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Firas Khalil Khana firasuke
A radiologist who's a Linux developer that loves arm wrestling and is interested in 中文

@glaucuslinux Aleppo, Syria

Martín Cigorraga cig0
Building robust cloud infrastructure that drives success🧉. Capturing fragments of time with my Nikon Z8. Taking 🐕 and 🐈 off the streets. NixOS and Guix fan.

Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Stepan Samutichev samutich
«𝓘𝓽 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤™» 🍫

Fuco Worldwide

Ahmad Asaad aalaqily
🔻 Stands with Ghaza
JP Johnston MSME CSWP RogueRocketeer
Irish-Viking | Ancient-Nerdsmith | Scandinavian-Cowboy | L2 Rocketeer | TRA #21009 | NAR #111636 | Nerd | Geek | Hacker | ME | CWSP | US Army Ranger

Vector Engineering, LLC Woodburn, IN

Luna 2kool4idkwhat
I like computer

the internet

Hm shepherd HardikBm

Gujarat. Ahmedabad. India

Alex Haydock alexhaydock
Security Engineer

United Kingdom

Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Nathan morenathan
A little bit about myself. North Dakota, USA

SavvyJC JasonC761
Just a lonely developer trying to make it in the world.

Meridian Man Dev Guthrie, OK

Carlos Eduardo Leal de Castro carloselcastro
PhD candidate in Computer Science - IME/USP. Research interests: Computer Music Computer Graphic Geometry Processing

@UniversidadeSaoPaulo São Paulo - SP



Sage I. Hendricks sage-etcher
Independent Developer with over 3 years experience. Vintage computer Hobbyist.


16yo frustrated with GNU and the state of modern computing.

Random Contrarian Insurgent Organization 0300-03CF

A.s. adRn-s
Bioinformatics, Data Science, and everything around GNU/Linux!


Thorsten Fischer tfuser

Leegebruch, Germany

Chris DeBoy 8bitprodigy
Programmer looking for work in Godot Gamedev. Contact me if you're interested in hiring me.


Tim E fowlmouth
<araq> you don't read fowl's code. you make a picture of it, put a frame around it and put it on the wall.

United States of America

Luana LuNeder
Computational Physics student
Kaizhao Zhang zhangkaizhao
To be a computer hacker.
