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Simone IngSimPan
I am Dr. Simone Panico, specializing in Building Physics with a keen focus on the sustainable adaptation of historic buildings. Holding a Ph.D. from Università Bolzano, Italy

Alexander Schönafinger aschoenafinger
Junior Research (Climate Change, Land Use Change, Landscape Ecology, Agriculture

@euracresearch (Institute for Alpine Environment) Bolzano, Italy

Gabriele Lucci gabrielelucci
🤖 Hello world! 🤖

Rome, Italy

Piero Campalani pierocampa

Eurac Research Bolzano, Italy

Alexander Jacob aljacob
Research Group Leader Advanced Computing for Earth Observation at the Institute for Earth Observation.

Eurac Research Bolzano, Italy

Giacomo Bertoldi yakopuz
Researcher on environmental modelling

EURAC Institute for Alpine Environment Bolzano/Bozen, Italy