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Arman Zhalgasbayev silvermete0r
Research and Development 🧪

Dataflow Kazakhstan, Astana

Akezhan Rakishev Akezh
Aspiring Cloud | Web | AI Engineer

San Francisco Bay University San Francisco, California, United States

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Nightmare Nightmare9801
An individual, passionate about nothing other than programming and mathematics and is driven by the pure thirst for knowledge.
shubham ShubhsN1027

Pilani, Rajasthan, India

xerk-dot xerk-dot

localhost:3000 Chicago

Julián Aladio jmaladio

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Akshay Mohabey akshaymohabey
MBA Student at Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode

IIM Kozhikode Calicut , India

Zibo Wang zibo-wang
Love techs, love life


Mortet khedidja Mortetkhedidja
AI & IoT Engineer , 🌱 Exploring machine learning & cloud-based IoT systems.
Constantin Masson geekymoose
Game Engine Programmer

Ubisoft Paris

Donut MrDrDonut
A broke 18 year old dev
Jacob Reiser jpreiser
Software Developer working in the UGA College of Engineering

University of Georgia

Jasper van Merle jmerle

@devolksbank via Harvest The Netherlands

Prakhar Jain prakharjain3
I like Markdown files
Shivanshu tsidren
🚀 Computer Science enthusiast | AI aficionado | Web Developer | Gaming and creative arts enthusiast 🎮🎨 | Let's innovate and collaborate

greater noida

Maxi Attiogbe maxiattiogbe
MIT senior AI major + Math Minor Interested in biology-, chemistry-, and physics-informed deep learning for drug discovery and design
Graphics excites me.
Anusri Saraf anusrisaraf
full stack dev: iOS, web, & bot, raspberry pi, arduino, cybersecurity as art3m1s with Code Red, data science enthusiast, graphic designer, music artist

RiceTeaCatPanda Bay Area

Ruth erasedbird
Hello! I am Ruth and I like birds.
Pablo Luciano Rainieri RainieriPLuc
Hi folks!, I'm an embedded C/C++ developer, actually working in automation, & in a few years focusing my career in R&D of an Artificial Super Intelligence!

AutoMarket Argentina

Andy Han hackinghackers

Princeton, NJ

Pranshu Raj pranshu-raj-211
Python | Machine Learning | MLOPS B.Tech (CSE) Junior at IIIT Gwalior

IIIT Gwalior Gwalior, India

Maxwell Ibarra Maxwell-I
live to build/create software applications of worth

Dallas, Texas