredine1981

Nourredine Healthcare Brienne Le Chateau Brienne le Chateau

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


io2a io2a
PhD in Information Science //Creator of OTX (conversion server from word processing document to TEI xml document) #SO #DH #IST #Conditor #bibliometrie

IRD France

Iris Kerr IrisKerr
Hi, I'm Iris Kerremans. I'm a web developer and data librarian based in Paris. はじめまして !


Shu Li shuligraph

INRIA Paris, France

E-CONSULTECH consultech34


Hussien Hussien hhussienn
I break things and rearrange them in orders never before imagined.

@eyeigen US

Alexander Scott Goddard MtCoin406
"CaVses 2 B3c0m3" "GoD R Done”

ASGARD Company Great Falls, Mt

Mathieu Morey moreymat

@datactivist Marseille, France

Nolwenn Le Goff NolwennLeGoff

École Nationale d'Architecture de Lyon

Sébastien Mestrallet sebmestrallet
Making digital technologies more understandable

Self-employed Palaiseau, France

Alain Marois amarois
Data librarian and open science trainer

École Normale Supérieure de lyon (ENS de Lyon) Lyon

Travis Engh travisengh
For my day job, I am an Engineering Manager. In my spare time, I love to experiment with development and hope to learn full stack dev one day :

Gundersen Health Systems Viroqua, WI

DUVAL Olivier zorky

France Noisy-le-Grand