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Matthew DeMichele mdemichele
Software Engineer from Maui, HI. Currently living in Phoenix.

Phoenix, AZ

Sheldon McGee tooshel
Developer, woodworker, husband, dad, conference organizer, engineering manager.

SheldonSoft Arizona

Bryan Maamo ninbryan
I like food

Maricopa, Arizona

Brandon G. Merritt CrispyCoder817
Graphic Designer with a Full Stack Web Development (JS) Certificate Louisiana

Kayla Hanifen KaylaEHanifen
Product Designer & Developer

Arizona, United States of America

Technologist Creative robrakaric

Technologist Creative Tempe, AZ

Omar Acevedo katarot
"You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.” - Albert Einstein


Julien Tant JulienTant
Golang developer, DevOps enthusiast

@mattermost Phoenix, AZ

Rafael Karosuo Karosuo
Colaborador en la comunidad de software embebido CoDe Pretzel

Computer Engineer Tijuana Baja California México

Nohbdy Ahtall NohbdyAhtall
Radical Ecological Egalitarian - Bigot Blacklister - Hierarch-Dismantler - Reverse-Lethality - C++ <3 GDScript - Veteran - Disabled - Polyamorous - Omnisexual

@GPDMCC Phoenix, AZ

Lucia Cerchie Cerchie
I love working with JS, python, and java. I get going with coffee and wind down with yoga. ☕️
