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Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Nashville, TN

Gavin Zheng gavinzheng
Enthusiastic in BlockChain Technology. Full stack developer in Solidity programming, IPFS, ZKP, MPC,NFT, Rust, substrate, Quantitative Finance.白话区块链作者

Toronto, Canada

0zAND1z 0zAND1z
There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary, and those that don't.

Blue Thunder Somogyi btsomogyi

Stealth Startup New York, NY

Mike P. Sinn mikepsinn
May all suffering be abolished by machines of loving grace

Crowdsourcing Cures St. Louis, MO

Kuro Denjiro kurodenjiro
We love game online making

Konpani US

Shikhar Singh 0xshikhar
🧑🏻‍💻Buildoor & Full Stack Web3 Engineer | ZK | Privacy | Public Goods | 🎓 CSE IIIT


江子牙 likhita-8091
Archisman Mridha Archisman-Mridha
CloudNative Engineer ☁️ | Interested in Ethereum core protocol 🔮 | Rustacean 🦀

Obmondo Kolkata, India

androolloyd androolloyd
the original moon cat, flipping bits through timΞ
Dragan Z BlocksOnAChain
Dragan Zurzin - Scaling some Blockchains and stuff...

Web3 Belgrade

collins coja56
Curious about data and gaining insights through data. A journey of continous learning.


Sonia John realChainLife
Decentralize The Web
Devon itsdevbear
CTO & Research Lead @berachain

@berachain Toronto, ON

mackin TXmackin
Jorge M. Soares jsoares
Founder @FinisterraLabs | network engineer > marine roboticist > patent examiner > research manager > coo


Ryan Shahine ryanshahine
Building things (@portraitgg), online.

@portraitgg Amsterdam

Srdjan pyropy
Moving fast, breaking things


GITSRC gitsrc
AI | CloudNative | Blockchain | Security practitioner, Web3.0 researcher and builder, co-founder of @IceFireLabs

@IceFireDB @FlowShield @HiveMesh @IceGiant-Project @IceFireLabs IceFireLabs

Yamine YamineRL
composewith.eth Previously at Proton, Orange, CERN, Yahoo
Runchao Han SebastianElvis

@babylonlabs-io Melbourne, Australia

Niko wanyvic
Web3 builder!


Alexandre Nicastro AlexxNica
Platforms • Ecosystems • Communities


Hlib Kanunnikov Wondertan
Neural graph producing publicly verifiable object graphs.

@celestiaorg now: Berlin, DE; origin: Odesa, UA

Alejandro Ranchal-Pedrosa ranchalp

Protocol Labs Madrid, Spain

Sergey Fedorov sergefdrv
Independent Research Engineer, Founder of @replica-io.

Heidelberg area, Germany