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Etiënne Goossens PSMGoossens

Consafe Logistics Breda, the Netherlands

Felipe de Jong jongfeli

Nijmegen, Netherlands

Alexander K akaasjager

Schuberg Philis The Netherlands

Timo Verwoest timoverwoest
As Head of Digital Services I am responsible for MARIN's data, calculation and IT infrastructure. I do not code that frequently only for hobby.

MARIN Netherlands

GJS homelab-alpha
Tech Enthusiast | Open-Source Advocate | Homelab | 🇳🇱

The Netherlands

Jorim Tielemans tjorim
I am Jorim Tielemans, a System Performance Engineer at ASML. I live in Retie and go to Veldhoven every day.

ASML Retie, Belgium

Janko van der Kooi jkvdkooi
Data Management Consultant at Get There. Passionate about helping clients with complex data problems to useful insights.

@getthere-datasolutions Netherlands

Jordy van den Aardweg jvandenaardweg
Freelance Senior/Lead Frontend Developer in and around Amsterdam, Netherlands 👋 Building Intelligent AI Sales Agents @

Self employed Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Ali Tevfik Döner ali-tevfik

Codam student Amsterdam

Simon Hampton simonh1000
Category theorist ➡ EU lobbyist ➡ Functional Fullstack Freelancer

@remixlabs Europe

Cornel Alders Lenrocexe

@homewizard Netherlands