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James A. Black Jr. jamesblackjr

Programmer Incorporated LLC

Andréas Hanss ScreamZ
🇫🇷 Frenchy              📌 Montpellier, France         ⚒ Working with Modern JavaScript to build performant web, Embedded IoT and mobile apps.

Coding Spark Montpellier, France

Phạm Công Minh ListKelvin
Full-stack Developer - JavaScript | TypeScript | React | Angular | Next.js | Java | Spring Boot | Go | Linux
tn1997 tnoct


Fabio Franzini fabiofranzini
Founder & CEO @ApveeHQ | PnP Team Member | Microsoft MVP in Business Applications & Office Development🥇

Apvee Solutions - @apvee Italy

Kyle Chamberlain Koleok
Generalist focused on distributed system design and high performance frontends

@ipdotworld internet

Ray Belmo tanifort
Software Developer
Jesse Hernandez jessebubble
Focused on web standards and modern user experiences

DEVSA San Antonio, Texas

Todd Pressley toddpress
a11y votary, javascript fanboy

ATI Summerville

Paul Mould pmould


Alin Porumb alinporumb

@Strictpath Cluj-Napoca

Lovro Zagar lovrozagar Zagreb, Croatia

Raphael Ram ramraphael
Learning to play again.

Thirty Madison New York, NY

flumpus flumpus-dev
flumpin around town

somewhere out there

Nathan Hughes nathnhughes

Bronze Software Labs UK

Ian Yu iian-yu

XianTech Tokyo

TENG FEI quiet199
Kotaro Sugawara kotarella1110
🍺-driven development

@readyfor @react-hook-form Iwate/Japan

Rizky morizkay

Tictag Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia

Nityam nityam01
Software Engineer

SentinelOne India

Polim rbpolim
I'm always looking for something cool to create.
Michael Oliver michaeloliverx
Software Engineer @biorelate

@biorelate Northern Ireland

Jason Barnett thebabyjay
Software Developer @ INTELeTech, Formerly @ Moreland Connect, specializing in Vue, React and React Native development

Moreland Connect Akron, OH

Justin Sun jsun969
Coding a better world!

The University of Adelaide Adelaide, SA