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Akshay Mohabey akshaymohabey
MBA Student at Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode

IIM Kozhikode Calicut , India

mogoi jamesmogoi
let's redefine the century again


Rick fangshirui

He Fei

Muhammad Ashraful muhamash
I'm still dating with code!

XpeedLab Dhaka, Bangladesh

Krissh krissh-the-dev
Passionate Software Engineer @zoho.

Zoho Corporation Chennai

kp Uuwai

heta bahay

Xavier Alexander xalxnder
DevSecOps Engineer | Learning In Public

Philadelphia, PA

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Ēriks Remess EriksRemess
Señor Developer 🥷🏼

Saldus, Latvia

Paul Sivivatu
Love to get involved with more Alteryx and data science projects

@TheInformationLab Stamford

Yaqin ywow-ai
Personal Interests: Gaming enthusiast and anime lover; Email:;

Pondok Grafis Indonesia

Daniel Milenov nullgaro
I'm a natural procrastinator, but my way of procrastinating is coding.

@confugiradores Spain

Ronaldo Hoch ronaldohoch
Software engineer @Dinamize Javascript Full Stack developer, cat father and photographer

Dinamize Porto Alegre - Brazil

Albert Vos foxip

Fox Internet Programming Amersfoort, The Netherlands

Syafa Hadyan Rasendriya SyafaHadyan
I use Arch btw

Brawijaya University East Java

(╯✧∇✧)╯KamKam Kamjam
Game Dev student @ Ubalt

United States

Thomas Saint-Gérand devspaceship
veganism 🌱 polyamory ❤️ code 💻 music 🎶 science 🔬

Wepublic Amsterdam, The Netherlands

spider spidercharli
new to computer touching
miikuru002 miikuru002
☁️ Software Engineer | Backend & Cloud Enthusiast

SeeleVollerei Earth

Sworld mcthesw
The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
Dario Emerson dedo1911
Co-Founder and CTO @CloudPhoenix

Cloud Phoenix Srl Milan, Italy

Strids Stridsvagn69420
AuDHD is my passion


Maxim Donika mvxim
React, TypeScript, MobX, mobx-state-tree Moscow

Farid Vatani faridvatani
Software Engineer (Frontend)

@Frontatic Iran

shenley ShenleyOfficial
Newbie web developer, learning the ropes of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Wuhan, China