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Hi, I'm Sa-Tang. 🖐️🖐️🖐️ Thanks for following. สวัสดีครับ สตังค์ครับผม ขอบคุณหรับการติดตามครับ


Alexandre Porto alxporto
☕ software engineer at @datalastix 🌠 yogi 🌿 nature lover 🔮 data science and quantum programming enthusiast

Datalastix São Paulo

enzoxic enzoxic
I am a multimedia content creator for artistic needs and SEO solutions.... Right now we are dividing the SEO part of the content creation till we are done

FFT-NextAIGeneration Tournai

trungta trungtaxp
try hard

Hà Nội

Reserved ReserveR389
The official GitHub of Reserved Reservoir
Seth Rose TheSethRose
⚠️ Trying not to break the internet while coding 🍕 Fueled by caffeine, code & pizza since '86 🎗️ Cancer Survivor


amir hossein Agha alikhani alikhani-dev
Front-end developer / React developer

Mizekhedmat Iran , Qazvin

qav service qav-admin
Raising money and people!!!


AJergury AJergury


Bryan Sayler bryansayler
Chief Automation Officer at AI Creators Academy

Minneapolis, MN

Marc Johnston-Roche AnnuitiesHQ
Not Bad Pretty Good Pretty Good Not Bad

Annuities HQ Toronto

Alex Sirota asirota
I am the founder and director of NewPath Consulting. We specialize in consulting services for associations, clubs and membership-based organizations.

NewPath Consulting Toronto, Ontario

Lars LarsFeddern
Interested in DevSecOps and all kinds of stuff


hy HY-yoko
お疲れ様です。 普段は、お惣菜を作る・管理する仕事を行なっています。 休日は、労働組合の仕事を行なっています。 超絶忙しい時期は過ぎたので、クリスマス前にスキルアップを目指します。
Qᥙiᥒᥒ. giverupper

Bum Fuck, Nowhere

Digital Iguaçu DigitalIguacu
I"m a digital marketing agency

Digital Iguaçu Brasil