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Kirill Sukhorukov K1rsN7
‍💻 Data Scientist | 👨‍🎓 Student

Searching... Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

Ruti Rozenberg RutiRozenberg
💻Full Stack Developer.
Carlos Garita Campos cgaritac

UNED Houston Texas, USA

Jackziel Sumoza Jackziel-Sumoza
Programador Web Full-Stack y Fundador de SpecializedSoft Agency [Servicios de Desarrollo y Optimización de Software Web. Especialistas con +10 Años Experiencia]

SpecializedSoft Agency

csaba_szabo vomitorius
I'm a web developer from Hungary with a strong focus on building dynamic and high-performance web applications.
Tushar Gahora TusharGahora
I'm here to turn your web dreams into reality. Let's team up and make some digital magic!


Nikola NikolaM4
Student. Learning web development currently.

Maribor, Slovenia

Alper SARAÇ alpersarac
Software Developer, Aviation Enthusiast

Istanbul, Turkey

Dhruv jindal dhruvjindal555
3rd Year B. Tech | Java | C++ | React.js | Tailwind CSS | DSA Enthusiast | Code, Create, Conquer | Math | Entrepreneurial Mindset


Danilo danilogiarlini
Junior Frontend Developer

Wichee Milan, Italy

Willie M. Bonavente williebonavente
Bit byte, byte bit, bit byte.
Niko Hoffrén nikohoffren
Software Engineer | Music Producer | Gamer | Maintainer of Fork, Commit, Merge

Kuopio, Finland