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Adamo Blaze localartaction
...A traveling Artist and solution-finder. A web native and a skeleton key…. learning better methods to go with ALL the flows…

USA (all over)

Shakitskiy Vladislav vshakitskiy
デベロッパー • networking & web

Russian Federation

ccoVeille ccoVeille
Smiling person, father of two, husband, Senior Developer/Architect; in that exact order 😄 Go, compulsive reviewer, golangci-lint, typos seeker

Villeurbanne, Rhône, France

Juan David Merchan Torres NikolaM-Dev
Autodidact • Deep Thinker • Gopher • Neovimer


Guilherme Azevedo azevedoguigo
Full Stack Developer


Guilherme g-bortoletto
I like games and cats
Jawher Kl JawherKl
Hi there 👋 I'm a passionate software engineer with 2+ years of experience in Angular, Node.js, Spring Boot, Symfony, Go and DevOps.

KPG Tunisia

Jake Abed jake-abed
// Jake of All Trades // Software & Game Dev

Sacramento, CA

Arnav Chahal arvchahal
CS, Math, & Physics student at Vanderbilt.
Gift M zolumasoft

Private Portland Maine

strangeCORE demonxix79
dubious little creature committing coding crimes = no good

Hell, where I belong

To observe, to learn, to understand

Apprentis Philosophia

Scott heinoscott
I do stuff with DataCenters and monitoring. I had my FOSS awakening!


Ryan ryan-gang
Software Engineer.

BLR, India

Falase Femi Falasefemi2
I am a frontend developer with a passion for building user-friendly and engaging web applications. I am proficient in a variety of frontend technologies.
arekkusu arekkusu66
Where tf is that exe file? just give it to me 😡


Yu Du duyu09
[杜宇; Du Yu; Đỗ Vũ] A student from Faculty of Computer Science & Technology, Qilu University of Technology. Committed to software development and NLP.

Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences) Jinan, Shandong Province, P.R.China & TP. Tuy Hoa, Phu Yen Province, S.R.Vietnam

Nico Baier nbbaier
Independent linguist based in Chicago. PhD from Berkeley. I've also taught at McGill and UBC. I pretend to hate puns but I really don'

BOLD Inc. Chicago

William WilliamB17

@Inthememory Paris

沐风(Mufeng) Huaguang-XinZhe
一个不断学习探索的野生程序员。 (A wild programmer who keeps learning and exploring.)
Antoine Lethimonnier WarningImHack3r
Full-stack software engineer who loves automating stuff. Svelte fanboy.


Thomas G. Lopes TGlide
🍨 Building Melt UI 🧡 Svelte Ambassador 💻 Frontend Human


Hans Kokx hanskokx
Flutter and Dart

Stockholm, Sweden

Dubakula Sai Venkata Chaitanya Atan-D-RP4
Freshman at ANITS and aspiring Programmer and Software Engineer.

Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India

Amrta Faruqi fruqi
Kotlin/Java, TypeScript, React

InScale Kuala Lumpur

Dalton DaltonSW
Howdy, I'm a software engineer who likes making games and writing neat programs
