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Brian Wo brainwo
Currently interested in enhancing Flutter desktop ecosystem. Doing @sukimasystem in my free time.

United Kingdom

Daniel Brisch Cibolli DanielBrisch

SINNC Pato Branco - PR

Dmytro Turskyi Turskyi
▪ Dart ▪ Kotlin ▪ Flutter ▪ Compose Multiplatform ▪ Android

Computer Methods International Corporation (CMiC) North York, Canada

Nikuu nikuusaan

Stockholm, Sweden

FMorschel FMorschel
Email: Feel free to reach out! A programmer who likes to write better code every time.

SUNSOFT Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

Mark Videon markvideon
Game Developer


Abin V S abinvs-2019
Think twice Code once.

Kochi, India

Parker Lougheed parlough
Computing education enthusiast. Come chat about Dart on Discord at

Minnesota, US