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ZhangNing NingZhang1
PostDoc, Quantum Chemistry, Relativistic effects, eQED, mathematics in chemistry, C++, HPC
Arendelle GoodenoughPhysicsLab
logic circuit, python and c++ lover
NodeJS / Python / Julia / Arduino / High school student / Learning how the world works

Shanghai, China

Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

Akasha rizqhz
Self-Taught Researcher and assistant at @aslabtif-unsur

West Java, Indonesia

disposable programmer
Andreas Reischuck arBmind
seeking fun and knowledge everywhere...

@hicknhack-software HicknHack Software GmbH Dresden / Germany

dongwanpianist dongwanpianist
Once my pianistic life goes well, my second life as an engineer will come soon after.

Seoul National Univ. / Northwestern Univ. Chicago, Illinois, USA

CodingBot ameaninglessname
moo~🐮 neigh!🐴

Pasture Left-Up-Corner

Yakup beyoglu yakupbeyoglu

Sungrow Benelux Amsterdam

Qian Qian "Cubik"‎ Cubik65536
Developer, Tech Enthusiast, Gamer. Founder @iXORTech @FOSScope

iXOR Technology (@iXORTech) Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Basel Ajarmah baajarmeh

developing a new AI project... Ajjur, Palestine

Tiko Tao tch0

SiChuan, China

Joseph Liu ToKiNoBug
Joseph Liu

Null Null